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Control of Body Fluid Osmolality

and Volume
Upon completion of this chapter the student should be able to The composition and volumes of the various body fluid
answer the following questions: compartments are reviewed in Chapter 2.
1. Why do changes in water balance result in alterations in
the [Na+] of the extracellular fluid (ECF)?
2. How is the secretion of arginine vasopressin (AVP) Control of Body Fluid Osmolality: Urine
controlled by changes in the osmolality of body fluids Concentration and Dilution
and in blood volume and pressure?
3. What are the cellular events associated with the action As described in Chapter 2, water constitutes approximately
of AVP on the collecting duct, and how do they lead to 60% of the healthy adult human body. Body water is
an increase in the water permeability of this segment of divided into two major compartments—intracellular fluid
the nephron?
(ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF)—that are in osmotic
4. What is the role of Henle’s loop in the production of
both dilute and concentrated urine?
equilibrium because of the high permeability of most cell
5. What is the composition of the medullary interstitial membranes to water via aquaporins (e.g., AQP1). Water
fluid, and how does it participate in the process of intake into the body generally occurs orally. This may be
producing concentrated urine? water contained in beverages as well as water generated
6. What are the roles of the vasa recta in the process of during metabolism of ingested foods (e.g., carbohydrates).
diluting and concentrating urine? In many clinical situations, intravenous infusion is an
7. How is the diluting and concentrating ability of the important route of water entry.
kidneys quantitated? The kidneys are responsible for regulating water balance
8. Why do changes in Na+ balance alter the volume of and under most conditions are the major route for elimina-
extracellular fluid? tion of water from the body (Table 35.1). Other routes of
9. What is the effective circulating volume, how is it
water loss from the body include evaporation from cells of
influenced by changes in Na+ balance, and how does it
influence renal Na+ excretion?
the skin and respiratory passages. Collectively, water loss
10. What are the mechanisms by which the body monitors by these routes is termed insensible water loss because
the effective circulating volume? the individual is unaware of its occurrence. Production of
11. What are the major signals acting on the kidneys to alter sweat accounts for the loss of additional water. Water loss
their excretion of Na+? by this mechanism can increase dramatically in a hot envi-
12. How do changes in extracellular fluid volume alter Na+ ronment, with exercise, or in the presence of fever (Table
transport in the different segments of the nephron, and 35.2). Finally, water can be lost from the gastrointestinal
how do these changes in transport regulate renal Na+ tract. Fecal water loss is normally small (≈100╯mL/day)
excretion? but can increase dramatically with diarrhea (e.g., 20╯L/
13. What are the mechanisms involved in formation of day with cholera). Vomiting can also cause gastrointestinal
edema, and what role do the kidneys play in this
water losses.
Although water loss from sweating, defecation, and
evaporation from the lungs and skin can vary depending on
the environmental conditions or during pathological condi-
tions, loss of water by these routes cannot be regulated.

he kidneys maintain the osmolality and volume of In contrast, renal excretion of water is tightly regulated to
the body fluids within a narrow range by regulat- maintain whole-body water balance. Maintenance of water
ing excretion of water and NaCl, respectively. This balance requires that water intake and loss from the body be
chapter discusses the regulation of renal water excretion precisely matched. If intake exceeds losses, positive water
(urine concentration and dilution) and NaCl excretion. balance exists. Conversely, when intake is less than losses,

624 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

negative water balance exists (see Chapter 2 for review of (with its anions Cl− and HCO3−), these disorders also result
steady-state balance). in alterations in plasma or serum [Na+] (Fig. 35.2). One
When water intake is low or water losses increase, the of the most common fluid and electrolyte disorders seen
kidneys conserve water by producing a small volume of in clinical practice is an alteration in serum [Na+]. When
urine that is hyperosmotic with respect to plasma. When an abnormal serum [Na+] is found in an individual, it is
water intake is high, a large volume of hypoosmotic urine tempting to suspect a problem in Na+ balance. However,
is produced. In a normal individual, urine osmolality (Uosm) the problem most often relates to water balance, not Na+
can vary from approximately 50 to 1200╯mOsm/kg H2O, balance. As described later, changes in Na+ balance result in
and the corresponding urine volume can vary from approxi- alterations in the volume of ECF, not its osmolality.
mately 18╯L/day to 0.5╯L/day. Importantly the kidneys can The following sections discuss the mechanisms by
regulate excretion of water separately from excretion of total which the kidneys excrete either hypoosmotic (dilute) or
solute (Fig. 35.1). The ability to regulate water excretion hyperosmotic (concentrated) urine. Control of arginine
separate from excretion of solutes (e.g., Na+, K+, urea, etc.) vasopressin secretion and its important role in regulating
is necessary for survival because it allows water balance to be excretion of water by the kidneys are also explained (see
achieved without upsetting the other homeostatic functions also Chapter 41).
of the kidneys.
It is important to recognize that disorders of water balance
are manifested by alterations in body fluid osmolality, which
are usually measured by changes in plasma osmolality (POSM).
Because the major determinant of plasma osmolality is Na+

Urine osmolality

TABLE Normal Routes of Water Gain and Loss in

35.1â•… Adults at Room Temperature (23°C)
Route mL/day
Water Intake Total solute excretion
Fluid 1200
In food 1000
Metabolically produced from food 300
Urine flow rate
Total 2500
Water Output
Insensible 700
Sweat 100
Feces 200 0 Max
Urine 1500
Total 2500 • Fig. 35.1â•… Relationships between plasma AVP levels, and urine
osmolality, urine flow rate, and total solute excretion. Max, maximum;
Fluid intake varies widely for both social and cultural reasons.
Min, minimum. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA. Renal Physiology. 5th
ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2013.)

35.2â•… Effect of Environmental Temperature and Exercise on Water Loss and Intake in Adults
Normal Temperature Hot Weathera Prolonged Heavy Exercisea
Water Loss
Insensible loss
â•… Skin 350 350 350
â•… Lungs 350 250 650
Sweat 100 1400 5000
Feces 200 200 200
Urinea 1500 1200 500
TOTAL LOSS 2500 3400 6700
In hot weather and during prolonged heavy exercise, water balance is maintained by increased water ingestion. Decreased excretion of water by the kidneys
alone is insufficient to maintain water balance.
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  625

14 L
[Na]  145 mEq/L
3 [Anions]  145 mEq/L 6
Osmolality  290 mOsm/kg H2O

1 L H2O –1 L H2O
1 4

15 L 13 L
2 [Na]  135 mEq/L [Na]  156 mEq/L 5
[Anions]  135 mEq/L [Anions]  156 mEq/L
Osmolality  270 mOsm/kg H2O Osmolality  312 mOsm/kg H2O

Kidneys excrete 1 L of water Kidneys excrete hyperosmotic

in hypoosmotic urine, urine as the individual drinks
returning volume to 14 L and water, returning volume to 14 L
restoring [Na] and osmolality and restoring [Na] and osmolality
to normal. to normal.
• Fig. 35.2 â•… Response to changes in water balance. Illustrated are the effects of adding or removing

1╯L of water from the ECF of a 70-kg individual. Positive Water Balance: (1) Addition of 1╯L of water
increases the ECFV and reduces its osmolality. The [Na+] is also decreased (hyponatremia). (2) The normal
renal response is to excrete 1╯L of water as hypoosmotic urine. (3) As a result of the renal excretion of
water, the ECFV, osmolality, and [Na+] are returned to normal. Negative Water Balance: (4) The loss of
1╯L of water from the ECF decreases its volume and increases its osmolality. The [Na+] is also increased
(hypernatremia). (5) The renal response is to conserve water by excreting a small volume of hyperosmotic
urine. (6) With ingestion of water, stimulated by thirst, and conservation of water by the kidneys, the ECFV,
osmolality, and [Na+] are returned to normal. Size of the boxes indicates relative ECFV. (From Koeppen
BM, Stanton BA. Renal Physiology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2013.)

several nephron segments express a different AVP recep-

IN THE CLINIC tor (V2) that mediates the kidneys’ ability to regulate the
volume and osmolality of urine. When plasma AVP levels
In the clinical setting, hypoosmolality (a reduction in plasma
osmolality) shifts water into cells, and this process results
are low, a large volume of urine is excreted (diuresis), and
in cell swelling (see Chapter 2). Symptoms associated the urine osmolality is less than that of plasma (i.e., dilute).a
with hypoosmolality are related primarily to swelling of When plasma levels of AVP are high, a small volume of
brain cells. For example, a rapid fall in Posm can alter urine is excreted (antidiuresis), and the urine osmolality is
neurological function and thereby cause nausea, malaise, greater than that of plasma (i.e., concentrated).
headache, confusion, lethargy, seizures, and coma. When
Posm is increased (i.e., hyperosmolality), water is lost from
AVP is a small peptide that is 9 amino acids in length
cells. Symptoms of an increase in Posm are also primarily (arginine is found at position 8). It is synthesized in neu-
neurological and include lethargy, weakness, seizures, coma, roendocrine cells located within the supraoptic and para-
and even death. ventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus.b The synthesized
Symptoms associated with changes in body fluid hormone is packaged in granules that are transported down
osmolality vary depending on how quickly osmolality is
changed. Rapid changes in osmolality (i.e., over hours) are
the axon of the cell and stored in nerve terminals located
less well tolerated than changes that occur more gradually in the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary). The anatomy
(i.e., over days to weeks). Indeed, individuals who have of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland are shown in Fig.
developed alterations in their body fluid osmolality over an 35.3 (see also Chapter 41).
extended period of time may be entirely asymptomatic. Secretion of AVP by the posterior pituitary can be influ-
This reflects the ability of cells over time to either eliminate
intracellular osmoles, as occurs with hypoosmolality, or
enced by several factors. The primary physiological regula-
to generate new intracellular osmoles in response to tors of AVP secretion are (1) the osmolality of body fluids
hyperosmolality and thus minimize changes in cell volume of (osmotic) and (2) the volume and pressure of the vascular
the neurons (see Chapter 2). system (hemodynamic, or nonosmotic). Other factors that
can alter AVP secretion include nausea (stimulates), atrial

Arginine Vasopressin
Diuresis is the term used for excretion of a large volume of urine. This
may reflect either excretion of a large volume of water (water diuresis),
The human form of vasopressin is arginine vasopressin or excretion of a large amount of solute (solute diuresis).
Neurons within the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei synthesize
(AVP), which is also known as antidiuretic hormone
either AVP or the related peptide oxytocin. AVP-secreting cells predomi-
(ADH). AVP, acting though V1 receptors, causes vascular nate in the supraoptic nucleus, whereas oxytocin-secreting neurons are
smooth muscle contraction. As described subsequently, primarily found in the paraventricular nucleus.
626 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

Osmoreceptors neurons


Pituitary Cerebellum

Vasomotor center
Anterior Posterior (medulla oblongata)
lobe lobe Baroreceptor
Vagus and


