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Acta vet. scand. 2003, Suppl. 98, 141-155.

Bovine Endotoxicosis – Some Aspects of Relevance

to Production Diseases. A Review*
By Pia Haubro Andersen

Dept. Clinical Studies, Section of Surgery. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg,

Andersen PH: Bovine Endotoxicosis – some aspects of relevance to production dis-

eases. A review. Acta vet. scand. 2003. Suppl. 98, 141-155. – This review describes
some circumstances where endotoxins of Gram negative bacteria may be related to the
pathogenesis of some common production diseases. Decisive evidence for the
pathogentical role of endotoxins remains scarce, and therefore an interdisciplinary
background covering epidemiological, biological, biochemical, clinical and experimen-
tal aspects is given.
Several authors have suggested that endotoxins play a significant role for the develop-
ment of diseases such as laminitis, abomasal displacement, sudden death syndrome of
feed-lot steers ect. While the biological, biochemical and clinical pictures of bovine en-
dotoxicosis is quite well known, and certainly may resemble the clinical and biochemi-
cal pictures seen in some of the before mentioned diseases, it is however still not clear
how or when endotoxins would gain parenteral access. This review describes excerpts
of the biology of endotoxins, key clinical signs and the biochemistry associated to these.
It is described how ruminal acidosis may facilitate the translocation of endotoxin from
the intestinal/ ruminal contents to the portal and eventually the systemic bloodstream.
The function of the liver hence becomes central, and the role of hepatic fatty infiltration
around parturition is discussed. The review finally suggest that acute ruminal acidosis
may be viewed as an analogue to the human syndrome Gut-Derived Infectious Toxic
Shock ( GITS), where shock is propagated primarily by the translocation of bacterial en-
dotoxin from the gut.

It has often been stated that the development of for the presence of endotoxemia is relatively
endotoxemia is a significant factor in the patho- scarce, but circumstantial evidence is more
genesis of various clinical conditions, from ru- common, because in many respects the clinical
minal acidosis and "sudden death syndrome" in and biochemical symptoms of bovine endotox-
feed-lot cattle, to laminitis in dairy cattle, Gram icosis are similar to those observed in various
negative infections, shock and death (Doug- of the production diseases mentioned above.
herty et al. 1975, Boosman et al. 1991, Cullor Failure to detect endotoxins in the blood of
1992, Katholm & Andersen 1992, Singh et al. clearly sick cows has frustrated many re-
1994, Cullor & Smith 1996). Decisive evidence searchers and it has been questioned whether
the presence of endotoxemia is necessary for
––––––– the development of endotoxicosis. It is becom-
* This review is partly excerpted form the thesis "Bovine
Endotoxicosis - Aspects of relevance to ruminal acidosis"
ing increasingly evident that the toxicity of en-
Pia Haubro Andersen, Copenhagen 2000. dotoxin is caused by the response of the host or-

