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Tugas bahasa inggris :

Tema : opinion

Hera kunaini azizah

1 . Covid -19 is the most dangerous desease in the world

Answer :

I a gree that covid is dangerous for the health of beings in the world. Because the spread is
very fast and the way of transmission is esay trough inhalation. But we can prevent this by always
wearing a mask , washing hands with soap,following health protocols and if there are symptoms
pointing to covid,you must contact a doctor immediately.

2 . facebook give negatif effect for people

Answer :

I dont think all facebook creates a negatif effect ,because if we use it for things that are
usefull and bring goodness it is very good. For example ,for dakwah , for gathering, for selling.

3. coming late to the hospital is not good


Coming to the hospital late is very detrimental to us,because our delay can make the patiens
condition more severe and can even increase the risk of complications to life threateninng. For
example ,a patient with dyspnoea should receive immediate oxygen treament but not oxygen .this
can cause a loss of consciousness to the risk of losing life.

4. beautiful or hand some nurse is important


Beautiful is important but what is more important empathetic nurse who understands
what the patient is complainning about,and can invite patients tomaintain health better than before
frienddly,empathetic,profesional in the main job

5. nurse should be able to speak english


It woud be great if the nurses could speak english fluently because nowadays patient do not
only come from local people ,so we can get patient from abroad ,how can we assess patient
complaints and provide care while we cannot speak english fluently.

How do we study, how do we enforce the diagnosis

6. nursing mus be profesional


Nurses must be profesional because of health care must be comprehensive from physical and
psychological,with full responsibility,empathy ,anable the patient to be more cooperative in
treatmeent and get well, when the patient is healthy ,he will be able to maintain his health to
remain stable
Face book

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