• Fig. 35.3 â•… Anatomy of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (midsagittal section) depicting the pathways

for AVP section. Also shown are pathways involved in regulating AVP secretion. Afferent fibers from the
baroreceptors are carried in the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. The inset box illustrates an expanded
view of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

natriuretic peptide (inhibits), and angiotensin II (stimu-

lates). A number of drugs, prescription and nonprescription, AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL
also affect AVP secretion. For example, nicotine stimulates The gene for AVP is found on chromosome 20. It contains
secretion, whereas ethanol inhibits secretion. approximately 2000 base pairs with three exons and two
introns. The gene codes for a preprohormone that consists
Osmotic Control of AVP Secretion of a signal polypeptide, the AVP molecule, neurophysin,
Changes in the osmolality of body fluids (changes as minor and a glycopeptide (copeptin). As the cell processes the
preprohormone the signal peptide is cleaved off in the rough
as 1% are sufficient) play the most important role in regulat- endoplasmic reticulum. Once packaged in neurosecretory
ing AVP secretion. The receptors that monitor changes in granules, the preprohormone is further cleaved into AVP,
osmolality of body fluids (termed osmoreceptors) are distinct neurophysin, and copeptin molecules. The neurosecretory
from the cells that synthesize and secrete AVP, and are granules are then transported down the axon to the posterior
located in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis pituitary and stored in the nerve endings until released.
When the neurons are stimulated to secrete AVP, the action
(OVLT) of the hypothalamus.c The osmoreceptors sense potential opens Ca++ channels in the nerve terminal, which
changes in body fluid osmolality by either shrinking or raises the intracellular [Ca++] and causes exocytosis of the
swelling. Recent studies have provided evidence that tran- neurosecretory granules. All three peptides are secreted
sient receptor potential vanilloid (TRVP) cation channels in this process. Neurophysin and copeptin do not have an
are involved in the response of the cells to changes in body identified physiological function.
fluid osmolality. The osmoreceptors respond only to solutes
in plasma that are effective osmoles (see Chapter 1). For
example, urea is an ineffective osmole when the function of osmolality of the plasma is reduced, secretion is inhibited.
osmoreceptors is considered. Thus elevation of the plasma Because AVP is rapidly degraded in the plasma, circulating
urea concentration alone has little effect on AVP secretion. levels can be reduced to zero within minutes after secretion
When the effective osmolality of the plasma increases, is inhibited. As a result the AVP system can respond rapidly
the osmoreceptors send signals to the AVP synthesizing/ to fluctuations in body fluid osmolality.
secreting cells located in the supraoptic and paraventricu- Fig. 35.4A illustrates the effect of changes in plasma
lar nuclei of the hypothalamus, and AVP synthesis and osmolality on circulating AVP levels. The slope of the rela-
secretion are stimulated. Conversely, when the effective tionship is quite steep and accounts for the sensitivity of this
system. The set point of the system is the plasma osmolality
Angiotensin II also stimulates AVP secretion; the cells that mediate this value at which AVP secretion begins to increase. Below this
response are located in the subfornical organ (SFO). set point, virtually no AVP is released. The set point varies
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  627

Max among individuals and is genetically determined. In healthy

adults it varies from 275 to 290╯mOsm/kg H2O (average ≈
280–285╯mOsm/kg H2O). Several physiological factors can
also change the set point in a given individual. As discussed
later, alterations in blood volume and pressure can shift
Plasma [AVP]

it. In addition, pregnancy is associated with a decrease in

the set point. The mechanism responsible for the set-point
shift with pregnancy is not completely understood but is
likely due to hormone levels (e.g., relaxin and chorionic
gonadotropin) that are elevated during pregnancy.
Hemodynamic (Nonosmotic) Control
of AVP Secretion
270 290 310
Plasma osmolality (mOsm/kg H2O)
A decrease in blood volume or pressure also stimulates
AVP secretion. The receptors responsible for this response
are located in both the low-pressure (left atrium and large
Max pulmonary vessels) and the high-pressure (aortic arch and
carotid sinus) sides of the circulatory system. Because the
low-pressure receptors are located in the high-compliance
side of the circulatory system (i.e., venous), and because
Plasma [AVP]

the majority of blood is in the venous side of the circula-

tory system, these low-pressure receptors can be viewed as
responding to overall vascular volume. The high-pressure
receptors respond to arterial pressure. Both groups of recep-
tors are sensitive to stretch of the wall of the structure in
which they are located (e.g., cardiac atrial and aortic arch)
and are termed baroreceptors. Signals from these receptors
0 are carried in afferent fibers of the vagus and glossopha-
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20
ryngeal nerves to the brainstem (solitary tract nucleus of
% change in blood pressure or volume the medulla oblongata), which is part of the center that
B regulates heart rate and blood pressure (see also Chapter
Max 18). Signals are then relayed from the brainstem to the
10% decrease in AVP secretory cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular
volume/pressure hypothalamic nuclei. The sensitivity of the baroreceptor
system is less than that of the osmoreceptors, and a 5%
Normal to 10% decrease in blood volume or pressure is required
Plasma [AVP]

before AVP secretion is stimulated. This is illustrated in Fig.

35.4B. A number of substances have been shown to alter the
10% increase secretion of AVP through their effects on blood pressure.
in volume/
pressure These include bradykinin and histamine, which lower pres-
sure and thus stimulate AVP secretion, and norepinephrine,
which increases blood pressure and inhibits AVP secretion.
0 Alterations in blood volume and pressure also affect
260 270 280 290 300 310 the response to changes in body fluid osmolality (see Fig.
Plasma osmolality (mOsm/kg H2O)
35.4C). With a decrease in blood volume or pressure, the
C set point is shifted to lower osmolality values and the slope
of the relationship is steeper. In terms of survival of the
• Fig. 35.4 â•… Osmotic and hemodynamic (nonosmotic) control of AVP individual this means that faced with circulatory collapse,
secretion. A, Effect of changes in plasma osmolality (constant blood the kidneys will continue to conserve water, even though
volume and pressure) on plasma AVP levels. B, Effect of changes in
blood volume or pressure (constant plasma osmolality) on plasma
by doing so they reduce the osmolality of the body fluids.
AVP levels. C, Interactions between osmolar and blood volume and With an increase in blood volume or pressure, the opposite
pressure stimuli on plasma AVP levels. occurs. The set point is shifted to higher osmolality values
and the slope is decreased.
AVP Actions on the Kidneys
The primary action of AVP on the kidneys is to enhance
absorption of water from the tubular fluid by increasing
628 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

membrane of principal cells results in the insertion of aqua-

IN THE CLINIC porin (AQP2) water channels into the apical membrane,
Inadequate release of AVP from the posterior pituitary results
allowing water to enter the cell from the tubule lumen. This
in excretion of a large volume of dilute urine (polyuria). To water then exits the cell across the basolateral membrane,
compensate for this loss of water the individual must ingest which is always freely permeable to water owing to the
a large volume of water (polydipsia) to maintain constant presence of AQP3 and AQP4 water channels. Thus in
body fluid osmolality. If the individual is deprived of water, the presence of AVP, water is reabsorbed from the tubule
body fluids will become hyperosmotic. This condition is
called central diabetes insipidus or pituitary diabetes
insipidus. Central diabetes insipidus can be inherited,
although this is rare. It occurs more commonly after head
trauma and with brain neoplasms or infections. Individuals AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL
with central diabetes insipidus have a urine-concentrating
defect that can be corrected by administration of exogenous The gene for the V2 receptor is located on the X
AVP. The inherited (autosomal dominant) form of central chromosome. It codes for a 371–amino acid protein that is in
diabetes insipidus is due to numerous mutations in all regions the family of receptors that have seven membrane spanning
of the AVP gene (i.e., AVP, copeptin and neurophysin). domains and are coupled to heterotrimeric G proteins.
The human placenta produces a cysteine aminopeptidase As shown in Fig. 35.5, binding of AVP to its receptor on
that degrades AVP. In some women the levels of this the basolateral membrane activates adenylcyclase. The
vasopressinase result in diabetes insipidus. The associated increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate
polyuria can be treated by administration of the synthetic (cAMP) then activates protein kinase A (PKA), which results
AVP analogue desmopressin (DDAVP). in phosphorylation of AQP2 water channels and also results
The syndrome of inappropriate AVP (ADH) secretion in increased transcription of the AQP2 gene via activation
(SIADH) is a common clinical problem characterized by of a cAMP-response element (CRE). Vesicles containing
plasma AVP levels that are elevated above what would be phosphorylated AQP2 move toward the apical membrane
expected on the basis of body fluid osmolality and blood along microtubules driven by the molecular motor dynein.
volume and pressure—hence the term inappropriate AVP Once near the apical membrane, proteins called SNAREs
(ADH) secretion (this is alternatively named syndrome of interact with vesicles containing AQP2 and facilitate fusion
inappropriate antidiuresis [SIAD]). In addition the collecting of these vesicles with the membrane. Addition of AQP2 to
duct overexpresses water channels (see below), thus the membrane allows water to enter the cell driven by the
augmenting the effect of AVP to stimulate water retention osmotic gradient (lumen osmolality < cell osmolality). The
by the kidney. Individuals with SIADH retain water, and their water then exits the cell across the basolateral membrane
body fluids become progressively hypoosmotic. In addition, through AQP3 and AQP4 water channels, which are
their urine is more hyperosmotic than expected based on the constitutively present in the basolateral membrane. When
low body-fluid osmolality. SIADH can be caused by infections the V2 receptor is not occupied by AVP, the AQP2 water
and neoplasms of the brain, drugs (e.g., antitumor drugs), channels are removed from the apical membrane by clathrin-
pulmonary diseases, and carcinoma of the lung. Many of mediated endocytosis, thus rendering the apical membrane
these conditions stimulate AVP secretion by altering neural impermeable to water. The endocytosed AQP2 molecules
input to the AVP secretory cells. By contrast, small cell may be either stored in cytoplasmic vesicles, ready for
carcinoma of the lung produces and secretes a number of reinsertion into the apical membrane when AVP levels in the
peptides including AVP. Recently, AVP receptor antagonists plasma increase, or degraded.
(e.g., the nonpeptide antagonists conivaptan [Vaprisol] and
tolvaptan [Samsca and Jinarc]) have been developed that
can be used to treat SIADH and other conditions in which
AVP-dependent water retention by the kidneys occurs (e.g.,
congestive heart failure and hepatic cirrhosis). AVP also regulates long-term expression of AQP2 (and
AQP3). When large volumes of water are ingested over an
extended period of time (e.g., psychogenic polydipsia), the
abundance of AQP2 and AQP3 in principal cells is reduced.
As a consequence, when water ingestion is restricted, these
the water permeability of the latter portion of the distal individuals cannot maximally concentrate their urine.
tubule and collecting duct. In addition, and importantly, Conversely, in states of restricted water ingestion, AQP2
AVP increases the permeability of the medullary portion of and AQP3 protein expression in principal cells increases,
the collecting duct to urea. Finally, AVP stimulates NaCl thereby facilitating excretion of maximally concentrated
reabsorption by the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop, urine.
distal tubule, and collecting duct. It is also clear that expression of AQP2 (and in some
In the absence of AVP, the apical membrane of principal instances also AQP3) varies in pathological conditions
cells (see Chapter 34), located in the latter portion of the associated with disturbances in urine concentration and
distal tubule and along the collecting duct, is relatively dilution. AQP2 expression is reduced in a number of
impermeable to water. This reflects the fact that in the conditions associated with impaired urine concentrating
absence of AVP the apical membrane of these cells contains ability (e.g., hypercalcemia, hypokalemia). By contrast, in
few water channels (aquaporins). Thus in the absence of conditions associated with water retention (e.g., congestive
AVP, little water is reabsorbed by these nephron segments. heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, pregnancy) AQP2 expression
Binding of AVP to the V2 receptor located in the basolateral is increased.
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  629

Microtubule Protein V2
kinase A AVP
P G protein
Phosphodiesterase cAMP
AQP2 Recycling
Endocytosis Synthesis



• Fig. 35.5â•… Action of AVP via the V2 receptor on the principal cell of the late distal tubule and collecting
duct. See text for details. AC, adenylcyclase; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CREB-P, phos-
phorylated cAMP response element binding protein; CRE, cAMP response element; P, phosphorylated
proteins; AQP2, aquaporin 2; AP2, aquaporin 2 gene. (Adapted from Brown D, Nielsen S. The cell biology
of vasopressin action. In: Brenner BM [ed]. The Kidney. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2004.)

