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Received: 1 August 2020 Revised: 5 October 2020 Accepted: 7 October 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pca.3011


Immunoprotective potential of Ayurvedic herb Kalmegh

(Andrographis paniculata) against respiratory viral infections –
LC–MS/MS and network pharmacology analysis

Subhadip Banerjee1 | Amit Kar1 | Pulok K. Mukherjee1,2 | Pallab K. Haldar1 |

2 3
Nanaocha Sharma | Chandra Kant Katiyar

School of Natural Product Studies,
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Abstract
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India Introduction: Immunity boosting has emerged as a global strategy to fight the
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic situation. In India, AYUSH systems of medicine have been
Development, An Autonomous Institute under
Department of Biotechnology, Government of promoted as an immune-protection strategy. Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F) Nees
India, Imphal, India
(AP) mentioned in Ayurveda has been widely used for treating sore throat, flu, and
Health Care Division, Emami Limited 13,
Kolkata, India upper respiratory tract infections which may provide possible novel therapeutic
approaches, exclusively targeting SARS-CoV-2 and its pathways.
Pulok K Mukherjee, PhD, FRSC, FNASC, Objectives: The present work uses liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrome-
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable try (LC–MS/MS) metabolomics and combination synergy analysis based on network
Development, An Autonomous Institute under
Department of Biotechnology, Government of pharmacology to mine multimode evidence to understand the possible mechanism of
India, Imphal-795001, India. action, diseases association, protein–protein interaction and major pathways involved
Email:; therein.
Material and methods: Metabolite profiling was performed by Agilent QTOF
Funding information
Department of Biotechnology, Grant/Award LC–MS/MS system. Network pharmacology analysis was performed by using
Number: BT/PR40374/TRM/120/484/2020; functional annotation analysis based on databases like Binding DB, STRING, DAVID
Ministry of Science and Technology
and KEGG for further data mining. Further combination synergy was evaluated using
“neighbourhood approach” and networks were constructed through Cytoscape 3.2.1.
Results: The molecules from kalmegh provides immune-protection and anti-viral
response via involving different pathways, like toll-like receptor pathway, PI3/AKT
pathway and MAP kinase pathways against COVID-19 infection. The KEGG analysis
showed that in a vast majority of the most enriched pathways, AP were associated
with viral infections and upper respiratory tract infections.
Conclusions: The results suggest a synergy between andrographolide and other
molecules identified as safe and efficacious anti-inflammatory agent having effects
on upper respiratory tract infections and can significantly decrease the production of
cytokines and pro-inflammatory factors in viral infections.


Andrographis paniculata, immunoprotection, LC–MS/MS, network pharmacology, SARS-CoV-2

Phytochemical Analysis. 2020;1–11. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N extracts used in traditional medicine by our group.18,19 Our present

