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4) Study the information about gerund and do the exercises in your manuals "English Verbals in Use" on

pp. 59-61

EX 2

1) Inviting
2) Reading
3) I've never heard of having been invited him to the conference
4) Inviting
5) Being invited
6) Having seen
7) Staging
8) Being reminded
9) Reminding
10) Reminding
11) Awarding
12) Being rewarded
13) Being rewarded
14) Driving
15) Being given missing

EX 1

10)Diagnosing the case was very strange

2) was very easy for me

3) was very hard for us

4) is a huge responsibility

5)difficult for the ordinary person

6) is a big pleasure for me

7) was a very bad thing for him to do

EX 2

1) Lending him money is foolish

2) Hoping for their help is useless
3) Interpreting the role of Hamlet is a great mistake
4) Taking a course of water treatment was wonderful for the health
5) Diagnosing the case when you have analyses taken is easy
6) Treating yourself is sure to ruin your health
7) Persuading her to play that role is hopeless
8) Staging that play in our theatre is impossible
9) Painting in oil is no easy matter
10) Making the boy do his morning exercises is no easy matter
11) Examining a baby is no easy matter
12) Introducing stage effects is sure to add much the performance
EX 3

1) Swimming is not an easy matter.

2) Driving a car is not an easy matter
3) Showing the movie is not an easy matter

2) Watching movies is now popular as a hobby and as a way of knowing more about the world
3) Reading is now popular as a hobby and as a way of improving yourself
4) Sitting at home is now popular as a hobby and as a way to preserving health \

EX 4

1) There is no point in doing the shopping

2) There is no sense in keeping the bed
3) There is no sense asking him again
4) There is no point in putting him on the sick list
5) There is no sense in going sightseeing Nizhny Novgorod
6) There is no point in going
7) There is no sense in seeing
8) There is no sense in being had a blood count
9) There is no sense in being had chest x-rayed
10) There is no sense in going
11) There is no sense in studying
12) There is no use in eating
13) There is no sense taking the
14) There is no point in rinsing throat

EX 5

There is no point in leaving for rome

There is no point in Jane`s visiting the hospital

5) Listen to the speaker recalling her first day in infant school (Listening 3) and do the exercises in the
study guide "Listening Comprehension Texts. Part 1" (А.О. Лалетина) on pp. 8-9. Bring the materials to


1) Worrying, excited, ready, inspiring, lonely

2) Kids may be excited because it's their first time coming to school. Kids worry because they don't
know what to do. The children are inspiring because this is a new stage in their lives


1) D,b, f, h, a, e, c, g, \
2) 1-d


1) The speaker was proud that she and her mother had passed through the main gate. When she
came to school, she was frightened by a lot of sounds and children. She was very nervous when
her mother came home from school. After the speaker came to class, the teacher told them to
play a game and the speaker felt very excited. After that, she met Emily, who became her best
friend later. Then she and the class went swimming, she was upset because she couldn't swim,
the speaker was confused because her mom came to pick her up. After school, the speaker felt
calm as she and her mom ate ice cream
2) My first memories at school were very good. My mother and I took a bouquet of beautiful
flowers in the morning and went to school. This bouquet was for my first teacher. When we
entered the school, I saw my classmates and met them. Then we had a line-up all and the
headmaster congratulated us on the school year. After the end of the line, we went with our
teacher to our new class, my dad took pictures of everything, sometimes it seemed to me that
he took pictures of every detail. My classmates and I put our school stuff in our closet so we
wouldn't have to carry too much. After that, our teacher met us and we went to the library to
get our textbooks. It was a lot of fun being in the library, as I had never seen such a huge
number of books. After receiving the books, we started to get ready to go home. My dad was
with me all the time and took pictures of me, so we went home with him, and my mom stayed
in the school
3) My first and very important memory in school is the first lesson in English.