AVP also increases the permeability of the terminal
portion of the inner medullary collecting duct to urea. This In addition to affecting the secretion of AVP, changes in
results in an increase in urea reabsorption and an increase in plasma osmolality and blood volume or pressure lead to
the osmolality of the medullary interstitial fluid, which as alterations in the perception of thirst. When body fluid
described below is needed for maximal urine concentration. osmolality is increased or the blood volume or pressure is
The cells of the collecting duct express two types of urea reduced, the individual perceives thirst. Of these stimuli,
transporters, UT-A1 and UT-A3. UT-A1 is localized to the hypertonicity is the more potent. An increase in plasma
apical membrane, and UT-A3 is localized primarily to the osmolality of only 2% to 3% produces a strong desire to
basolateral membrane. AVP, acting through the cAMP/PKA drink, whereas decreases in blood volume and pressure in
cascade, increases expression of both UT-A1 and UT-A3. the range of 10% to 15% are required to produce the same
Increasing the osmolality of the interstitial fluid of the renal response.
medulla also increases the permeability of the inner medul- As already discussed, there is a genetically determined
lary collecting duct to urea. This effect is mediated by the threshold for AVP secretion (i.e., a body fluid osmolality
phospholipase C/protein kinase C (PKC) pathway, which above which AVP secretion increases). Similarly there is a
increases UT-A1 and UT-A3 expression. genetically determined threshold for triggering the sensa-
AVP also stimulates reabsorption of NaCl by the thick tion of thirst. However, the thirst threshold is higher than
ascending limb of Henle’s loop and by the distal tubule the threshold for AVP secretion. On average the threshold
and cortical segment of the collecting duct. This increase in for AVP secretion is approximately 285╯mOsm/kg H2O,
Na+ reabsorption is associated with increased abundance of whereas the thirst threshold is approximately 295╯mOsm/
three Na+ transporters: the 1Na+/1K+/2Cl− symporter (thick kg H2O. Because of this difference, thirst is stimulated at
ascending limb of Henle’s loop), the Na+/Cl− symporter a body fluid osmolality where AVP secretion is already
(distal tubule), and the Na+ channel (ENaC, in the latter maximal.
portion of the distal tubule and collecting duct). Stimulation The neural centers involved in regulating water intake
of thick ascending limb NaCl transport may help maintain (the thirst center) are located in the same region of the
the hyperosmotic medullary interstitium that is necessary hypothalamus involved with regulating AVP secretion.
for absorption of water from the medullary portion of the However, it is not certain whether the same cells serve both
collecting duct (see below). functions. Indeed the thirst response, like the regulation of
630 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

to the homeostatic response that restores and maintains

IN THE CLINIC body fluids at their normal volume.
The collecting ducts of some individuals do not respond
The sensation of thirst is satisfied by the act of drinking,
normally to AVP. These individuals cannot maximally even before sufficient water is absorbed from the gastro-
concentrate their urine and consequently have polyuria intestinal tract to correct the plasma osmolality. It is interest-
and polydipsia. This clinical entity is termed nephrogenic ing to note that cold water is more effective in reducing the
diabetes insipidus to distinguish it from central diabetes thirst sensation. Oropharyngeal and upper gastrointestinal
insipidus. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus can result from
a number of systemic disorders and more rarely occurs
receptors appear to be involved in this response. However,
as a result of inherited disorders. Many of the acquired relief of the thirst sensation via these receptors is short lived,
forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are the result and thirst is only completely satisfied when the plasma
of decreased expression of AQP2 in the collecting duct. osmolality or blood volume or pressure is corrected.
Decreased expression of AQP2 has been documented in the It should be apparent that the AVP and thirst systems
urine concentrating defects associated with hypokalemia,
lithium ingestion (35% of individuals who take lithium for
work in concert to maintain water balance. An increase in
bipolar disorder develop some degree of nephrogenic plasma osmolality evokes drinking and, via AVP action on
diabetes insipidus), ureteral obstruction, low-protein diet, the kidneys, conservation of water. Conversely, when plasma
and hypercalcemia. The inherited forms of nephrogenic osmolality is decreased, thirst is suppressed and, in the
diabetes insipidus reflect mutations in the AVP receptor (V2 absence of AVP, renal water excretion is enhanced. However,
receptor) gene or the AQP2 gene. Approximately 90% of
hereditary forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are the
most of the time fluid intake is dictated by cultural factors
result of mutations in the V2 receptor gene, with the other and social situations. This is especially the case when thirst is
10% the result of mutations in the AQP2 gene. Since the not stimulated. In this situation, maintaining normal body
gene for the V2 receptor is located on the X chromosome, fluid osmolality relies solely on the ability of the kidneys to
these inherited forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus excrete water. How the kidney accomplishes this is discussed
are X-linked. The gene coding for AQP2 is located on
chromosome 12 and is inherited as both an autosomal
in detail in the following sections of this chapter.
recessive as well as an autosomal dominant defect. As
noted in Chapter 1, aquaporins exist as homotetramers. This Renal Mechanisms for Dilution and
homotetramer formation explains the difference between the
two forms of AQP2-related nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Concentration of Urine
In the recessive form, heterozygotes produce both normal
AQP2 and defective AQP2 molecules. The defective AQP2
As already noted, water excretion is regulated separately
monomer is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum of the from solute excretion. For this to occur the kidneys must
cell, and thus the homotetramers that do form only contain be able to excrete urine that is either hypoosmotic or hyper-
normal molecules. Thus mutations in both alleles are required osmotic with respect to body fluids. This ability to excrete
to produce nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. In the autosomal urine of varying osmolality in turn requires that solute be
dominant form, the defective monomers can form tetramers
with normal monomers as well as defective monomers.
separated from water at some point along the nephron.
However, tetramers containing defective monomers are As discussed in Chapter 34, reabsorption of solute in the
unable to traffic to the apical membrane. proximal tubule results in reabsorption of a proportional
Recently, individuals have been found that have activating amount of water. Hence solute and water are not separated
(gain-of-function) mutations in the V2 receptor gene. Thus in this portion of the nephron. Moreover, this proportional-
the receptor is constitutively activated even in the absence
of AVP. These individuals have laboratory findings similar to
ity between proximal tubule water and solute reabsorption
those seen in SIADH, including reduced plasma osmolality, occurs regardless of whether the kidneys excrete dilute or
hyponatremia (reduced plasma [Na+]), and urine more concentrated urine. Thus the proximal tubule reabsorbs a
concentrated than would be expected from the reduced large portion of the filtered amount of solute and water, but
body fluid osmolality. However, unlike SIADH where it does not produce dilute or concentrated tubular fluid.
circulating levels of AVP are elevated and thus responsible
for water retention by the kidneys, these individuals have
The loop of Henle, in particular the thick ascending limb,
undetectable levels of AVP in their plasma. This new is the major site where solute and water are separated. Thus
clinical entity has been termed nephrogenic syndrome of excretion of both dilute and concentrated urine requires
inappropriate antidiuresis. normal function of the loop of Henle.
Excretion of hypoosmotic urine is relatively easy to
understand. The nephron must simply reabsorb solute from
AVP secretion, only occurs in response to effective osmoles the tubular fluid and not allow water reabsorption to also
(e.g., NaCl). Even less is known about the pathways occur. As just noted, and as described in greater detail
involved in the thirst response to decreased blood volume later, reabsorption of solute without concomitant water
or pressure, but it is believed that the pathways are the same reabsorption occurs in the ascending limb of Henle’s loop.
as those involved in the volume and pressure-related regula- Under appropriate conditions (i.e., in the absence of AVP)
tion of AVP secretion. Angiotensin II acting on cells of the the distal tubule and collecting duct also dilute the tubular
thirst center also evokes the sensation of thirst. Because fluid by reabsorbing solute but not water.
angiotensin II levels are increased when blood volume and Excretion of hyperosmotic urine is more complex and
pressure are reduced, this effect of angiotensin II contributes thus more difficult to understand. This process in essence
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  631

of AVP. Note that tubular fluid entering the loop of Henle

IN THE CLINIC from the proximal tubule is isoosmotic with respect to
With adequate access to water, the thirst mechanism can
plasma and is so regardless of the absence or presence of
prevent development of hyperosmolality. This mechanism AVP. Also, tubular fluid leaving the thick ascending limb is
is responsible for the polydipsia seen in response to the hypoosmotic with respect to plasma, both in the absence
polyuria of both central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. and presence of AVP. The osmolality of tubular fluid along
Most individuals ingest water/beverages even in the absence the collecting duct is hypoosmotic with respect to plasma in
of the thirst sensation. Normally the kidneys are able to
excrete this excess water because they can excrete up to
the absence of AVP and becomes progressively hyperosmotic
18╯L/day of urine. However, in some instances, the volume (i.e., from cortex to inner medulla) in the presence of AVP.
of water ingested exceeds the kidneys’ capacity to excrete Establishment and maintenance of the hyperosmotic
water, especially over short periods of time. When this medullary interstitium has been a subject of study for more
occurs, body fluids become hypoosmotic. than 50 years. Despite this intense study, the most accepted
An example of how water intake can exceed the capacity
of the kidneys to excrete water is long-distance running. A
model for how the medullary osmotic gradient is established,
study of participants in the Boston Marathon found that 13% especially within the inner medulla, is incomplete and not
of the runners developed hyponatremia during the course of consistent with more recent experimental findings regarding
the race.d the transport properties of the nephron segments in this
This reflected the practice of some runners of ingesting region of the kidney. With the caveat that the current model
water or other hypotonic drinks during the race to remain
“well hydrated.” In addition, water is produced from the
needs refinement, it is presented here because it embodies
metabolism of glycogen and triglycerides used as fuels by some fundamental concepts that underlie the process.
the exercising muscle. Because over the course of the race In the current model the medullary interstitial osmotic
they ingested (and generated through metabolism) more gradient is established by a process termed countercurrent
water than their kidneys were able to excrete or was lost multiplication. By this process, solute (principally NaCl)
by sweating, hyponatremia developed. In some racers the
hyponatremia was severe enough to elicit the neurological
is reabsorbed without water from the ascending limb of
symptoms described previously. Henle’s loop into the surrounding medullary interstitium.
The maximum amount of water that can be excreted This decreases the osmolality in the tubular fluid and
by the kidneys (e.g., 18╯L/day) depends on the amount of raises the osmolality of the interstitium at this point. The
solute excreted, which in turn depends on food intake. For increased osmolality of the interstitium then causes water
example, with maximally dilute urine (Uosm = 50╯mOsm/kg
H2O), the maximum urine output of 18╯L/day will be achieved
to be reabsorbed from the descending limb of Henle’s loop,
only if the solute excretion rate is 900╯mmol/day: thus increasing the tubular fluid osmolality in this segment.
Thus at any point along the loop of Henle the fluid in
Uosm = Solute excretion Volume excreted the ascending limb has an osmolality less than fluid in
50 mOsm/kg H2O = 900 mmol/18 L the adjacent descending limb. This osmotic difference was
termed the single effect. Because of the countercurrent
If solute excretion is reduced, as commonly occurs in
the elderly with reduced food intake, the maximum urine
flow of tubular fluid in the descending (fluid flowing into
output will decrease. For example, if solute excretion is the medulla) and ascending (fluid flow out of the medulla)
only 400╯mmol/day, a maximum urine output (at Uosm = limbs, this single effect could be multiplied, resulting in an
50╯mOsm/kg H2O) of only 8╯L/day can be achieved. Thus osmotic gradient within the medullary interstitium, where
individuals with reduced food intake have a reduced capacity the tip of the papilla has an osmolality of 1200╯mOsm/kg
to excrete water.
H2O compared to 300╯mOsm/kg H2O at the corticome-
Almond CS et al. Hyponatremia among runners in the Boston Marathon. dullary junction.
N Engl J Med 2005;352:1150-1556.
Fig. 35.7 schematically depicts the processes for excreting
a dilute urine (water diuresis) as well as a concentrated urine
(antidiuresis). Three key concepts underlie these processes:
1. Urine is concentrated by AVP-dependent reabsorption
involves removing water from the tubular fluid without of water from the collecting duct.
solute. Because water movement is passive, driven by an 2. Reabsorption of NaCl from the ascending limb of Henle’s
osmotic gradient, the kidney must generate a hyperosmotic loop dilutes the tubular fluid and at the same time gener-
compartment into which water is reabsorbed, without ates a high [NaCl] in the medullary interstitium (up to
solute, osmotically from the tubular fluid. The hyperosmotic 600╯mmol/L at the tip of the papilla), which then drives
compartment in the kidney that serves this function is the water reabsorption from the collecting duct.
interstitium of the renal medulla. Henle’s loop is critical 3. Urea accumulates in the medullary interstitium (up to
for generating the hyperosmotic medullary interstitium. 600╯mmol/L), which allows the kidneys to excrete urine
Once established, this hyperosmotic compartment drives with the same high urea concentration. This allows large
water reabsorption from the collecting duct and thereby amounts of urea to be excreted with relatively little water.
concentrates urine. First, how the kidneys excrete dilute urine (water diure-
Fig. 35.6 summarizes tubular fluid osmolality at several sis) when AVP levels are low or zero is considered. The
points along the nephron, both in the absence and presence following numbers refer to those encircled in Fig. 35.7A:
632 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

+ AVP: 140
− AVP: 140
+ AVP: 290
− AVP: 290

+ AVP: 290 Cortex

− AVP: 100

+ AVP: 290
− AVP: 290



+ AVP: 1200 + AVP: 1200

− AVP: 600 − AVP: 50
• Fig. 35.6 â•… Tubular fluid osmolality along the nephron in the presence (+AVP) and in the absence (−AVP)

of arginine vasopressin. See text for details. (Adapted from Sands JM et╯al. Urine concentration and
dilution. In: Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2012.)

