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Past Paper Question: November 2018

Some people think that the world would be a better place if everyone became vegetarian.

Here are some comments from your friends

I think eating meat is bad for your

health. Some people say it’s much cheaper
to be a vegetarian.

Write an article for the school magazine, giving your views.

A Star Model Article

Eat Green

An estimated 1700 animals are slaughtered for food every second – does something sound
atrocious to you? You may laugh off this statistics if you cannot resist devouring on beef
kebabs, but it is time we bore the brunt because our very health and the planet are on the
verge of crisis due to our obsession towards eating meat.

First of all, I strongly side with the recent research which suggest that meat consumption
leads to chronic maladies. It has been proven that even moderate eaters of red and
processed meat are susceptible to cancers and heart diseases due their high composition of
elements like saturated fat and nitrites. This means that we should opt for healthier food
options like plant-based diets, which is the new norm of nutrition, for the sake of our health.
Eating meat surely causes grievous diseases to enslave us.

Besides ailing our health, it is my firm argument that the meat industry is also suffocating our
planet. Scientists blame cattle farming for a huge proportion of methane emission, one of
the most hazardous greenhouse gases. With the meat production projected to double in the
near future, this will certainly make the conundrum of global warming descend into chaos.
Therefore, changing our dietary options to ‘greener’ ones will irrefutably reduce the
appalling effects of climate change.

To conclude, I vehemently believe that we have a responsibility to ensure a future for

ourselves and a safer planet for our children by choosing to be vegetarians. Let’s reduce our
carbon footprint and enjoy a sounder health with our plates full of veggies and fruits!

© 2019

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