My first English class was in 2009 when I started in the second grade. To be honest, I did not
expect that other languages could be taught in the village. After the first lesson, I felt very
inspired, as I wanted the new language to become an important part of my life for me, because I
loved English from the first lesson. Our teacher was very nice and friendly. On the first day, she
brought us workbooks, in which we studied for a whole year, and I also really liked the textbook,
as it had a lot of beautiful pictures that helped me to better assimilate the material

This lesson became very important for me because from that moment on I wanted to learn a
completely new language for me

6) Read and retell the article.

This text is about the education of children in the UK

The text says that all children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16, and people can also
bring up and teach their child at home. Also, there are two classes in the school. Primary school for
children from 5 to 7 years and junior school from 7 to 11 years. After graduation, children go to
secondary school, most schools are general education, as they accept students of all abilities, but in high
schools, the selection depends on the abilities of the children. Some parents do not want their child to
go to such a school, so they pay for the child to go to a private school. Such schools are called state
schools. Schools in England and Wales have a program that was introduced in 1988. This program talks
about the subjects that students should study, and there is also a level of achievement that students
should achieve at the age of 7, 11 and 16. The national curriculum does not apply in Scotland, where
each school decides what subjects it will teach.

At the age of 16, students in England and Wales take the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary
Education) exams. At the age of 18, some students take A-level exams, usually in no more than three
subjects. They pass them to enrol in a university or a communication polytechnic. In Scotland, students
take the SCE (Scottish Certificate of Education) exams. After a year, they can take the exams, called
higher, after which they can either go straight to university or spend another year in school and receive
a Certificate of completion of the sixth year. In Scotland, the education system is different from that in
England and Wales. In Scotland, courses last 4 years, not three, and students study more subjects and at
16 people can leave school. Those who want to stay in full-time education and training can choose from
the following courses: A and AS (advanced additional levels), work-related courses (which lead to
qualifications directly related to the career), or pre-training courses (which offer the opportunity to gain
skills and have hands-on experience in various work areas). There are also sixth forms focused on A-
levels and AS-levels, as well as GCSE courses, further education colleges or a youth training program.

3) Watch the movie and do the exercises in the handout. 

medicine, law, business, and engineering are integral parts of our lives. We all need this to live or
even survive in this world, our life without these things will be completely different. What, then, is
poetry? Poetry is our emotions and feelings that we always experience. Whether it's eating food,
going to the cinema, going to university, and so on. We are all poets of our own lives, but we don't
always have to be sober or tragic; poetry can be uplifting or funny. We only need to be honest with
ourselves as poets, and it will speak its own truth. Poetry can't serve the sole purpose of being fun, it
allows us to express and connect ourselves in a way that can lift us, help us get to know ourselves
and our world better. Also, this quote says what we live for. We live for feelings and emotions, and
love and romance are positive feelings because when we experience such emotions it motivates us
and makes us stronger, it makes us whole, even sometimes putting us into pieces. These are the
beautiful things that we live for and sometimes try to achieve

1) I think the most effective approach was something in between the two. You can not give full
freedom and will to students, you need to know some limits, but you can not load students
either, so you need to sometimes do relaxing lessons so that everyone will overload and gain
new strength
2) I think that a teacher should be a senior student who has passed through many tests, who is
ready to share his vast experience with students. Also, students should respect their students,
and students should respect their teacher. But, all the same, there must be a line between the
teacher and the student. A teacher is a mentor who can help the student get on the right path,
the student should not perceive the teacher as his best friend, he should treat him with respect
3) A parent-child relationship (PCR) nurtures the physical, emotional, and social development of
the child. It’s a unique bond that every child and parent experience, enjoy and nurture.