study is based on the evaluation of the chemical and biological basis
The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global problem. Millions of for the multiple mechanisms of actions, which ameliorate stress at dif-
people, including many medical workers, have been infected, and ferent levels of immune systems with close correlation to severe
thousands have died. Due to an incubation period of 14 days or lon- acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) infections like COVID-19.
ger, patients can cause multiple infections before symptoms become LC–MS/MS quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) analysis of the root
observable. An effective cure is yet to be developed. The Ministry of extract was performed. The molecules from LC–MS/MS analysis were
AYUSH, Government of India has advised self-care guidelines for pre- used to understand the multimode cross-validated network pharma-
ventive health measures and boosting immunity with special refer- cology underlying pathways, genes, protein–protein interaction (PPI)
ence to respiratory health. Report suggests that traditional Indian study to elucidate the multi-component synergistic mechanism based
medicinal plants may provide possible novel therapeutic approaches, on the neighbourhood approach. It will help to understand the
exclusively targeting SARS-CoV-2 and its pathways.1 Andrographis mechanistic targets of molecules in AP root with the key mediators of
paniculata (Burm. F) Nees (AP), generally known as “king of bitters,” is the immunprotective response and understand the intracellular and
an herbaceous plant in the family Acanthaceae. In China, India, extracellular levels of network signalling with respect to management
Thailand, and Malaysia, this plant has been widely used for treating of COVID-19.
sore throat, flu, and upper respiratory tract infections. The earliest
Ayurvedic sages named the plant accordingly, calling it kiratatikta,
which means “the bitter herb of the Kirata people.” Kalmegh has 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
received additional names since, and they have followed suit:
bhunimba is Sanskrit for “neem of the earth,” referring to its bitter 2.1 | Instrumentation and reagents
neem-like taste and effects, and its common name is “king of the
bitters”.2 In China it is known as “Chuan-Xin-Lian”; in Thailand it is LC–MS/MS was performed using an Agilent LC-QTOF 6500 system
known as “Fah Tha Lai”; in Malaysia it is known as “Hempedubumi”; in (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). A Milli-Q water purifica-
Japan it is known as “Senshinren”; and in Scandinavian countries it is tion system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) equipped with a 0.22 mm
known as “green chiretta”.3 Extracts of this plant and andrographolide Millipak Express filter and an Eyela (Tokyo, Japan) rotary vacuum
exhibit pharmacological activities such as those that are immuno- evaporate was used. Membrane filters (0.45 μm pore size) (Millipore)
stimulatory, antiviral, and antibacterial. AP is a well-known anti- were used for filtration of the mobile phase and syringe filters
inflammatory and anti-bacterial herb and its major constituent (NYL 0.45 μm) were used for the filtration of the sample solution.
andrographolide exhibits a broad range of biological activities, such as Methanol (HPLC grade), formic acid (HPLC grade) were procured from
anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antitumour, antidiabetic, antimalarial, Merck (Mumbai, India). All the other solvents (AR grade) procured
and hepatoprotective. In the literature, clinical trials suggests that from Merck.
AP has a strong treating capacity of viral respiratory infections.6–8 It
was noted that AP suppressed increased NOD-like receptor protein
3 (NLRP3), caspase-1, and interleukin-1β molecules which are 2.2 | Plant collection and extraction
extensively involved in the pathogenesis of SARS-COV and likely
SARS-CoV-2 as well.1 Andrographolides have shown different Dried leaves of AP were procured from vendors of Kolkata, West
anti-viral activities against H5N1 influenza infection,9 with immuno- Bengal, India. The voucher specimen of the dried plant root (specimen
stimulant activity10 effective against upper respiratory tract infec- number SNPS/JU/2018/1088) was deposited at the School of Natural
tion. It is also found to be effective in influenza A virus-induced Product Studies, Jadavpur University, and Kolkata, India. The leaves
inflammation in a murine model through NF-κB and JAK-STAT were thoroughly extracted using a percolation method using ethanol
signalling pathway.12 then filtered. The liquid extract obtained was concentrated at less
Metabolomics is an important tool for standardisation and quality than 700 mm Hg pressure in a rotary evaporator. A yield of 4% (w/w)
control in Ayurveda. The combinatory treatments with herbal was obtained. The extracts were dissolved in methanol. The solutions
extracts used in Ayurveda may achieve more stable “network were filtered through a Millipore filter (0.45 μm).
responses” than single isolated compound due to synergy or
“samyoga”.14 Ethnopharmacology is an important way towards dis-
covery of novel drugs and formulation from the multiple bioactive 2.3 | LC-ESI-MS/MS analyses
components within the herbs and herbal medicinal extract.15 Network
pharmacology presents a systems perspective to drug discovery.16,17 LC–MS/MS was performed using an Agilent LC-QTOF 6500 system
This model of combination synergy based on liquid chromatography– with an Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB column – C18 (2.1 mm ×
tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and network analysis using 50 mm, 1.8 μm). The mobile phase consisted of water (0.1% formic
the neighbourhood approach has been reported in other pharmaco- acid), acetonitrile (with 0.1% formic acid) was used as eluents in a
logical domains to understand the mechanism of action of herbal gradient mode (see Table 1). The injection volume was 20.00 μL and

T A B L E 1 Results of liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) analysis of Andrographis
paniculata roots

