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Bahasa inggris part 2

1. A historical novel may do more than mirror history; __________ future events.
Jawaban : b. it may even influence
Bagian rumpang di atas merupakan bagian dari kalimat baru yang ditandai adanya
penggunaan tanda baca titik koma. Pembentukan kalimat baru dimulai dengan subjek
( noun / pronaun) dan predikat (modal+ verb)
2. _____the history of the tough. strong.willed Nebraska farmer.
a. Not only is much of the history of Nebraska
b. Although it is much of the history of Nebraska that is
c. It is much the history of Nebraska's being
d. Much of the history of Nebraska is
jawaban : d. seharusnya terdiri dari subjek dan predikat
3. Great numbers of tiny shelled animals ____ on the ocean floor.
Jawaban : a. Live
4. When ___in arctic regions. the Aleuts construct igloos as temporary winter shelters.
jwb : d. traveling
5. Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance.s solid is
___of its liquid.
jwb : c. the density is higher than that

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