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Here, I have created one folder in the name of 11719946.

Here, I have shared that folder (11719946) to the mentioned person in View mode.

Here, We can see many existing templates.

This is my existing template which I choose (Before edit)

Here I have changes it and update with new data(After edit).

This is my Screenshot of Template Before Edit.

Here I have changed some data into new data.

Project Name changed into Course Name-CSE with 36pt Comic Sans at RED color.

I have updated Previous Date into current Date.

This is the Screenshot of data before Edit.

Here I have changed the following data into my Name and Registration number
with24pt Verdana at the Right align of Title.

Here I have given title “Courses studied” in Blue color with some information of 3
courses and 3 subheadings contain information in the justification align.

Here I have saved the file with my Registration number 11719946.

After saving the file, my file reflecting my Registration number 11719946 as you can
see above.

Here I have rename

These are my Equations.

Here I have written one paragraph which include this multiple times.

Here we can see this has changed into MISS.

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