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I feel pleased to write in favor of our student, Miss. Sushma Paudel, daughter of Mr.

Devi Prasad
Paudel, a permanent resident of Siddharthanagar-12, Rupandehi, Nepal. She passed High School level
from this institute in First Division in year 2006 A.D. She is very talented, enthusiastic and dedicated
student, who takes responsibility for her own learning by consciously getting involved in curricular and
co-curricular activities.

Miss. Paudel shows a lot of initiatives in her work. She is self-prepared to make an effort to understand
the practical tasks fully and is able to cope with her theoretical studies as well. She has performed well
in all her course assignments and has exhibited tremendous growth and development in terms of
academic skills, maturity and character. Moreover, she is very much skillful and enjoys the opportunity
to learn from the practical workshops and talk sessions. Besides her outstanding academics, she is also
equally competent in extra-curricular activities. She has keen interest in quiz and essay writing

The medium of instruction in this institution is in English. Miss. Paudel can express herself in both
written as well as spoken English. So, I recommend her to enroll to any institution of her choice for her
further studies with a confidence that she can accomplish any course of her interest with flying colours.

I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

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