Sl no. Name Formula Precursor Observed mass Diff (ppm) Score Retention time
1 Rosmarinic acid C18H16O8 383.0735 360.0842 −0.9 84.5 2.382
2 2,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid C9H8O4 181.0497 180.0423 0.48 81.92 2.636
3 Andrographidine F C25H28O13 559.1426 536.1533 0.62 78.26 3.088
4 p-Coumaroyltyrosine C18H17NO5 345.1452 327.1116 2.91 80.53 3.106
5 Andrographiside C26H40O10 530.2958 512.2619 −0.57 76.93 3.621
6 Andrographidine B C23H24O12 493.1344 492.1276 1.62 85.93 3.801
7 Andrographidine A C23H26O10 485.1424 462.1532 1.4 78.08 4.078
8 Ninandrographolide C26H40O9 519.257 496.2681 1.7 73.99 4.174
9 14-Deoxyandrographolide C20H30O4 335.222 334.2148 1.06 99.56 4.182
10 Andrograpanin C20H30O3 319.2272 318.2199 1.3 84.33 4.592
11 5-Hydroxy- 7,8,20 -trimethoxyflavone 5- glucoside C24H26O11 491.1557 490.1498 4.73 97.45 5.088
12 Andrographin C18H16O6 329.1019 328.0947 0.19 98.02 5.884
0 0
13 5-Hydroxy-7,8,2 ,3 -tetramethoxyflavone C19H18O7 359.1129 358.1055 0.55 98.62 6.011
14 Andrographidine D C23H24O10 483.1276 460.1382 2.74 73.1 6.094
15 Piceatannol C14H12O4 262.1074 244.0734 −0.78 81.79 6.209
16 Apigenin C15H10O5 271.0606 270.0533 1.77 99.06 6.675
17 Andrographolide C20H30O5 350.2329 332.1989 0.39 82.28 8.842
18 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid C8H8O3 153.0549 152.0476 1.66 75.01 10.669
19 Methoxyphenylacetic acid C9H10O3 167.0704 166.0631 0.56 83.61 10.671
20 Pterostilbene C16H16O3 257.1175 256.1102 1.12 76 11.767
21 Resveratrol C14H12O3 229.0865 228.0792 2.64 80.75 14.042
22 Gardenin A C21H22O9 419.1341 418.1267 0.87 99.41 14.511

the column temperature was maintained at 30 C. The flow rate was the human targets for their accurate UniProtKB/ID (http://www.
kept constant throughout the gradient. The ultra-performance liquid
chromatography (UPLC) system was coupled to a QTOF mass spec-
trometer (6500 series; Model-G6545B) equipped with an AP-ESI
Dual Spray source. Parameters for analysis were set using positive 2.4.2 | Construction of target PPI, gene diseases
ion mode with spectra acquired over a mass range from m/z 120 to association network, and pathway analysis
1000. The MS data were processed through MassHunter v B.08.00,
Rapid Control version 2.9 software (Agilent Technologies), which PPI of the protein targets were searched from STRING 3.021 and
provided a list of possible elemental formulae by integrating with interactive visualisation with statistical analysis was done in
libraries. The accuracy for confirmation of the compounds was NetworkAnalyst ( The associated
established on the basis of an error less than 5 ppm and MS/MS proteins and connected genes with the associated human disease
fragment matching. conditions were analysed from DisGeNET (
to understand its potential link with COVID-19.23 The significant
nodes or targets were mapped to corresponding diseases from the
2.4 | Network pharmacology analysis interaction database based on their betweenness centrality. Further
module analysis was performed to understand the most significant
2.4.1 | Target identification of bioactive association. The functional annotation of the molecule targets and
phytoconstituents and oral bioavailability screening their role in signal transduction was performed with the Database for
Annotation, Visualisation and Integrated Discovery (DAVID 6.8).
The target of each phytoconstituents was retrieved using a similar-
ity ensemble approach (SEA) from which
relates proteins based on the set-wise chemical similarity among 2.4.3 | Combination synergy network analysis
their ligands. The gene code of each target was retrieved from
the UniProt database ( All the targets of Combination synergy of the molecules related to adaptogenic poten-
each phytoconstituent involved were identified with reference to tial were analysed considering the “immunomodulatory” domain,

