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Name: Mashumi Sankhe

Roll No : 19MBACSR049
Class : HR – C
Subject : HRA
Date : 08/01/21
Case study 2

Q.1. Answer: In the above case study we just come to know about the HR Strategies of the McDonald’s the
assignment discussed four HR strategies of the McDonald’s: Recruitment & selection, training, business strategies
and management performance system. McDonald’s believes that the growth and success of restaurants and
company is gained and achieved with the help of their employees. The aim and objective of the McDonald’s is to
recruit the best people, to maintain them by offering ongoing training appropriate to their position and to promote
them when they are ready. The recruitment policies, procedures and practices show the purpose to achieve its aim.
It is analyzed there must be some achievement and promotion activities for the crew member as McDonald’s has
provided to its Business management trainee. If the McDonald’s fails to identify the new competitors, interest of
consumer shifts, and innovative technologies and social trends then there is a strong possibility of loosing there
market share. In 2003 McDonald’s has decided to divert its focus to increase the sales in existing restaurants. To
achieve the main objective, McDonald’s strategy must attract more new customers and also encourage the present
customer to visit restaurants more often, build brand loyalty and eventually create long-term profitable growth for
the company.

a) Q.2. Answer: Yes according to me ,McDonald needs to collect huge data related to culture of different
countries in order cater to services in these countries.As one type of order cater would not match to the
culture and tradition of other countries.

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