1. Fluid entering the descending thin limb of the loop of 5. The distal tubule and cortical portion of the collecting
Henle from the proximal tubule is isosmotic with respect duct actively reabsorb NaCl. In the absence of AVP these
to plasma. This reflects the essentially isosmotic nature segments are not permeable to water (i.e., AQP2 is not
of solute and water reabsorption in the proximal tubule present in the apical membrane of the cells). Thus when
(see Chapter 34). (NOTE: Water is reabsorbed from the AVP is absent or present at low levels (i.e., decreased
segments of the proximal tubule via AQP1.) plasma osmolality), the osmolality of tubule fluid in these
2. Water is reabsorbed from the thin descending limb of segments is reduced further because NaCl is reabsorbed
Henle’s loop. Most of this water is reabsorbed in the without water. Under this condition, fluid leaving the
outer medulla, thereby limiting the amount of water cortical portion of the collecting duct is hypoosmotic
added to the deepest part of the inner medullary inter- with respect to plasma (see Fig. 35.6).
stitial space and thus preserving the hyperosmolality of 6. The medullary collecting duct actively reabsorbs NaCl.
this region of the medulla. (NOTE: Water is reabsorbed Even in the absence of AVP, this segment is slightly
via AQP1.) permeable to water and some water is reabsorbed.
3. In the inner medulla the terminal portion of the 7. The urine has an osmolality as low as approximately
descending thin limb and all of the thin ascending 50╯mOsm/kg H2O and contains low concentrations of
limb is impermeable to water. (NOTE: AQP1 is not NaCl. The volume of urine excreted can be as much
expressed.) These same nephron segments express the as 18╯L/day, or approximately 10% of the glomerular
Cl− channel CLC-K1, which mediates Cl− reabsorption, filtration rate (GFR).
with Na+ following via the paracellular pathway. This Next, how the kidneys excrete concentrated urine
passive reabsorption of NaCl without concomitant water (antidiuresis) when plasma osmolality and plasma AVP
reabsorption begins the process of diluting the tubular levels are high is considered. The following numbers refer
fluid. to those encircled in Fig. 35.7B:
4. The thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle is also 1–4.╇ These steps are similar to those for production of
impermeable to water and actively reabsorbs NaCl from dilute urine. An important point in understanding how a
the tubular fluid and thereby dilutes it further (see concentrated urine is produced is to recognize that while
Chapter 34). Dilution occurs to such a degree that this reabsorption of NaCl by the ascending thin and thick
segment is often referred to as the diluting segment of limbs of the loop of Henle dilutes the tubular fluid, the
the kidney. Fluid leaving the thick ascending limb is reabsorbed NaCl accumulates in the medullary inter-
hypoosmotic with respect to plasma (see Fig. 35.6). stitium and raises the osmolality of this compartment.
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  633

Water diuresis
Interstitial fluid
Vasa recta Nephron (mOsm/kg H2O)


Cortex 5
NaCl 300

Medulla 2 NaCl 400

H2O 3

Solute Solute NaCl

H2O Urea 600

H2O H2O 7

Interstitial fluid
Vasa recta Nephron (mOsm/kg H2O)

H2O 300

Cortex 5
H2O 300

Medulla 2 NaCl
H2O 600
H2O 3

Solute Solute NaCl

H2O 1200
H2O Urea
H2O H2O 7
• Fig. 35.7 â•… Schematic of nephron segments involved in urine dilution and concentration. Henle’s loops

of juxtamedullary nephrons are shown. A, Mechanism for excretion of dilute urine (water diuresis). AVP) is
absent and the collecting duct is essentially impermeable to water. Note also that during a water diuresis
the osmolality of the medullary interstitium is reduced as a result of increased vasa recta blood flow and
entry of some urea into the medullary collecting duct. B, Mechanism for excretion of a concentrated urine
(antidiuresis). Plasma AVP levels are maximal and the collecting duct is highly permeable to water. Under
this condition the medullary interstitial gradient is maximal. See text for details.
634 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

Accumulation of NaCl in the medullary interstitium is

Outer Inner
crucial for production of urine hyperosmotic to plasma, Cortex medulla Medulla
because it provides the osmotic driving force for water 600
reabsorption by the medullary collecting duct. As already
noted, AVP stimulates NaCl reabsorption by the thick 500
ascending limb of Henle’s loop. This is thought to Urea
maintain the medullary interstitial gradient at a time
when water is being added to this compartment from the 400

medullary collecting duct, which would tend to dissipate

the gradient.
300 Nacl
5. Because of NaCl reabsorption by the ascending limb
of the loop of Henle, the fluid reaching the collecting
duct is hypoosmotic with respect to the surrounding 200
interstitial fluid. Thus an osmotic gradient is established
across the collecting duct. In the presence of AVP, which
increases the water permeability of the latter portion of 100
the distal tubule and the collecting duct by causing inser-
tion of AQP2 into the luminal membrane of the cells,
water diffuses out of the tubule lumen and the tubule
fluid osmolality increases. This diffusion of water out of • Fig. 35.8â•… The medullary interstitial gradient comprises primarily
NaCl and urea. The concentrations for NaCl and urea depicted reflect
the lumen of the collecting duct begins the process of those found in the antidiuretic state (i.e., excretion of hyperosmotic
urine concentration. The maximum osmolality the fluid urine). See text for details. (Adapted from Sands JM et╯al. Urine
in the distal tubule and cortical portion of the collecting concentration and dilution. In: Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. 9th
duct can attain is approximately 290╯mOsm/kg H2O ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2012.)
(i.e., the same as plasma), which is the osmolality of
the interstitial fluid and plasma within the cortex of the
kidney. Medullary Interstitium
6. As the tubular fluid descends deeper into the medulla, As noted earlier, the interstitial fluid of the renal medulla
water continues to be reabsorbed from the collecting duct, is critically important in concentrating urine. The osmotic
increasing the tubular fluid osmolality to 1200╯mOsm/ pressure of the interstitial fluid provides the driving force
kg H2O at the tip of the papilla. for reabsorbing water from both the descending thin limb
7. The urine produced when AVP levels are elevated has an of the loop of Henle and the collecting duct. The principal
osmolality of 1200╯mOsm/kg H2O and contains high solutes of the medullary interstitial fluid are NaCl and
concentrations of urea and other nonreabsorbed solutes. urea, but the concentration of these solutes is not uniform
Urine volume under this condition can be as low as throughout the medulla (i.e., a gradient exists from cortex
0.5╯L/day. to papilla). Other solutes also accumulate in the medullary
In comparing the two conditions just described, it should interstitium (e.g., NH4+ and K+), but the most abundant
be apparent that a relatively constant volume of dilute solutes are NaCl and urea. For simplicity, this discussion
tubular fluid is delivered to the AVP-sensitive portions of assumes that NaCl and urea are the only solutes.
the nephron (latter portion of the distal tubule and collect- As depicted in Fig. 35.8, NaCl and urea accumulate in
ing duct). Plasma AVP levels then determine the amount the renal medulla, and the interstitial fluid at the tip of the
of water reabsorbed by these segments. When AVP levels papilla of the inner medulla reaches a maximum osmolality
are low, a relatively small volume of water is reabsorbed by of 1200╯mOsm/kg H2O, with approximately 600╯mOsm/kg
these segments and a large volume of hypoosmotic urine is H2O attributable to NaCl (300╯mmol/L) and 600╯mOsm/
excreted (up to 10% of the filtered water). When AVP levels kg H2O attributable to urea (600╯mmol/L). Establishment
are high, a large volume of water is reabsorbed by these of the NaCl gradient is essentially complete at the transition
same segments and a small volume of hyperosmotic urine is between the outer and inner medulla.
excreted (<1% of filtered water). During antidiuresis, most The medullary gradient for NaCl results from accumula-
of the water is reabsorbed in the distal tubule and cortical tion of NaCl reabsorbed by the nephron segments in the
and outer medullary portions of the collecting duct. Thus a medulla during countercurrent multiplication. The most
relatively small volume of fluid reaches the inner medullary important segment in this regard is the ascending limb of
collecting duct where it is then reabsorbed. This distribution the loop of Henle. Urea accumulation within the medullary
of water reabsorption along the length of the collecting interstitium is more complex and occurs most effectively
duct (i.e., cortex > outer medulla > inner medulla) allows when hyperosmotic urine is excreted (i.e., antidiuresis).
for maintenance of a hyperosmotic interstitial environment When dilute urine is produced, especially over extended
in the inner medulla by minimizing the amount of water periods, the osmolality of the medullary interstitium
entering this compartment. declines (see Fig. 37.7A). This reduced osmolality is almost
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  635