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ganism, rather than by the properties of endo- therefore been believed by several scientists to
toxin per se (Morrison and Ulevitch 1978, play a role in the etiology of feeding-related
Green and Adams 1992). production diseases (Krogh 1961, Dougherty et
The classic Koch's postulates state that in order al. 1975, Huber et al. 1978, McManus et al.
to be recognized as the cause of a disease an or- 1978). However, the precise pathogenetic role
ganism should consistently be isolated from af- of endotoxin in this disease complex has not yet
fected patients, and such, when injected into been determined (Andersen and Jarløv 1990).
healthy animals, as to reproduce the relevant This mini review therefore aims at elucidating
disease. Production diseases do not easily sat- some of the aspects of relevance to complex of
isfy these postulates, and during the 1970s the production diseases in cattle.
concept 'one disease - one cause' has therefore
been dropped in favour of the term 'multi-facto- What is endotoxin?
rial disease'. Endotoxins (s. lipopolysaccharides) are struc-
The role of endotoxin in the development of tural parts of the bacterial cell wall and in gen-
production diseases should therefore be investi- eral comprise three major regions: the side
gated and discussed with the utmost respect for chain, the core polysaccharides and lipid A
the complexity and multifactorial nature of this (Figure 1, modified from Rietschel 1996). The
group of cattle diseases. side chain differs widely between Gram-nega-
tive bacterial strains and will be characteristic
Production diseases and endotoxemia of a given bacterial strain. It is composed of re-
Epidemiological investigations have associated peating units of oligosaccharides; and the type,
high concentrate feeding regimens to produc- sequence and linkage of these saccharides de-
tion diseases such as laminitis, abomasal dis- termine the antigenic specificity. The side chain
placement, the fatty liver syndrome and "sud- is therefore known as 'the O-specific side chain'
den death" of feed-lot steers (Coppock 1972, and is used for serological typing of Gram-neg-
Coppock 1974, Dougherty 1976, Nagaraja ative bacteria (Rietschel et al. 1982, Rietschel
1979, Hesselholt et al. 1982, Gerloff 1985, 1996).
Gerloff et al. 1986). The very high production Lipid A is a highly conserved structure of the
of milk and meat in modern production systems endotoxin molecule. Lipids are attached to a
is maintained by rations containing large quan- backbone consisting of phosphorylated glu-
tities of concentrates which are likely to induce cosamine-disaccharides. Only small variations
an acidotic ruminal environment (Dunlop occur among bacterial strains, and most natural
1972). The combination of ruminal acidosis and synthetic variants of lipid A possess the en-
and high carbohydrate feeding has often been dotoxic activity of endotoxin. However, the role
supposed to play a central role in the pathogen- of the substructures of endotoxin, such as the
esis of production diseases, because high car- inner core (2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid),
bohydrate feeding results in an increased num- the core polysaccharides and the O-antigens is
ber of Gram-negative bacteria. This again has still discussed, because in a variety of ways
led to the discovery that ruminal acidosis is as- these components may contribute to the toxic-
sociated with a significant increase in ruminal ity of lipid A (Rietschel et al. 1971, Lüderitz et
endotoxin concentration (Dougherty and Cello al. 1973).
1949, Nagaraja et al. 1978, Nagaraja et al. Administration of endotoxin to cattle in vivo
1978, Andersen et al. 1994). Endotoxicosis has sets off a vast cascade of physiological and

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Figure 1. Endotoxins (s.

lipopolysaccharides) are
structural parts of the bac-
terial cell wall and in gen-
eral comprise 3 major re-
gions: the side chain, the
core polysaccharides and
lipid A (Modified from
Rietschel 1996).

pathophysiological events, which have been de- toxin (Tikoff et al. 1968). The initial respiratory
scribed extensively in the literature (Wray and distress is probably caused by a thromboxane-
Thomlinson 1972, Maxie et al. 1979, Groothuis induced constriction of pulmonary arterioles.
et al. 1981, Lohuis et al. 1988, Lohuis et al. From other studies it is known that such
1988, Luthman et al. 1988, Cullor 1992, Green episodes are associated with pulmonary hyper-
& Adams 1992, Cullor & Smith 1996). tension. After 5-10 minutes the respiratory dis-
tress ceased, although the respiration rate in
Clinical signs of endotoxicosis in cattle some instances may remain elevated for several
Early signs of moderate and severe endotoxico- hours, due to the formation of a pulmonary
sis are urination, defecation and salivation, edema. This formation is probably caused by
which probaly are results of an activation of the the liberation of prostacyclin (Bottoms et al.
sympatico-adrenal response (Griel et al. 1975). 1982, Hüttemeier et al. 1982, Templeton et al.
In the cattle studied, pulse frequencies in- 1985, Ward et al. 1987, Templeton et al. 1988).
creased to up to twice the initial rate, and the Also low doses of endotoxin which do not re-
respiration rate increased 3-4 times, following sult in shock are able to induce hyperventila-
experimentally induced endotoxicosis. This tion, possibly induced by vasoconstriction.
was interpreted as an early vasoconstrictory re- Such findings have been described in both
sponse, which eventually results in cold ears bovine and equine studies (Lavoie et al. 1990,
and skin. The pulmonary responses in the cow Clark et al. 1991, Constable et al. 1991). Ru-
seem to be quite marked in comparison to other minal contractions decrease in number and
species and the bovine lung is probably a target strength and reticulo-ruminal stasis develop,
organ for circulating endotoxin (Templeton et often within 15-30 minutes. Reticulo-ruminal
al. 1988). An explanation for this may be that stasis is of particular interest in relation to the
cattle have more smooth muscles in the pul- pathogenesis of production diseases associated
monary tree, compared to other species. with gastrointestinal atonia, such as displaced
Smooth muscle cells produce large amounts of abomasum and 'off feed'. The occurrence of
prostanoid mediators when stimulated by endo- reticulo-ruminal stasis is a well known conse-

