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When you own your own company, a factor that 

stands out a lot is the mentality.

The way of thinking of a business owner is very different from that of an employee.
That of the entrepreneur is much more proactive, with initiative and with a lot of
creativity , since his success will depend on it . He knows that not all of his ideas are
going to be successful, but he does not care, because inevitably he will be against it.
The decisions of a person who works for a company are usually made by his boss or
someone else, he is just waiting to do what other people tell him. When you have
your own company , decisions are made by yourself, without waiting for someone
else to tell us what to do or what direction to take .
One to own company involves a lot of independence. You decide what to do, how to
do it, when to do it and why to do it. If you do things right and get good results, the
benefits are unmatched and you will have much more freedom than if you were an
Having your own company gives you the possibility of obtaining income according to
your capacity and effort , unlike when you work for a company ,
where you are limited to the salary that is assigned to you monthly , which is often
determined by people who do not recognize the true performance or value of others.
Having our own company gives us the possibility to use our full potential and learn
new things , not only do they stay at work but they go for life.

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