entirely caused by a decrease in the concentration of urea. ments. The ability of the vasa recta to maintain the medullary
This decrease reflects washout by the vasa recta (discussed interstitial gradient is flow dependent. A substantial increase
later) and diffusion of urea from the interstitium into the in vasa recta blood flow dissipates the medullary gradient
tubular fluid within the medullary portion of the collecting (i.e., washout of osmoles from the medullary interstitium).
duct, which is permeable to urea even in the absence of AVP. Alternatively, reduced blood flow reduces oxygen delivery to
(NOTE: The cortical and outer medullary portions of the the nephron segments within the medulla. Because transport
collecting duct have a low permeability to urea, whereas the of salt and other solutes requires oxygen and ATP, reduced
inner medullary portion has a relatively high permeability medullary blood flow decreases salt and solute transport by
because of the presence of the urea transporters UT-A1 and nephron segments in the medulla. As a result the medullary
UT-A3, the expression of which is increased by AVP.) Some interstitial osmotic gradient cannot be maintained.
of this reabsorbed urea is secreted into the thin descending
limbs of Henle’s loops via the urea transporter UT-A2, Assessment of Renal Diluting and
and some enters the vasa recta via the UT-B transporter. Concentrating Ability
The urea that is secreted into the descending thin limbs of
Henle’s loops is then trapped in the nephron until it again Assessment of renal water handling includes measurements
reaches the medullary collecting duct, where it can reenter of urine osmolality and the volume of urine excreted. The
the medullary interstitium. Thus urea recycles from the range of urine osmolality is from 50 to 1200╯mOsm/kg
interstitium to the nephron and back into the interstitium. H2O. The corresponding range in urine volume is 18╯L to as
This process of urea recycling facilitates accumulation of little as 0.5╯L/day. These ranges are not fixed and vary from
urea in the medullary interstitium, where it can attain a individual to individual. They can also be affected by disease
concentration at the tip of the papilla of 600╯mmol/L. processes, and as noted previously they are dependent on
As described, the hyperosmotic medulla is essential for the amount of solute the kidneys must also excrete.
concentrating the tubular fluid within the collecting duct. The ability of the kidneys to dilute or concentrate
Because water reabsorption from the collecting duct is urine requires the separation of solute and water (i.e., the
driven by the osmotic gradient established in the medullary single effect of the countercurrent multiplication process).
interstitium, urine can never be more concentrated than This separation of solute and water in essence generates
that of the interstitial fluid in the papilla. Thus any condi- a volume of water that is “free of solute.” When urine is
tion that reduces the medullary interstitial osmolality dilute, solute-free water is excreted from the body. When
impairs the ability of the kidneys to maximally concentrate urine is concentrated, solute-free water is returned to the
urine. Urea within the medullary interstitium contributes to body (i.e., conserved).
the total osmolality of the urine. However, because the inner For the kidneys to maximally excrete solute-free water
medullary collecting duct is highly permeable to urea, (i.e., 18╯L/day) the following conditions must be met:
especially in the presence of AVP, urea cannot drive water 1. AVP must be absent; without it the collecting duct does
reabsorption across this nephron segment. Instead, urea in not reabsorb a significant amount of water.
the tubular fluid and medullary interstitium equilibrate, and 2. The tubular structures that separate solute from water
a small volume of urine with a high concentration of urea is (i.e., dilute the tubule fluid) must function normally. In
excreted.e It is the medullary interstitial NaCl concentration the absence of AVP the following nephron segments can
that is responsible for reabsorbing water from the medullary dilute the luminal fluid:
collecting duct and thereby concentrating the nonurea • ascending thin limb of Henle’s loop
solutes (e.g., NH4+ salts, K+ salts, creatinine) in the urine. • thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop
• distal tubule
Vasa Recta Function • collecting duct
The vasa recta, the capillary networks that supply blood to Because of its high transport rate, the thick ascend-
the medulla, are highly permeable to solute and water. As ing limb is quantitatively the most important nephron
with the loop of Henle, the vasa recta form a parallel set segment involved in the separation of solute and water.
of hairpin loops within the medulla (see Chapter 33). Not 3. An adequate amount of tubular fluid must be delivered
only do the vasa recta bring nutrients and oxygen to the to the aforementioned nephron sites for maximal separa-
medullary nephron segments, but more importantly they tion of solute and water. Factors that reduce delivery
also remove the excess water and solute that is continuously (e.g., decreased GFR or enhanced proximal tubule
added to the medullary interstitium by these nephron seg- reabsorption) impair the kidneys’ ability to maximally
excrete solute-free water.
On a typical diet the kidneys must excrete 450 mmol/day of urea. Similar requirements also apply to conservation of water
At a maximal urine [urea] of 600 mmol/L this amount of urea can be by the kidneys. For the kidneys to conserve water maximally
excreted in less than 1 L of urine. However, if the maximal urine [urea] (6–8╯L/day) the following conditions must be met:
is reduced because of a decrease in the medullary interstitial fluid [urea],
a larger urine volume would be needed to excrete the 450 mmol/day of 1. An adequate amount of tubular fluid must be delivered
urea (e.g., 2.25 L of urine would be required if the maximal urine [urea] to those nephron segments that separate solute from
was only 200 mM). water; the most important segment in this regard is the
636 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology


14 L
[Na]  145 mEq/L
[Anions]  145 mEq/L
Osmolality  290 mOsm/kg H2O
145 mmol NaCl 145 mEq NaCl
1 4

Transient state Transient state

14 L 14 L
2 [Na]  155 mEq/L [Na]  135 mEq/L 5
[Anions]  155 mEq/L [Anions]  135 mEq/L
Osmolality  310 mOsm/kg H2O Osmolality  270 mOsm/kg H2O

(Volume Expansion)
(Volume Contraction)
15 L
3 13 L 6
[Na]  145 mEq/L
[Na]  145 mEq/L
[Anions]  145 mEq/L
[Anions]  145 mEq/L
Osmolality  290 mOsm/kg H2O
Osmolality  290 mOsm/kg H2O

In response to elevated AVP levels

In response to decreased AVP levels
the kidneys retain 1 L of water
the kidneys excrete 1 L of water
returning osmolality and [Na]
returning osmolality and [Na]
to normal, but increasing ECF volume. to normal, but reducing ECF volume.
• Fig. 35.9 Impact of changes in Na+ balance on ECFV. (1) Addition of NaCl (without water) to the ECF

increases the [Na+] and osmolality. (2) The increase in ECF osmolality stimulates secretion of AVP from
the posterior pituitary, which than acts on the kidneys to conserve water. (3) Decreased renal excretion
of water together with water ingestion restore plasma osmolality and plasma [Na+] to normal. However,
the ECFV is now increased by 1╯L. (4) Removal of NaCl (without water) from the ECF decreases plasma
[Na+] and plasma osmolality. (5) The decrease in ECF osmolality inhibits AVP secretion. In response to
the decrease in plasma AVP the kidneys excrete water. (6) Increased renal excretion of water returns the
plasma [Na+] and plasma osmolality to normal. However, ECFV is now decreased by 1╯L. As illustrated,
changes in Na+ balance alter ECFV because of the efficiency of the AVP system to maintain normal
body fluid osmolality. (Adapted from Koeppen BM, Stanton BA. Renal Physiology. 5th ed. Philadelphia:
Elsevier; 2013.)

thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop. Delivery of tubular also the major determinant of ECF osmolality, alterations
fluid to Henle’s loop depends on GFR and proximal in Na+ balance are commonly assumed to disturb ECF
tubule reabsorption. osmolality. However, under normal circumstances this is
2. Reabsorption of NaCl by the nephron segments must be not the case because the AVP and thirst systems maintain
normal; again, the most important segment is the thick body fluid osmolality within a very narrow range (discussed
ascending limb of Henle’s loop. earlier). As illustrated in Fig. 35.9, adding or removing
3. A hyperosmotic medullary interstitium must be present. NaCl from ECF changes this body fluid compartment’s
The interstitial fluid osmolality is maintained by NaCl volume and not the [Na+] (compare initial condition and
reabsorption by Henle’s loop (conditions 1 and 2) and final conditions). For example, addition of NaCl to the
by effective accumulation of urea. Urea accumulation in ECF (without water) increases the [Na+] and osmolality of
turn depends on adequate dietary protein intake. this compartment. (ICF osmolality also increases because
4. Maximum levels of AVP must be present and the col- of osmotic equilibration with the ECF.) In response, AVP
lecting duct must respond normally to AVP. secretion and thirst are stimulated, and as a result water
is ingested and renal water loss is reduced. This restores
plasma osmolality (and serum [Na+]) to their initial
Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and values, but the volume of the ECF is now increased.
Regulation of Renal NaCl Excretion The opposite occurs when NaCl is lost from the ECF.
Changes in ECF volume (ECFV) can be monitored by
The major solutes of ECF are the salts of Na+ (see Chapter measuring body weight, because 1╯L of ECF equals 1╯kg of
2). Of these, NaCl is the most abundant. Because NaCl is body weight.
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  637

The kidneys are the major route for excretion of NaCl change is dependent upon the degree of ECFV contraction
from the body. Only about 10% of the Na+ lost from the or expansion and the effectiveness of cardiovascular reflex
body each day does so by nonrenal routes (e.g., in perspira- mechanisms (see Chapters 18 and 19). When a person is
tion and feces). As such, the kidneys are critically important in negative Na+ balance, ECFV is decreased and renal NaCl
in regulating ECFV. Under normal conditions the kidneys excretion is reduced. Conversely, with positive Na+ balance
keep ECFV constant (a state termed euvolemia) by adjust- there is an increase in ECFV, which results in enhanced
ing the excretion of NaCl to match the amount ingested renal NaCl excretion (i.e., natriuresis).
in the diet. If ingestion exceeds excretion, ECFV increases However, in some pathological conditions (e.g., con-
above normal (volume expansion), whereas the opposite gestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis), renal excretion of
occurs if excretion exceeds ingestion (volume contraction). NaCl does not reflect the ECFV. In both of these situations
The typical diet contains approximately 140╯mEq/day of the volume of the ECF is increased. However, instead of
Na+ (8╯g of NaCl), and thus daily Na+ excretion in urine increased renal NaCl excretion, as would be expected, renal
is also about 140╯mEq/day. However, the kidneys can vary excretion of NaCl is reduced. To explain renal Na+ handling
excretion of Na+ over a wide range. Excretion rates as low in these situations, it is necessary to understand the concept
as 10╯mEq/day can be attained when individuals are placed of effective circulating volume (ECV). Unlike ECF, ECV
on a low-salt diet. Conversely, the kidneys can increase is not a measurable and distinct body fluid compartment.
their excretion rate to more than 1000╯mEq/day when Effective circulating volume refers to that portion of the
challenged by ingestion of a high-salt diet. These changes ECF that is contained within the vascular system and is
in Na+ excretion can occur with only modest changes in the “effectively” perfusing the tissues (effective blood volume
ECFV and Na+ content of the body. and effective arterial blood volume are other commonly used
The response of the kidneys to abrupt changes in NaCl terms). More specifically the ECV reflects the activity of
intake typically takes several hours to several days, depend- volume sensors located in the vascular system (discussed
ing on the magnitude of the change. During this transition later).
period the intake and excretion of Na+ are not matched as
they are in the steady state. Thus the individual experiences
either positive Na+ balance (intake > excretion) or negative
Na+ balance (intake < excretion). However, by the end of Patients with congestive heart failure frequently have an
the transition period a new steady state is established and increase in ECFV that manifests as increased plasma volume
intake once again equals excretion. and accumulation of interstitial fluid in the lungs (pulmonary
This section reviews the physiology of the receptors that edema) and peripheral tissues (generalized edema). This
excess fluid is the result of NaCl and water retention by
monitor ECFV and explains the various signals that act the kidneys. The kidneys’ response (i.e., retention of NaCl
on the kidneys to regulate NaCl excretion and thereby and water) is paradoxical because the ECFV is increased.
ECFV. In addition, responses of the various portions of the However, this fluid is not in the vascular system but rather in
nephron to these signals is considered. the interstitial fluid compartment. In addition, blood pressure
and cardiac output may be reduced because of poor cardiac
performance. Therefore the sensors located in the vascular
Concept of Effective Circulating Volume system respond as they do in ECFV contraction and cause
NaCl and water retention by the kidneys. In this situation the
As described in Chapter 2, the ECF is subdivided into two ECV, as monitored by the volume sensors, is decreased.
compartments: blood plasma and interstitial fluid. Plasma
volume is a determinant of vascular volume and thus blood
pressure and cardiac output. Maintenance of Na+ balance, In healthy individuals, ECV varies directly with ECFV
and thus ECFV, involves a complex system of sensors and and in particular the volume of the vascular system (arterial
effector signals that act primarily on the kidneys to regulate and venous), the arterial blood pressure, and cardiac output.
NaCl excretion. As can be appreciated from the dependency However, as noted this is not the case in certain pathological
of vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output on conditions. In the remaining sections of this chapter the
ECFV, this complex system is designed to ensure adequate relationship between ECFV and renal NaCl excretion in
tissue perfusion. Because the primary sensors of this system healthy adults—where changes in ECV and ECFV occur
are located in the large vessels of the vascular system, in parallel—are examined.
changes in vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac
output are the principal factors regulating renal NaCl excre- Volume-Sensing Systems
tion (discussed later). In a healthy individual, changes in
ECFV result in parallel changes in vascular volume, blood ECFV (or ECV) is monitored by multiple sensors. A
pressure, and cardiac output. Thus a decrease in ECFV number of these sensors are located in the vascular system,
results in reduced vascular volume, blood pressure, and and they monitor its fullness and pressure. These receptors
cardiac output. Conversely, an increase in ECFV results are typically called vascular volume receptors, or because
in increased vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac they respond to pressure-induced stretch of the walls of the
output. The degree to which these cardiovascular parameters structure in which they are located (e.g., blood vessels or
638 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