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quence of administration of endotoxin and has Significantly elevated rectal temperatures is not
been described by several other authors (van always observed in the bovine. It seems to be
Miert et al. 1976, van Miert et al. 1977, van depending on the dose of endotoxin admini-
Miert et al. 1978, Veenendaal et al. 1980). strered. Very high and very low doses do not
The capacity of endotoxins to induce gastro-in- elicit a fever response. This might be controver-
testinal atonia has also been demonstrated in sial, because traditionally fever has been a pre-
other species, e.g. the equine large intestine and requisite for the clinical diagnosis of endotoxi-
cecum (Clark and Moore 1989, King and Ger- cosis. If fever can be absent from the clinical
ring 1991). On the basis of these findings it can picture of endotoxicosis, the category of feed-
be conjectured that endotoxin-induced gastro- ing-induced disorders is no longer excluded
intestinal hypomotility might be of significance from the group of possible endotoxin related
in the development of bovine indigestion. disorders.
When it comes to the lacking pyrogenic effect
Fever of the high doses, these findings are supported
It is a very old observation that the body tem- by those of a few other studies (Luthman et al.
perature rises after administration of endotoxin 1988), in which a dose of 2 µg/kg b.w. endo-
(Centanni 1894). This elevated body tempera- toxin produced hypothermia and shock. A con-
ture is a true pyrogenic response, in contrast siderably lower dose (0.25 µg/kg b.w.) did not
with hyperthermia. Until the 1950s the word induce fever. These authors suggested in an-
"pyrogen" was almost synonymous with endo- other study that fever was not the most suitable
toxin. Later, two categories of pyrogens were parameter for the monitoring of endotoxin re-
described: endogenous (EP, LEM, LAF ect.) sponse in calves (Luthman et al. 1989).
and exogenous (Sanderson 1876, Bornstein et Kenison et al. (1991) have reported that 90 kg
al. 1963, Beisel & Sobocinski 1980). Most bac- calves dosed intravenously with 1 µg/ kg b.w.
teria and toxins act as exogenous pyrogens, did not attain a well defined fever response.
whose effect is secondary to an activation of the In conclusion, quite a few reports do not sup-
endogenous pyrogens (Kluger & Rothenburg port the contention that fever is a consistent
1980). In the 1980s the endogenous pyrogens systemic sign of endotoxicosis in cattle. The or-
were called 'interleukins', and later other cy- chestration of the cytokines involved in the
tokines were shown also to act as endogenous bovine fever response may therefore differ from
pyrogens. In common laboratory animals, small that of common laboratory animals, in connec-
doses of endotoxin induce a monophasic fever tion with which most such experiments have
response, while moderate to large doses may in- been conducted. This area needs further inves-
duce a biphasic fever response (Dinarello tigation, as it could yield important knowledge
1991). The initial fever response, which is due on the orchestration and timing of the bovine
to a direct effect on the thermoregulatory center inflammatory response.
in the hypothalamus, is believed to have a la-
tency time of approximately one hour. If a sec- The biochemical and hematological response
ond peak occurs, it will appear approximately of acute endotoxicosis
four hours after the endotoxin administration Biochemically described, endotoxicosis con-
(van Miert et al. 1977, van Miert et al. 1978, sists of an initial endocrine-metabolic stress re-
Veenendaal et al. 1980, Verheijden et al. 1983, sponse (hyperglycemia, hyperlactemia and in-
Lohuis et al. 1988). creases in plasma cortisol concentration),