which were identified based on neighbourhood topology24 detailed in with respect to the AP compounds found from the metabolomics
our previous report.18 The networks were constructed in Cytoscape25 study which were used as queries.19 The interacting targets and com-
(, version 3.4.0) and web-based platform like pounds have been used for construction of the target-compound net-
NetworkAnalyst.22 work shown in Figure 2 with a network density of 0.01 (200 nodes;
290 edges); characteristics path length 1.0 and 2.9 average number of
neighbours. In this network, we found that many targets interact with
3 | RESULTS multiple compounds and vice-versa. Among the 17 compounds
we found apigenin, resveratrol and its metabolite piceatannol to
3.1 | Metabolite profiling of AP leaf constituents be interacting with most of the targets followed by pterostilbene
and rosmarinic acid, their closeness centrality is around 0.3.
Figure 1 illustrates the total ion chromatogram (TIC) of liquid chroma- Andrographidine D, B, F, and A and andrographin were also found to
tography triple quadruple mass spectrometry (LC-QqQ-MS) study. be very crucial molecules interacting with interleukin-2 (IL-2) and simi-
We processed the chromatogram through MassHunter B.08 software, lar targets which are connected to immunomodulation due to its
which provided a list of 20 compounds (shown in Table 1). This ide- neighbourhood connectivity of 9.6. We found that andrographolide
ntified compounds with mass spectrometric data on experimental and majorly interacts with protein kinases which are implicated in various
calculated m/z, error in parts per million (ppm), molecular formula, other pathways representing the host–virus interactome. We found
retention time and MS fragmentation pattern (matched within error p-coumaroyltyrosine to be an interaction angiotensin-converting
tolerance of 25 ppm) with the proposed name of the compounds. The enzyme (ACE) which is a major target in COVID-19.26
TOF-MS method presents highly accurate observations with a mass
error of below 5 ppm. Terpenoid lactones and flavonoids have been
identified in the LC–MS/MS analysis as reported previously.26 3.3 | Target disease association network of
Analysis of the ethanolic extract identified terpenoid lactones compounds from AP
like ninandrographolide, 14-deoxyandrographolide, andrograpanin,
andrographin, andrographolide were identified. Whereas, new several Network-based target–disease proximity sheds light on the relation-
related flavones glycosides andrographidine F, andrographiside, ship between drugs (e.g. drug targets) and disease modules (molecular
andrographidine B, andrographidine A, 5-hydroxy- 7,8,20 - determinants in disease pathobiology modules within the PPIs). This
trimethoxyflavone 5-glucoside, andrographidine D were identified. disease interaction model was created based on the targets screened
Flavonoids like rosmarinic acid, piceatannol, apigenin, pterostilbene, from the compounds and their high degree of association and
resveratrol, gardenin A have been found in the study which are crucial betweenness parameters in the network. It can be observed that this
to pharmacological activity. disease association of the targets show high correlation that combines
synergy mechanism of the molecules together to contribute to the
immunomodulatory potential of AP in “immunomodulatory” domain.
3.2 | Target screening of molecules from AP leaves The gene-disease association network (Figure 3) shows targets like
The identified targets were searched using an SEA which relates pro- CCR4 which are associated with disease terms like viral infections,
teins based on the set-wise chemical similarity among their ligands immunodeficiency, influenza, respiratory tract infections, are closely

F I G U R E 1 Total ion
chromatogram of LC-ESI-MS/MS
of Andrographis paniculata extract