the cardiac atria and ventricles), they are also referred to as directly to changes in pressure. If perfusion pressure in
baroreceptors.f the afferent arteriole is reduced, renin is released from the
granular cells. By contrast, renin secretion is suppressed
Volume Sensors in the Low-Pressure when perfusion pressure is increased. As described later in
Cardiopulmonary Circuit this chapter, renin determines blood levels of angiotensin
Volume sensors (i.e., baroreceptors) are located within II and aldosterone, both of which reduce renal NaCl
the walls of the left and right atria, right ventricle, and excretion.
large pulmonary vessels, and they respond to distention
of these structures (see Chapters 18 and 19). Because
the low-pressure side of the circulatory system has a high
compliance, these sensors respond mainly to the “fullness” Constriction of a renal artery (e.g., by an atherosclerotic
of the vascular system. These baroreceptors send signals to plaque) reduces perfusion pressure to that kidney. This
the brainstem via afferent fibers in the glossopharyngeal reduced perfusion pressure is sensed by the afferent arteriole
and vagus nerves (cranial nerves IX and X). The activity of the JGA and results in renin secretion. The elevated renin
levels increase the production of angiotensin II, which in turn
of these sensors modulates both sympathetic nerve outflow increases systemic blood pressure via its vasoconstrictor
and AVP secretion. For example, a decrease in filling of the affect on arterioles throughout the vascular system. The
pulmonary vessels and cardiac atria increases sympathetic increased systemic blood pressure is sensed by the JGA
nerve activity and stimulates AVP secretion. Conversely, of the contralateral kidney (i.e., the kidney without stenosis
distention of these structures decreases sympathetic nerve of its renal artery), and renin secretion from that kidney
is suppressed. In addition the high levels of angiotensin
activity. In general, 5% to 10% changes in blood volume II also inhibit renin secretion by the contralateral kidney
and pressure are necessary to evoke a response. (negative feedback). Treatment of patients with constricted
The cardiac atria possess an additional mechanism related renal arteries includes surgical repair of the stenotic
to control of renal NaCl excretion. The myocytes of the atria artery, administration of angiotensin II receptor blockers,
synthesize and store a peptide hormone, atrial natriuretic or administration of an inhibitor of angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE). The ACE inhibitor blocks conversion of
peptide (ANP). It is released when the atria are distended angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
and, via mechanisms outlined later in this chapter, reduces
blood pressure and increases excretion of NaCl and water
by the kidneys. The ventricles of the heart also produce a
natriuretic peptide, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), so Volume Sensor Signals
named because it was first isolated from the brain. Like
ANP, BNP is released from myocytes by distention of the When the vascular volume sensors have detected a change
ventricles. Its actions are similar to those of ANP. in ECFV, they send signals to the kidneys, which results in
an appropriate adjustment in NaCl and water excretion.
Volume Sensors in the High-Pressure Accordingly, when the ECFV is expanded, renal NaCl and
Arterial Circuit water excretion are increased. Conversely, when the ECFV
Baroreceptors are also present in the arterial side of the is contracted, renal NaCl and water excretion are reduced.
circulatory system, located in the wall of the aortic arch, The signals involved in coupling the volume sensors to the
carotid sinus, and afferent arterioles of the kidneys. The kidneys are both neural and hormonal. These are sum-
aortic arch and carotid baroreceptors send input to the marized in Box 35.1, as are their effects on renal NaCl and
brainstem via afferent fibers in the glossopharyngeal and water excretion.
vagus nerves (cranial nerves IX and X). The response to
this input alters sympathetic outflow and AVP secretion. Renal Sympathetic Nerves
Thus a decrease in blood pressure increases sympathetic As described in Chapter 33, sympathetic nerve fibers inner-
nerve activity and AVP secretion. An increase in pressure vate the afferent and efferent arterioles of the glomerulus as
tends to reduce sympathetic nerve activity (and activate well as the cells of the nephron. With ECFV contraction,
parasympathetic nerve activity). The sensitivity of the high- activation of the low- and high-pressure vascular barorecep-
pressure baroreceptors is similar to that in the low-pressure tors results in stimulation of sympathetic nerve activity,
side of the vascular system; 5% to 10% changes in pressure including those fibers innervating the kidneys. This stimula-
are needed to evoke a response. tion has the following effects:
The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) of the kidneys 1. The afferent and efferent arterioles are constricted (medi-
(see Chapter 33), particularly the afferent arteriole, responds ated by α-adrenergic receptors). This vasoconstriction
(the effect is greater on the afferent arteriole) decreases
the hydrostatic pressure within the glomerular capillary
The liver and central nervous system also have sensors that respond lumen, which results in a decrease in GFR. With this
to changes in blood pressure and [Na+] and then signal the kidneys to
alter NaCl excretion. These systems do not appear to be as important as decrease in GFR, the filtered amount of Na+ is reduced.
vascular receptors in monitoring changes in ECFV and effecting changes 2. Renin secretion is stimulated by the cells of the affer-
in renal NaCl excretion and are not considered here. ent arterioles (mediated by β-adrenergic receptors). As
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  639

• BOX 35.1â•… Signals Involved in Control of Renal Renin secretion is decreased as renal sympathetic nerve
NaCl and Water Excretion activity is decreased.
3. Delivery of NaCl to the macula densa. Delivery of NaCl
Renal Sympathetic Nerves (↑Activity:
↓NaCl Excretion)
to the macula densa regulates GFR by a process termed
tubuloglomerular feedback (see Chapter 33). In addi-
↑Renin secretion tion the macula densa plays a role in renin secretion.
↑Na+ reabsorption along the nephron When NaCl delivery to the macula densa is decreased,
renin secretion is enhanced. Conversely, an increase in
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone (↑Secretion: NaCl delivery inhibits renin secretion. It is likely that
↓NaCl Excretion)
macula densa–mediated renin secretion helps maintain
↑Angiotensin II stimulates Na+ reabsorption along the nephron systemic arterial pressure under conditions of a reduced
↑Aldosterone stimulates Na+ reabsorption in the distal tubule
and collecting duct and to a lesser degree in the thick vascular volume. For example, when vascular volume
ascending limb of Henle’s loop is reduced, perfusion of body tissues (including the
↑Angiotensin II stimulates AVP secretion kidneys) decreases. This in turn decreases GFR and the
filtered amount of NaCl. The reduced delivery of NaCl
Natriuretic Peptides: ANP, BNP & Urodilatin
(↑Secretion: ↑NaCl Excretion)
to the macula densa stimulates renin secretion, which
acts through angiotensin II (a potent vasoconstrictor)
↓Renin secretion to increase blood pressure and thereby maintain tissue
↓Aldosterone secretion (indirect via ↓angiotensin II and direct on perfusion.
adrenal gland)
↓NaCl and water reabsorption by the collecting duct
↓AVP secretion and inhibition of AVP action on the distal tubule AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL
and collecting duct
Although many tissues express renin (e.g., brain, heart,
AVP (↑Secretion: ↓H2O Excretion) adrenal gland), juxtaglomerular (JG) cells are the primary
↑H2O reabsorption by the distal tubule and collecting duct source of circulating renin; they are located in the afferent
arterioles of the kidneys. Renin secretion is stimulated by
a decrease in intracellular [Ca++], a response opposite that
of most secretory cells, where secretion is stimulated by
an increase in intracellular [Ca++]. Renin secretion is also
stimulated by an increase in intracellular cAMP levels.
described later, renin ultimately increases the circulating Conversely, anything that increases intracellular [Ca++] will
levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone, both of which inhibit renin secretion. Renin secretion is also inhibited by
stimulate Na+ reabsorption by the nephron. increases in intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate
3. NaCl reabsorption along the nephron is directly stimu- Stretch of the afferent arteriole, angiotensin-II, and
lated (mediated by α-adrenergic receptors on the cells endothelin increase intracellular [Ca++] and thus inhibit
of the nephron). Because of the large amount of Na+ renin secretion by JG cells. The stimulatory effect of
reabsorbed by the proximal tubule, the effect of increased sympathetic nerve activity on renin secretion is mediated
sympathetic nerve activity is quantitatively most impor- by norepinephrine, which increases intracellular cAMP (via
β-adrenergic receptors). Prostaglandin E2 also increases JG
tant for this segment. cell cAMP levels and therefore stimulates renin secretion.
As a result of these actions, increased renal sympathetic Natriuretic peptides and nitric oxide (NO) inhibit renin
nerve activity decreases NaCl excretion, an adaptive response secretion by increasing intracellular cGMP.
that works to restore ECFV to normal. With ECFV expan- Control of renin secretion by the macula densa is complex
sion, renal sympathetic nerve activity is reduced. This gener- and appears to involve several paracrine factors, including
ATP, adenosine, and prostaglandin E2 (see Chapter 33).
ally reverses the effects just described.
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
Cells in the afferent arterioles (juxtaglomerular cells, also Fig. 35.10 summarizes the essential components of the
known as granular cells) are the site of synthesis, storage, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Renin alone
and release of the proteolytic enzyme renin. Three factors does not have a physiological function; it functions solely as
are important in stimulating renin secretion: a proteolytic enzyme. Its substrate is a circulating protein,
1. Perfusion pressure. The afferent arteriole behaves as a angiotensinogen, which is produced by the liver. Angio-
high-pressure baroreceptor. When perfusion pressure to tensinogen is cleaved by renin to yield a 10–amino acid
the kidneys is reduced, renin secretion is stimulated. peptide, angiotensin I. Angiotensin I also has no known
Conversely, an increase in perfusion pressure inhibits physiological function, and it is cleaved to an 8–amino
renin release. acid peptide, angiotensin II, by angiotensin-converting
2. Sympathetic nerve activity. Activation of the sympathetic enzyme (ACE) found on the surface of vascular endothelial
nerve fibers that innervate the afferent arterioles increases cells. Lung and renal endothelial cells are important sites for
renin secretion (mediated by β-adrenergic receptors). the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. ACE also
640 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology



Angiotensin II

Angiotensin I
Angiotensin II

Angiotensinogen Adrenal




↓ Na excretion
↓ H2O excretion

• Fig. 35.10â•… Schematic representation of the essential components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

system (RAAS). Activation of this system results in a decrease in excretion of Na+ and water by the kidneys.
NOTE: Angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II by an angiotensin-converting enzyme that is present
on all vascular endothelial cells. As shown, the endothelial cells within the lungs play a significant role in
this conversion process. See text for details.

degrades bradykinin, a potent vasodilator. Angiotensin II Aldosterone sensitivity is conferred by the presence
has several important physiological functions: of mineralocorticoid receptors as well as the enzyme
1. stimulation of aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD2).
2. arteriolar vasoconstriction, which increases blood Because the mineralocorticoid receptor also binds gluco-
pressure corticoids, 11β-HSD2 is required for aldosterone specificity
3. stimulation of AVP secretion and thirst because it metabolizes glucocorticoids and thus prevents
4. enhancement of NaCl reabsorption by the proximal them from binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor. The
tubule, thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop, the distal aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron expresses both the
tubule, and the collecting duct (Of these segments mineralocorticoid receptor and 11β-HSD2.
the effect on the proximal tubule is quantitatively the Aldosterone has many cellular actions in responsive
largest.) cells (see Chapter 34). In the ASDN it increases the abun-
Angiotensin II is an important secretagogue for aldoste- dance and activity of ENaC in the apical membrane of
rone. An increase in plasma K+ concentration is the other principal cells. This increases Na+ entry into cells across
important stimulus for aldosterone secretion (see Chapter the apical membrane. Extrusion of Na+ from cells across
36). Aldosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the the basolateral membrane occurs by Na+,K+-ATPase, the
glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex and acts in a number abundance of which is also increased by aldosterone. Thus
of ways on the kidneys (see also Chapters 34, 36, and aldosterone increases reabsorption of NaCl from the tubular
37). With regard to regulation of the ECFV, aldosterone fluid by distal nephron segments, whereas reduced levels
reduces NaCl excretion by stimulating its reabsorption by of aldosterone decreases the amount of NaCl reabsorbed
several nephron segments. Most importantly it stimulates by these segments. Although the principal site of action
NaCl reabsorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal of aldosterone is the ASDN, aldosterone also increases the
nephron (ASDN), which consists of the latter portion of abundance of the Na+/Cl− symporter in the distal tubule
the distal tubule and the collecting duct. To a lesser extent and the Na+/K+/2Cl− symporter in the thick ascending limb
it also stimulates NaCl reabsorption by the thick ascending of Henle’s loop.
limb of Henle’s loop and the early portion of the distal As summarized in Box 35.1, activation of the RAAS, as
tubule. occurs with ECFV depletion, decreases excretion of NaCl
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  641

