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Before we get into the Laws, let us try to encapsulate where we are now. There are two life movies
being played out – yours and the planets. Let us stop the action on these movies for a minute. There
appears to be a serious dis-ease, a serious virus everywhere. That virus is that we are not getting our
share of prosperity. We are not having enough abundance and joy. Our bodies are not taking the wear
and tear well enough. Something is obviously not right. The New Age beliefs say prosperity,
abundance and joy are our birthright. In fact, if you are able to “read between the lines” of obscurity
you find that religions and ancient wisdom also say the same. All we do is believe and take it. This is a
prevalent belief everywhere. Well, HELLO, is anybody paying attention here? What Birthright? Believe
what? Take it how? It doesn’t take a genius to see the planet is heavily laden with war, conflict, sick,
poor, helpless, angry people that are quite obviously not getting their “fair share” of abundance, joy
and prosperity. Why? What should be is NOT what is.

If you look into this conundrum more deeply, in bibles, religions, ancient writings, esoteric sciences,
etc., etc., you find a lot of obscurity on why this is so. Then you find a lot of people who obviously
can’t “walk the talk.” Well, it is said, there are things you haven’t “figured out yet” or you need to
“hire an expert.” There are also a lot of conflicting, uncorrelated materials that do not lead to an
answer. But in this quagmire, the New Age is most direct on answering this conundrum. It tells us that
our abilities to take our fair share of abundance and joy have eluded us and that the emotions of fear,
anger and hate have atrophied our ability to manifest it. Our minds and bodies are not functioning at
full capacity. Money and differences in beliefs have contributed to hostility, fear, anger, wars, poverty
and destruction — all blocking our abilities. The root, they say is due to our belief of duality (being
separate from Spirit) contributing to judgment, power, competition and our need to feed our greed for
material gratification — the Ego. We are too negative and Egotistical — trying to simply survive. It
paints a pretty dismal picture of a species out of balance — weighted to the negative dark side. So?
Does this have any impact on our quality time and our ability to manifest it? Does the intensity of
negative reactions, opinions and beliefs have any impact on your life? Think about it. Are you driven
by your Ego or by your heart? Does your Ego EVER get satisfied? Is it then a stretch to comprehend
that a negative out-of-balance human is not going to have an abundance of quality time?

The New Age, ancient wisdom and religions all say we need to love our neighbors a bit more than we
have been. Considering the last century has killed some hundred million people because of
“differences”, that’s an understatement! And then there are our bodies. We have effectively poisoned
these with toxins and horrible pollutants that have made us fat, sick and lazy. We are physically and
mentally dysfunctional. That’s NOT an understatement! We are always fearful of something — debt,
bills, loss, lawyers, terrorists, tax collectors, regulations, death, sickness, it never ends. And we are
always drumming to bankers, money, bosses, the system, listening to the bad news channels and
reading the negative murders, theft, rape, corruption, sickness headlines in the newspapers. Our Egos
drive us to get more, protect our pride better — more, better, more. That, the New Age says, is NOT
the right medicine to fix the dysfunction. So even our bodies — the machinery to create quality time
— are in dire need of repair.

From this scenario, one could deduct that the prognosis doesn’t look so good for a lot of people. The
chances for recovery are not the best. We have a dysfunctional body, sluggish mind and obviously
what we believe doesn’t seem to work. In the meantime, life’s treadmill goes on and on stuck like a
broken record playing the same tune. Clearly, if fear and negative feelings are a reflection of life,
something has to change. If there are indeed subtle laws we are not aware of that are working away
creating this “un-quality” time, then we have unknowingly become MASTERS in using the laws!

Well, that is exactly what we have done. WE have through a lack of understanding of these laws
mirrored a personal life and a planetary life reflecting EXACTLY what we have asked for — a negative,
dysfunctional mass of people. That is what we have individually and jointly manifested. So why can’t

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