F I G U R E 2 Compound target network

of compounds from Andrographis
paniculata. The targets are shown as blue
rectangles and the compounds are shown
as red diamonds

related with SARS in the disease gene association database which has diversified network. We obtained the enrichment analysis functional
close similarity with COVID-19.27 gene ontologies (GOs) and pathway enrichment analysis from KEGG.
The PPI network showed that protein targets like STAT3, JUN,
PRCKQ, PRCKB, and PRCKH have higher interactions between them.
3.4 | Construction and analysis of target PPI The GO-process analysis confirmed the role of these proteins in
network transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups
(GO:0016772), nucleotide binding (GO:0000166), adenyl ribonucleo-
The PPI study was used to identify proteins that associate with and tide binding (GO:0032559), purine ribonucleotide binding
functionally govern viral infection localised in the signalling pathways, (GO:0032555), etc. The Reactome pathway enrichment was searched
and networks which represent the human corona virus (HCOV)–host which retrieved some significant pathways shown in Table 2. Differ-
interactome to understand the mechanism of the compounds from ent pathways like Signalling by Interleukins (HSA-449147), Nuclear
AP. Molecular functions and pathways of target proteins were Receptor transcription pathway (HSA-383280), Cytokine Signalling in
analysed based on PPI experimental data from the STRING database Immune system (HSA-1280215), Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13
interactome.21 A P-value of < 0.05 was considered for building a signalling (HSA-6785807) showed significant enrichment which may

FIGURE 3 Disease target association network (the targets are shown as blue rectangles and the compounds are shown as purple circles)

be important in HCOV–host interaction protein targets based on PPI. protein targets involved in the pathways like TLR9, TLR4, PI3K, JNK,
The KEGG enrichment showed its potential role in TH17 cell IL-8, etc. The compound target network and pathway showed,
differentiation (hsa04659). andrographolide, andrographodin A interacts with important targets
The proteins were further visualised to identify the nodes that known as TLR4, TLR, IL-8, etc. The earlier-mentioned PPI analysis
represent the module or subnetwork which are important in order to showed high enrichment of PI3k-AKT pathway. The red stars in
understand more about the mechanism of action of the AP molecules Figure 6 show that the AP molecules interact with targets like PI3k,
as shown in Figure 4. The larger nodes are the hub proteins connected TLR4, CREB, etc. Evidence shows PI3K-AKT signalling responses play
to host protein targets which may act as COVID-19 targets.28 We important roles in Middle East respiratory syndrome-related
analysed the query protein sets of the PPI analysis for KEGG path- coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection which is closely associated with
ways. Analysing the KEGG database based on the PPI pathways with COVID-19 and may represent novel drug targets for therapeutic
low P-value and false discovery rate are shown in Table 3. Several evi- intervention strategies.31
dences have been identified at the pathway level which strongly
suggests that an AP molecule combats stress at cellular, tissue and
organ system level. It was found that the pathways implicated in 3.6 | Combination synergy by network analysis
immune-protection potential are all implicated in immune response
and may be effective in COVID-19 infections.29 These pathways have The combination synergy mechanism of action of the molecular com-
also been highlighted by the traditional Chinese formulation found to binations of AP to evaluate its potential to combat respiratory tract
be effective against COVID-19.30 infection of viral origin has been analysed using a deductive approach
where the interacting targets and the associated disease conditions
have been studied using network pharmacology methods. We devised
3.5 | DAVID pathway analysis a simple neighbourhood network connection analysis as described in
the Methods section. We show the combination synergy networks
The molecular targets of WS were further analysed for functional related to the disease domains (see Figure 7). In the individual combi-
association clustering to integrate functional genomics annotations of natory mechanism deconstructing that network showed the molecules
the most important cluster of targets, pathways, domains highlighting interacting with the targets associated to the respective pharmacolog-
the immunomodulatory action of the AP target proteins of host ical activity were connected to the viral infections and respiratory
induced by HCOV–host interaction. The results showed that the tract infections. We found that 16 compounds together interacted
molecule in AP interacts with the toll-like receptor signalling pathway with 28 targets connected with COVID-19 associated conditions like
as shown in Figure 5. The marked stars (see Figure 5) signify the immunodeficiency, asthma, influenza, viral infections, respiratory

TABLE 2 Reactome pathway enrichment analysis based on protein–protein interactions (PPIs)