The relationship lays the foundation for the child’s personality, choices, and overall behaviour.
Studies suggest that a healthy parent-child relationship leads to positive outcomes for the
children and the family. Loving parents create loving children. Your relationship with your
children and how attached you are to them indicates how the child is going to be in the future.
Of course, parents should know all aspects of their child's life, but they should not force them to
do something that is beneficial only to them. A child is also a person and therefore mutual
understanding between parents and the child should be above all else. For children, it is always
difficult to listen to very strict parents who force them to do things that are not interesting to
the child, this can affect the child and destroy the relationship. Parents should not be very strict,
respect the choice of their child and give important advice that will only help the child to
become better

III. Answer the questions and do the following tasks:

1) Neil Parry is going to medical school because his father decided to. But after John Keating makes
his students realize the finiteness of life, Neil realizes that he is not ready to spend his limited
time on an unloved profession. So he gives up medicine and starts acting in the theater. But it is
not so easy to resist the domineering father. Because of the constant skirmishes, the young man
can not stand it and commits suicide.
Knox Overstreet. Student at Welton Academy, member of the Dead Poets Society. A sociable
and determined hero. Knox's parents want him to succeed in life, but he values himself highly
and doesn't let his parents put too much pressure on him.
Richard Cameron. A diligent student who is afraid of many things, and often does not support
the ideas of students from the society of dead poets. After Neil's death, Parry, along with the
headmaster and Neil's father, blamed John Keating for the incident.
Todd Henderson. A shy, quiet and reserved student who is afraid to perform a poem in front of
his class. But, gradually, he overcomes all the barriers and at the end of the film becomes a
stubborn student who does not want their teacher to leave school.
Stephen Meeks. Together with Gerard Pitts, he is interested in radio engineering.

Charlie Dalton, later known as Nuwanda, was a student at Welton Academy and a member of the Dead
Poets Society. Charlie is expelled from Welton for hitting Cameron after Cameron blames the events of
Neil’s death on Mr. Keating. Charlie is a rebellious person who is not afraid to go out and pull whatever
stunt he wishes. For fun, he sneaks information about Dead Poets Society the school newspaper and
about having girls at Welton Academy, which was discussed by Gale Nolan and made him very
unimpressed when Charlie faked a call from God saying that "[they] should have girls at Welton". Charlie
is a supporting character and is fully developed, making him a round character and a protagonist. He is a
very outgoing character who doesn’t mind not playing by the rules

2) Chemistry, math, and English.

3) Mr. Keating is portrayed as charismatic and energetic throughout the majority of his lectures. He
is a stern believer in the idea of free-thinking, frequently encouraging the students to leave their
comfort zones and rebel against the oppression they face. He is shown to have a sense of
humor, but knows there is a time and place for it. he good man. At the end of the film, he
blames himself for Neil's death, considers himself possibly guilty, but the support from his
students helped him a lot. Other teachers are the most common, there are such in every
educational institution. These teachers have one goal-to teach students. These teachers do not
seem to be interested in the process of teaching students
4) Go where many don't go. Go where my heart calls. Listen to your inner voice, not the thousands
of others around me. Teacher John taught a group of students to think freely and do what they
want to do. He does not need to memorize someone else's, even if authoritative, opinion or
method. The main thing is to learn to think, to listen to your feelings, to have your own opinion,
without adapting to the general doctrine. He explains how important it is to look at familiar
things from different angles. When you are at a dead end and don't know what to do, or when
you suddenly think you know everything, try to look from a different angle, and a lot of things
will really become clear. John Keating does not want his students to "choke" on English
literature. He finds a living connection of the subject with the "here and now", infecting most of
the class with his passion.
5) He asked the students to call him " O Captain, my captain." He wanted his students to have a
desire, a desire for something, a love for the beautiful, he wanted to be remembered
6) Mr. Keating gains the boys trust by making an emotional and intellectual
connection with them on the first day.
7) Mr. Keating did not like the theory that poetry could be measured by a graph and a drawing.
Keating says that good poetry stirs the soul and reminds people what it means to be alive and
happy, he believed that the most important thing in poetry is people's feelings
8) It’s a group of people who get together to read and discuss poetry. It represents freedom and
9) He got the boys to rip out the page because he doesn’t believe that poetry can be measured. Mr. Keating believed that poetry is the
freedom and feelings of a person, and this is impossible to measure.
10) At first, they treated him with respect, as Mr. Keating was a recognized teacher, but over time,
the teachers began to misunderstand his approach, which was very different from traditional
teaching methods

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