5. Inhibition of AVP secretion by the posterior pituitary

IN THE CLINIC and AVP action on the collecting duct. These effects
Diseases of the adrenal cortex can alter aldosterone levels
decrease water reabsorption by the collecting duct and
and thereby impair the ability of the kidneys to maintain thus increase excretion of water in the urine.
Na+ balance and euvolemia. With decreased secretion of The net effect of natriuretic peptides is to increase excre-
aldosterone (hypoaldosteronism), the reabsorption of NaCl, tion of NaCl and water by the kidneys. Hypothetically
mainly by the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, is reduced a reduction in circulating levels of these peptides would
and NaCl is lost in the urine. Because urinary NaCl loss can
exceed the amount of NaCl ingested in the diet, negative
be expected to decrease NaCl and water excretion, but
Na+ balance ensues and ECFV decreases. In response to convincing evidence for this has not been reported.
ECFV contraction, sympathetic tone is increased and levels
of renin, angiotensin II, and AVP are elevated. With increased Arginine Vasopressin
aldosterone secretion (hyperaldosteronism) the effects are As discussed previously, a decreased ECFV stimulates AVP
the opposite; NaCl reabsorption by the aldosterone-sensitive
distal nephron is enhanced and excretion of NaCl is reduced.
secretion by the posterior pituitary. Elevated levels of AVP
Consequently, ECFV is increased, sympathetic tone is decrease water excretion by the kidneys, which serves to
decreased, and levels of renin, angiotensin II, and AVP are reestablish euvolemia.
decreased. As described later, ANP and BNP levels are also
elevated in this setting.
Control of NaCl Excretion During Euvolemia
Maintenance of Na+ balance and therefore euvolemia
by the kidneys. The RAAS is suppressed with ECFV expan- requires precise matching of the amount of NaCl ingested
sion, and renal NaCl excretion is therefore enhanced. with the amount excreted from the body. As already noted
the kidneys are the major route for NaCl excretion. Accord-
Natriuretic Peptides ingly, in a euvolemic individual we can equate daily urine
The body produces a number of substances that act on NaCl excretion with daily NaCl intake.
the kidneys to increase NaCl excretion (see Chapter 34). As noted, the amount of NaCl excreted by the kidneys
Of these, natriuretic peptides produced by the heart and can vary widely. Under conditions of salt restriction (i.e.,
kidneys are best understood and will be the focus of the low-NaCl diet), virtually no NaCl appears in the urine.
following discussion. Conversely, in individuals who ingest large quantities of
The heart produces two natriuretic peptides. Atrial NaCl, renal NaCl excretion can exceed 1000╯mEq/day.
myocytes produce and store the peptide hormone ANP, The time course for adjustment of renal NaCl excretion
and ventricular myocytes produce and store BNP. Both varies (hours to days) and depends on the magnitude of
peptides are secreted when the heart dilates (i.e., during the change in NaCl intake. Acclimation to large changes
volume expansion, with heart failure), and they relax vascu- in NaCl intake requires a longer time than acclimation to
lar smooth muscle and promote NaCl and water excretion small changes in intake.
by the kidneys. The kidneys also produce a related natri- The general features of NaCl transport along the nephron
uretic peptide termed urodilatin. Its actions are limited to are illustrated in Fig. 35.11. Most (67%) of the Na+ filtered
promoting NaCl excretion by the kidneys. In general the by the glomerulus is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule. An
actions of these natriuretic peptides as they relate to renal additional 25% is reabsorbed by the thick ascending limb of
NaCl and water excretion antagonize those of the RAAS. the loop of Henle, and the remainder by the distal tubule
These actions include: and collecting duct.
1. Vasodilation of the afferent and vasoconstriction of the In a normal adult the filtered amount (load) of Na+ is
efferent arterioles of the glomerulus. This increases the approximately 25,000╯mEq/day:
GFR and the filtered amount of NaCl. Equation 35.1
2. Inhibition of renin secretion by the afferent arterioles.
3. Inhibition of aldosterone secretion by the glomeru- Filtered load of Na + = (GFR ) × (Plasma [ Na + ])
losa cells of the adrenal cortex. This occurs via two = (180 L/day ) × (140 mEq/L )
mechanisms: (a) inhibition of renin secretion by the = 25, 200 mEq/day
juxtaglomerular cells, thereby reducing angiotensin II–
induced aldosterone secretion, and (b) direct inhibition With a typical diet, less than 1% of this filtered load is
of aldosterone secretion by the glomerulosa cells of the excreted in urine (≈140╯mEq/day).g Because of the large
adrenal cortex. filtered load of Na+, small changes in its reabsorption by
4. Inhibition of NaCl reabsorption by the collecting duct, the nephron can profoundly affect Na+ balance and thus
which is also caused in part by reduced levels of aldo- ECFV. For example, an increase in Na+ excretion from 1%
sterone. However, natriuretic peptides increase cGMP,
which inhibits cation channels in the apical membrane g
The percentage of the filtered load excreted in urine is termed fractional
of medullary collecting duct cells and thereby decreases excretion. In this example the fractional excretion of Na+ is 140 mEq/day
NaCl reabsorption. ÷ 25,200 mEq/day = 0.005, or 0.5%.
642 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

DT Mechanisms for Maintaining Constant Delivery of

NaCl to the Distal Tubule
PT A number of mechanisms maintain a constant delivery of
5% Na+ to the beginning of the distal tubule. These processes
are autoregulation of the GFR (and thus the filtered load
CD of Na+), glomerulotubular balance, and load dependency of
Na+ reabsorption by the loop of Henle.
TAL 3% Autoregulation of the GFR (see Chapter 33) allows
maintenance of a relatively constant filtration rate over a
25% wide range of perfusion pressures. Because the filtration rate
is constant, the filtered load of Na+ is also constant.
Despite the autoregulatory control of GFR, small varia-
tions occur. If these changes are not compensated for by an
appropriate adjustment in Na+ reabsorption by the nephron,
Na+ excretion would change markedly. Fortunately, Na+
reabsorption in the euvolemic state, especially by the proxi-
mal tubule, changes in parallel with changes in GFR. This
<1% phenomenon is termed glomerulotubular balance. Thus
• Fig. 35.11â•… Segmental Na reabsorption. The percentage of the
+ if GFR increases, the amount of Na+ reabsorbed by the
filtered load of Na+ reabsorbed by each nephron segment is indicated. proximal tubule also increases. The opposite occurs if GFR
PT, proximal tubule; TAL, thick ascending limb; DT, distal tubule; CD, decreases (see Chapter 34 for a more detailed description
cortical collecting duct. of glomerulotubular balance).
The final mechanism that helps maintain constant deliv-
ery of Na+ to the distal tubule and collecting duct involves
to 3% of the filtered load represents an additional loss of the ability of the loop of Henle to increase its reabsorptive
approximately 500╯mEq/day of Na+. Because the ECF Na+ rate in response to increased delivery of Na+.
concentration is 140╯mEq/L, such a Na+ loss would decrease
the ECFV by more than 3╯L (i.e., water excretion would Regulation of Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct
parallel the loss of Na+ to maintain body fluid osmolality NaCl Reabsorption
constant: 500╯mEq/day ÷ 140╯mEq/L = 3.6╯L/day of fluid When delivery of Na+ is constant, small adjustments in
loss). Such fluid loss in a 70-kg individual would represent Na+ reabsorption, primarily by the ASDN, are sufficient to
a 26% decrease in ECFV. balance excretion with intake. Aldosterone is the primary
In euvolemic individuals the nephron segments distal to regulator of Na+ reabsorption by the ASDN and thus of
the loop of Henle (distal tubule and collecting duct) are the NaCl excretion. When aldosterone levels are elevated, Na+
main nephron segments where Na+ reabsorption is adjusted reabsorption by these segments is increased (Na+ excretion
to maintain excretion at a level appropriate for dietary is decreased). When aldosterone levels are decreased, Na+
intake. However, this does not mean the other portions reabsorption is decreased (NaCl excretion is increased).
of the nephron are not involved in this process. Because Other factors have been shown to alter Na+ reabsorption
the reabsorptive capacity of the distal tubule and collecting by the ASDN (e.g., angiotensin II and natriuretic peptides),
duct is limited, these other portions of the nephron (i.e., but their role during euvolemia is unclear.
proximal tubule and loop of Henle) must reabsorb the bulk As long as variations in dietary intake of NaCl are
of the filtered load of Na+. Thus during euvolemia, Na+ minor, the mechanisms previously described can regulate
handling by the nephron can be explained by two general renal Na+ excretion appropriately and thereby maintain
processes: euvolemia. However, these mechanisms cannot effectively
1. Na+ reabsorption by the proximal tubule and loop of handle significant changes in NaCl intake. When NaCl
Henle is regulated so that a relatively constant portion of intake changes significantly, ECFV expansion or contrac-
the filtered load of Na+ is delivered to the distal tubule. tion occurs. In such cases, additional factors act on the
The combined action of the proximal tubule and loop of kidneys to adjust Na+ excretion and thereby reestablish the
Henle reabsorbs approximately 92% of the filtered load euvolemic state.
of Na+, and thus 8% of the filtered load is delivered to
the distal tubule. Control of NaCl Excretion With
2. Reabsorption of this remaining portion of the filtered Volume Expansion
load of Na+ by the distal tubule and collecting duct is
regulated so that the amount of Na+ excreted in the urine During ECFV expansion, the high-pressure and low-
matches the amount ingested in the diet. Thus these pressure vascular volume sensors send signals to the kidneys
later nephron segments make final adjustments in Na+ that result in increased excretion of NaCl and water. The
excretion to maintain the euvolemic state. signals acting on the kidneys include:
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  643

Volume expansion

↓ Sympathetic activity
↓ Renin

2 ↓ Angiotensin I

↑ Urodilatin

Heart Lung

↑ ANP and BNP ↓ Angiotensin II


↓ AVP ↑ Na+, H2O ↓ Aldosterone


UNa+V = ↑GFR  PNa+ – ↓R

• Fig. 35.12 â•… Integrated response to ECFV expansion. Numbers refer to the description of the response

in the text. ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
PNa+, plasma [Na+]; R, tubular reabsorption of Na+; UNa+V̇ , Na+ excretion rate.