#term ID Term description discovery rate Matching proteins in your network (labels)
HSA-383280 Nuclear receptor transcription pathway 2.25E-11 AR, ESR1, ESR2, ESRRA, ESRRB, ESRRG, HNF4A,
HSA-1280215 Cytokine signalling in immune system 2.94E-11 ALOX15, ALOX5, APP, CA1, CAMK2A, CASP1,
MAP 2 K3, MAPK10, MCL1, MIF, MMP1, MMP2,
HSA-449147 Signalling by interleukins 7.82E-15 ALOX15, ALOX5, APP, CA1, CASP1, CDKN1A,
HSA-168249 Innate immune system 1.30E-08 ABL1, ACPP, ALOX5, ANPEP, APP, ASAH1,
HSA-9018678 Biosynthesis of specialised proresolving mediators 2.54E-08 ALOX12, ALOX15, ALOX5, CYP1A1, CYP1A2,
HSA-6785807 Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling 1.18E-07 ALOX15, ALOX5, CDKN1A, CXCL8, FGF2, JAK2,
HSA-166016 Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) cascade 4.16E-06 APP, BTK, CREB1, DNM1, IKBKE, IKBKG, MAP
HSA-168898 Toll-like receptor cascades 5.31E-06 APP, BTK, CREB1, CTSV, DNM1, IKBKE, IKBKG,
HSA-166166 MyD88-independent TLR4 cascade 9.15E-06 APP, CREB1, IKBKE, IKBKG, MAP 2 K3, MAPK10,
HSA-937061 TRIF (TICAM1)-mediated TLR4 signaling 9.15E-06 APP, CREB1, IKBKE, IKBKG, MAP 2 K3, MAPK10,
HSA-168164 Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) cascade 8.49E-06 APP, CREB1, IKBKE, IKBKG, MAP 2 K3, MAPK10,
HSA-168188 Toll-like receptor TLR6:TLR2 cascade 4.42E-05 APP, BTK, CREB1, IKBKG, MAP 2 K3, MAPK10,
HSA-451927 Interleukin-2 family signalling 5.24E-05 IL2, JAK2, JAK3, LGALS9, PIK3CA, PIK3CB, PTPN6,
HSA-166520 Signalling by NTRKs 5.47E-05 CDK5, CDK5R1, CREB1, DNM1, HRAS, NRAS,
HSA-168179 Toll-like receptor TLR1:TLR2 cascade 5.47E-05 APP, BTK, CREB1, IKBKG, MAP 2 K3, MAPK10,
HSA-181438 Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) cascade 5.47E-05 APP, BTK, CREB1, IKBKG, MAP 2 K3, MAPK10,

F I G U R E 4 Protein–protein interaction
network of Andrographis paniculata

TABLE 3 KEGG pathway enrichment analysis based on protein–protein interactions (PPIs)

Pathway Total Expected Hits P Value False discovery rate

Toll-like receptor signalling pathway 97 0.85 7 1.67E-05 0.00362
Chemokine signalling pathway 189 1.66 8 0.000185 0.00803
B cell receptor signalling pathway 75 0.657 5 0.000442 0.0137
T cell receptor signalling pathway 98 0.859 5 0.0015 0.025
MAPK signalling pathway 265 2.32 8 0.00177 0.0256
Epstein–Barr virus infection 91 0.797 4 0.00782 0.0543
Measles 102 0.894 4 0.0116 0.0663
Influenza A 107 0.937 4 0.0137 0.0723

