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Based on the campaigns and readings sent to you, which of the following ‘Ways to change
attitudes’ has Maggi adopted according to you? Explain.

Ans – With the launch of these flavours Maggie also added a new attribute to its offerings which
is that fathers, or the people who are aged between 25 to 45 are also can eat Maggie, it is not
for just boys and girls, it can be consumed by mens of age of father with two grown up kids and
hence the way of changing attribute here that Maggie adopted is Adding a new attribute to
attitude formation mix.

We can see in the ad campaign that the father is also enjoying with his kids and also he likes
the Maggie new flavors and it can be noted that he came into picture once the kids are shown
eating Maggie which is point where the attribute is added that the father has cooked a packet
of Maggie himself and came to enjoy with its kids.

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