1. decreased activity of renal sympathetic nerves fraction (GFR/RPF) decreases. Natriuretic peptides
2. release of ANP and BNP from the heart and urodilatin also increase GFR by dilating the afferent arterioles and
in the kidneys constricting the efferent arterioles. Thus the increased
3. inhibition of AVP secretion from the posterior pituitary natriuretic peptide levels that occur during ECFV expan-
and decreased AVP action on the collecting duct sion contribute to this response. With the increase in
4. decreased renin secretion and thus decreased production GFR, the filtered load of Na+ increases.
of angiotensin II 2. The reabsorption of Na+ decreases in the proximal tubule
5. decreased aldosterone secretion, which is caused by and loop of Henle. Several mechanisms reduce Na+ reab-
reduced angiotensin II levels, and elevated natriuretic sorption by the proximal tubule. Because activation of
peptide levels the sympathetic nerve fibers that innervate this nephron
The integrated response of the nephron to these signals is segment stimulates proximal tubule Na+ reabsorption,
illustrated in Fig. 35.12. Three general responses to ECFV the decreased sympathetic nerve activity that results from
expansion occur (the numbers match those encircled in ECFV expansion decreases Na+ reabsorption. In addi-
Fig. 35.12): tion, angiotensin II directly stimulates Na+ reabsorption
1. GFR increases. GFR increases mainly as a result of the by the proximal tubule. Because angiotensin II levels
decrease in sympathetic nerve activity. Sympathetic are also reduced under this condition, proximal tubule
fibers innervate the afferent and efferent arterioles of Na+ reabsorption decreases as a result. Starling forces
the glomerulus and control their diameter. Decreased across the proximal tubule also change. The elevated
sympathetic nerve activity leads to arteriolar dilation and hydrostatic pressure within the glomerular capillaries in
an increase in renal plasma flow (RPF). Because the ECFV expansion also tends to increase the hydrostatic
effect appears to be greater on the afferent arterioles, pressure within the peritubular capillaries. In addition
the hydrostatic pressure within the glomerular capillary the decrease in filtration fraction reduces the peritubu-
is increased, thereby increasing the GFR. Because RPF lar oncotic pressure. These alterations in the capillary
increases to a greater degree than GFR, the filtration Starling forces (i.e., hydrostatic and oncotic) reduce
644 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

the absorption of solute (e.g., NaCl) and water from to reduce NaCl and water excretion and thereby restore
the lateral intercellular space and thus reduce tubular ECFV. The signals that act on the kidneys include:
reabsorption of NaCl (see Chapter 34 for a complete 1. increased renal sympathetic nerve activity
description of this mechanism). Both the increase in 2. increased secretion of renin, which results in elevated
the filtered load and the decrease in NaCl reabsorption angiotensin II levels and thus increased secretion of
by the proximal tubule result in delivery of more NaCl aldosterone by the adrenal cortex
to the loop of Henle. Because activation of sympathetic 3. inhibition of ANP and BNP secretion by the heart and
nerves and angiotensin II and aldosterone stimulate NaCl urodilatin production by the kidneys
reabsorption by the thick ascending limb of the loop of 4. stimulation of AVP secretion by the posterior pituitary
Henle, the reduced nerve activity and low angiotensin II The integrated response of the nephron to these signals
and aldosterone levels that occur with ECFV expansion is illustrated in Fig. 35.13. The general response is as
reduce NaCl reabsorption by the thick ascending limb. follows (the numbers correlate with those encircled in
Thus the fraction of the filtered load delivered to the Fig. 35.13):
distal tubule is increased. 1. GFR decreases. Afferent and efferent arteriolar constriction
3. Na+ reabsorption decreases in the distal tubule and collecting occurs as a result of increased renal sympathetic nerve
duct. As noted, the amount of Na+ delivered to the activity. The effect appears to be greater on the afferent
distal tubule exceeds that observed in the euvolemic state than on the efferent arteriole, because the hydrostatic
(i.e., the amount of Na+ delivered to the distal tubule pressure in the glomerular capillaries fall, which thereby
varies in proportion to the degree of ECFV expansion). decreases GFR. Because RPF decreases more than GFR,
This increased load of Na+ overwhelms the reabsorptive filtration fraction increases. The decrease in GFR reduces
capacity of the distal tubule and the collecting duct, the filtered amount of Na+.
and this capacity is also impaired by reduced levels of 2. Na+ reabsorption by the proximal tubule and loop of
angiotensin II and aldosterone, as well as increased levels Henle is increased. Several mechanisms augment Na+
of natriuretic peptides. reabsorption in the proximal tubule. For example,
The final component in the response to ECFV expansion increased sympathetic nerve activity and angiotensin II
is increased excretion of water. As Na+ excretion increases, levels directly stimulate Na+ reabsorption. The decreased
plasma osmolality begins to fall. This decreases secretion hydrostatic pressure within the glomerular capillaries
of AVP. AVP secretion is also decreased in response to the also leads to a decrease in the hydrostatic pressure within
elevated levels of natriuretic peptides. In addition, natri- the peritubular capillaries. In addition, as just noted,
uretic peptides inhibit the action of AVP on the collecting the increased filtration fraction results in an increase
duct. Together, these effects decrease water reabsorption by in the peritubular oncotic pressure. These alterations in
the collecting duct and thereby increase water excretion by the capillary Starling forces facilitate movement of fluid
the kidneys. Thus excretion of NaCl and water occurs in from the lateral intercellular space into the capillary and
concert; euvolemia is restored and body fluid osmolality thereby stimulate reabsorption of NaCl and water by
remains constant. The time course of this response (hours the proximal tubule (see Chapter 34 for a complete
to days) depends on the magnitude of the ECFV expansion. description of this mechanism). Increased sympathetic
Thus if the degree of ECFV expansion is small, the mecha- nerve activity as well as elevated levels of angiotensin II
nisms just described generally restore euvolemia within 24 and aldosterone stimulate Na+ reabsorption by the thick
hours. However, with large degrees of ECFV expansion, the ascending limb.
response can take several days. 3. Na+ reabsorption by the distal tubule and collecting duct is
In brief, the renal response to ECFV expansion involves enhanced. The small amount of Na+ that is delivered to
the integrated action of all parts of the nephron; (1) the the ASDN, owing to decreased filtration and increased
amount of Na+ filtered is increased, (2) Na+ reabsorption by reabsorption by the proximal tubule and loop of Henle,
the proximal tubule and loop of Henle is reduced (glomeru- is almost completely reabsorbed because transport in
lotubular balance does not occur under this condition), and the segments of the ASDN is enhanced. Stimulation
(3) reabsorption of Na+ by the distal tubule and collecting of Na+ reabsorption by the ASDN is primarily the
duct is decreased (while the delivery of Na+ is increased), result of increased aldosterone levels, although increased
primarily secondary to a reduction in aldosterone. In sympathetic nerve activity and increased angiotensin II
summary, ECFV expansion leads to a reduction in Na+ levels may also contribute to this response. Lastly, levels
reabsorption by both the proximal tubule and the ASDN, of natriuretic peptides, which inhibit collecting duct
which results in excretion of a larger fraction of the filtered reabsorption, are reduced.
Na+, thereby restoring euvolemia. Finally, water reabsorption by the latter portion of the
distal tubule and the collecting duct is enhanced by AVP, the
Control of NaCl Excretion With levels of which are elevated through activation of the low-
Volume Contraction and high-pressure vascular volume sensors as well as by the
elevated levels of angiotensin II. As a result, water excretion
During ECFV contraction, the high-pressure and low- is reduced. Because both water and Na+ are retained by the
pressure vascular volume sensors send signals to the kidneys kidneys in equal proportions, euvolemia is reestablished and
CHAPTER 35╅ Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Volume  645

Volume contraction

↑ Sympathetic activity
↑ Renin

2 ↑ Angiotensin I

Heart Lung

↓ ANP and BNP ↑ Angiotensin II


↑ AVP ↓ Na+, H2O ↑ Aldosterone


UNa+V = ↓GFR  PNa+ – ↑R

• Fig. 35.13 â•… Integrated response to ECFV contraction. Numbers refer to the description of the response

in the text. ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
PNa+, plasma [Na+]; R, tubular reabsorption of Na+; UNa+V̇ , Na+ excretion rate.

body fluid osmolality remains constant. The time course of filtered amount of Na+ is decreased, (2) reabsorption in the
this restoration of ECFV (hours to days) and the degree proximal tubule and loop of Henle is enhanced (GFR is
to which euvolemia is attained depend on the magnitude decreased, whereas proximal reabsorption is increased, and
of ECFV contraction as well as the dietary intake of Na+. thus glomerulotubular balance does not occur under this
Euvolemia can be restored more rapidly if additional NaCl condition), and (3) delivery of Na+ to the ASDN is reduced.
is ingested in the diet. This decreased delivery, together with enhanced Na+ and
In brief, the nephron’s response to ECFV contraction water reabsorption by the ASDN, virtually eliminates Na+
involves the integrated action of all its segments: (1) the from the urine and reduces urine volume.

Key Concepts
1. Regulation of body fluid osmolality (i.e., steady-state of ECF osmolality, disorders of water balance manifest
balance) requires that the amount of water added as changes in ECF [Na+]. Positive water balance
to the body exactly matches the amount lost from (intake > excretion) results in a decrease in body fluid
the body. Water is lost from the body by several osmolality and hyponatremia. Negative water balance
routes (e.g., during respiration, with sweating, and (intake < excretion) results in an increase in body fluid
in feces). The kidneys are the only regulated route of osmolality and hypernatremia.
water excretion. Excretion of water by the kidneys is 3. The volume of the ECF is determined by the amount
regulated by AVP secreted from the posterior pituitary. of Na+ in this compartment. To maintain a constant
When AVP levels are high, the kidneys excrete a small ECFV (i.e., euvolemia) NaCl excretion must match
volume of hyperosmotic urine. When AVP levels are NaCl intake. The kidneys are the major route for
low, a large volume of hypoosmotic urine is excreted. regulating excretion of NaCl from the body. Volume
2. Disorders of water balance alter body fluid osmolality. sensors located primarily in the vascular system
Because Na+ with its anions are the major determinant monitor volume and pressure. When ECFV expansion
646 S E C T I O N 7 â•… Berne & Levy Physiology

occurs, neural and hormonal signals are sent to the thereby restore euvolemia. The sympathetic nervous
kidneys to increase excretion of NaCl and water and system, the RAAS, and natriuretic peptides are
thereby restore euvolemia. When ECFV contraction important components of the system that maintain
occurs, neural and hormonal signals are sent to the steady-state Na+ balance.
kidneys to decrease NaCl and water excretion and

Additional Reading Verbalis JG. Disorders of water balance. In: Taal MW, et╯al., eds.
Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders;
Water Balance 2012.
Berl T. Vasopressin antagonists. N Engl J Med. 2015;372:2207-2216. NaCl Balance
Bichet DG. Polyuria and diabetes insipidus. In: Alpern RJ, et╯al., eds. Eladari D, et╯al. A new look at electrolyte transport in the distal
Seldin and Giebisch’s The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. tubule. Annu Rev Physiol. 2012;74:325-349.
5th ed. Philadelphia: Academic Press; 2013. Gamba G, et╯al. Sodium chloride transport in the loop of Henle,
Brown D, Fenton RA. The cell biology of vasopressin action. In: distal convoluted tubule, and collecting duct. In: Alpern RJ, et╯al.,
Taal MW, et╯al., eds. Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. 9th ed. eds. Seldin and Giebisch’s The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiol-
Philadelphia: Saunders; 2012. ogy. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Academic Press; 2013.
Dantzler WH, et╯al. Urine-concentrating mechanism in the inner Mount DB. Transport of sodium, chloride, and potassium. In: Taal
medulla: function of the thin limbs of the loops of Henle. Clin J MW, et╯al., eds. Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. 9th ed. Phila-
Am Soc Nephrol. 2014;9:1781-1789. delphia: Saunders; 2012.
Danziger J, Zeidel M. Osmotic homeostasis. J Am Soc Nephrol. Mount DB. Thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. Clin J Am
2015;10:852-862. Soc Nephrol. 2014;9:1974-1986.
Knepper MA, et╯al. Molecular physiology of water balance. N Engl J Palmer LG, Schnermann J. Integrated control of Na transport along
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Nielsen S, et╯al. Aquaporin water channels in mammalian kidney. In: Pearce D, et╯al. Aldosterone regulation of transport. In: Taal MW,
Alpern RJ, et╯al., eds. Seldin and Giebisch’s The Kidney: Physiol- et╯al., eds. Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. 9th ed. Philadelphia:
ogy and Pathophysiology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Academic Press; Saunders; 2012.
2013. Pearce D, et╯al. Collecting duct principal cell transport processes and
Robertson GL. Thirst and vasopressin. In: Alpern RJ, et╯al., eds. their regulation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015;10:135-146.
Seldin and Giebisch’s The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Slotki IN, Skorecki KL. Disorders of sodium balance. In: Taal MW,
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Sands JM, et╯al. Urine concentration and dilution. In: Taal MW, Saunders; 2012.
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Sands JM, Layton HE. The urine concentrating mechanism and The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. 5th ed. Philadelphia:
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