distress, etc. We found molecules like andrographolide, the key to understanding the chemical basis of biological activity.13
andrographidine, andrographin, resveratrol, pterostilbene are essen- Our study of ethanolic extract of AP on metabolite profiling by
tially responsible for these HCOV–host conditions, which are working LC–MS/MS analysis showed the presence of 22 compounds which
together on the targets MAPk3, RHOA, IL-2, MAPK10, ESR2, CREB2, had strong correlation with similar reports previously.4 AP is known
MMP12, etc. to combat the targets which are connected to for its activity in upper respiratory traction infection.11 Our study
COVID-19-related genes as can be inferred from the earlier multiple shows the presence of 14-deoxy-11,12-dehydroandrographolide
evidences of pathway analysis and PPI analysis. which can effectively inhibit H5N1 replication by restraining nuclear
export of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes while minimising the
upregulated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines
4 | DISCUSSIONS induced by H5N1.9 It is also known to inhibit the syncytial virus that
causes respiratory tract infection titer similar to Lamivudine.10 The
Diving deep into traditional knowledge of natural products based on major constituent andrographolide is known to inhibit influenza A
their use and mechanism can be an effective strategy of repurposing virus-induced inflammation in a murine model through NF-κB and
existing resources in global pandemic conditions like COVID-19 which JAK-STAT signalling pathway.12 Clinical evidence shows AP shortened
can lead to traditional knowledge inspired discovery.15,29 AP is the duration of cough, sore throat and sick leave/time to resolution
deemed to be safe and used as medicinal food in Ayurveda by Indian which suggests it has ameliorative potential and is safe in relieving
population with history of safe use.32 Metabolomics is an effective acute respiratory tract infection symptoms and shortening time to
way to decipher the intricate chemistry of natural products which is symptom resolution.6 Using network pharmacological analysis, we

F I G U R E 5 Pathway mapping of Andrographis paniculata targets involved in toll-like receptor signalling pathway (the red stars signify the
molecules interacting at different targets of the signalling)

F I G U R E 6 Pathway mapping of Andrographis paniculata targets involved in PI3K-AKT signalling pathway.(the red stars signify the molecules
interacting at different targets of the signalling)

F I G U R E 7 Combination synergy network of Andrographis paniculata showing immunoprotection against viral and upper respiratory infection
(the targets are shown as blue rectangles and the compounds are shown as purple circles and red diamonds)

found that these components can cure or relieve the symptoms of against COVID-19 infection. We suggest a synergy between
stress, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, etc. through the action of andrographolide and its chemo-similars identified as safe and success-
target proteins in various pathways connected to immunomodulation. ful anti-inflammatory agents having effects on upper respiratory tract
Network pharmacology to understand combination synergy analysis infections and can significantly decrease the production of cytokines
was also performed as a research strategy which provides a unique and pro-inflammatory factors in COVID-19. Further our results
and innovative path for understanding the mechanism of action of showed the necessity to perform suitable system biological experi-
herbs and its multi-components.18,19 The results indicated that AP can ments and clinical trials to confirm the mechanism of WS against
suppress viral replication by inhibition of AKT, reduce apoptosis, and COVID-19. The network analysis based on neighbourhood approach
thereby repair damage to the body as it perturbs the PI3K-Akt signal- can help in further understand the potential of AP and its components
ling pathway.33 In SARS infected individuals the phosphorylation level in the management of SARS including COVID-19.
of Akt is downregulated in cells expressing M protein and
3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) inhibits M AC KNOWLEDG EME NT
protein-induced apoptosis thereby inhibiting PDK1 and PKB/Akt cell The authors are thankful to the Institute of Bioresources and
survival signalling pathway.34 Sustainable Development, an autonomous institute under Department
The KEGG analysis showed that in a vast majority of the most of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, Imphal, India for
enriched pathways, AP was associated with viral infections and upper necessary help and support through IBSD-JU joint collaboration. The
respiratory tract infections. These pathways included the toll-like authors are also thankful to the Department of Biotechnology (Grant
influenza, Chemokine signalling, MAP-Kinase pathway, Epstein–Barr no. BT/PR40374/TRM/120/484/2020) Ministry of Science and Tech-
virus infection, HTLV-I infection, and P13K/Akt signalling pathways nology, Government of India, New Delhi.
which have been identified as important targets for HCOV–host inter-
actions.35 Notably, the P13K/Akt pathway which meets the needs of
replication for many viruses and as the “proviral” kinase is activated, it OR CID
activates the host's response to viral infection and ultimately inhibits Pulok K. Mukherjee
viral replication. The study further suggests the importance of sev-
eral other Ayurvedic herbs mentioned in Ayurveda as Rasayana with RE FE RE NCE S
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