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Name        : ____________________________
Class         : ____________________________
1. Look at the picture below and answer the following questions with

correct prepositions of place (in, on, close to, next to, between, behind,
in front of)

1. The newspaper is _________________ the table.

2. The small yellow clock is _________________ the white vase.

3. The glasses is _________________ the armchair.

4. The small black bag is ________________ the armchairs.

5. The flowers are ________________ the vase.

6. The carpet is ________________ the floor.

7. The painting is ________________ the window.

8. The books are ________________ the bookcase.

II. Make your own sentences based on the picture above using prepositions
of place.
1. ______________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________.

III. Look at the pictures below and complete the answer with correct
consonant blends (tr, gr, cr, dr, br)

1. __ __ A S S                                        2.          __ __ U S H

3.          __ __ A I N                                        4.          __ __ U M

5.         __ __ O W N

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