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followed by a somewhat dose-dependent re- observed neither DIC nor clinical signs of
sponse including leukopenia, thrombocytope- laminitis. As was the case for induction of
nia, hypoglycemia and hypozincemia. (See ref- fever, the tendency to achieve clinical signs re-
erences (Griel et al. 1975, Luthman et al. 1988, lated to DIC in response to endotoxin seems to
Cullor 1992). This second response is a general vary among species. Most experiments on DIC
reaction to a rapid activation of the inflamma- are conducted in rats, rabbits or dogs, where
tory cascade, and is generally referred to as the multiple organ failure as a result of dissemi-
"acute phase" response. nated fibrin thrombosis formation is common.
The coagulopathies of cattle in relation to in-
Leukopenia flammatory response need further investiga-
Leukopenia is a result of adherence, margina- tion.
tion and/or aggregation of granulocytes,
platelets and monocytes to endothelial surfaces. Hypozincemia
The adherence is activated by endotoxin-in- Hypozincemia is a result of the redistribution of
duced activation of complement but may also zinc from plasma to hepatocytes which occurs
happen independently of the complement cas- in cattle in response to endotoxin and inflam-
cade (Reece and Wahlstrom 1973, Culbertson mation (Groothuis et al. 1981, Depelchin et al.
Jr. & Osburn 1980, Deldar et al. 1984). This ef- 1985, Luthman et al. 1988, Erskine & Bartlett
fect seem to be somewhat dose related. If the 1993). Zinc (and also iron) are removed from
endotoxin dose is small, the leukopenic phase is the circulation and stored in the liver, and this
transient and followed by a later phase of leuko- correlates with the induction of metallothionein
cytosis. This is probably due to a release of ma- (Fukushima et al. 1988). The response con-
ture leukocytes from the bone marrow. tributes to the non-specific defence of the cow
by depleting invading microorganisms of zinc
Thrombocytopenia and/or stimulating the production of superox-
Thrombocytopenia is a result of both aggrega- ides in leukocytes; and this has antibacterial ef-
tion and margination of the blood platelets. The fects (Beisel et al. 1974, Kluger 1979, Fuku-
platelets are marginated in the lung and the liver shima et al. 1988, Sternlieb 1994).
of dog and mouse (Cicala & Page 1992, Endo
& Nakamura 1992). Furthermore, endotoxin Acid-base balance
initiates an intra-vascular coagulation process, The acid-base balance may be disturbed during
which includes formation of both fibrin and fib- the acute phases of endotoxemia: respiratory
rin degradation products (Morrison & Ulevitch vasoconstriction causes a respiratory acidosis,
1978). This reaction has been related to the which is later accompanied by a metabolic aci-
Schwartzman reaction and to disseminated in- dosis, such metabolic change being due to hy-
travascular coagulopathy, DIC, (Thomson et al. perlactemia. However, despite respiratory dis-
1974, Hamilton et al. 1978, Buntain 1980). We tress, metabolic acidosis was only observed in
did not detect fibrin deposits autopsy in any of cases of experimentally induced endotoxicosis
our experimental cows, these appears for some, in cows suffering from hepatic lipidosis (An-
as yet obscure reason, to be rare in cattle, at dersen et al. 1996). This contrasts with findings
least at autopsy. Boosman et al. (1991) mea- in horses (Beadle & Huber 1977, Moore et al.
sured various coagulation parameters in cows 1981, Moore & Morris 1992). Development of
with experimentally induced endotoxicosis, but metabolic alkalosis displayed a much more

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consistent pattern, probably due to hypochlo- chemical parameters may change as endotoxi-
remia caused by chloride trapping in the atonic cosis progresses. These parameters are indica-
upper gastro-intestinal tract. This pattern is tors of cell damage (e.g. enzyme leaks), altered
compatible with acid-base determinations in hepatic metabolism (during acute phase reac-
blood from naturally occurring cases of col- tion) and DIC.
iform mastitis (Katholm & Andersen 1992).
Mediators of endotoxicosis
Serum calcium concentrations The clinical and biochemical signs mentioned
Serum calcium concentrations are also affected above are inititated, orchestrated and either lim-
by endotoxicosis. It has been suggested that low ited or propagated by cellular mediators. Such
plasma calcium is an important contributing mediators are directed at protecting the host
factor in the development of gastro-intestinal and eliminating the endotoxin. Many fine re-
hypotonia and disorders of multifactorial etiol- views are given on mediators of endotoxicosis,
ogy, such as displaced abomasum (Coppock the follwing section will highlight only a few
1974). The total calcium concentration in plas- points related to production diseases.
ma of normal cows ranges between 2.4 and 3.1
mmol/l (Kaneko 1980), and 2 mmol/l is consid- Eicosanoids and reticulo-ruminal hypomotility
ered the lower limit of a normal calcium con- The prostaglandins, and especially the PgE's,
centration. Decreases to concentrations below affect the tonus and motility of the gastroin-
this limit are currently associated with signs of testinal tract. In goats, systemic administration
hypocalcemia (Waage & Hansen 1993). Total of these prostaglandins induces, among other
calcium concentration may decrease to below 2 effects, hypomotility and diarrhoea (Veenen-
mmol/l in experimental endotoxicosis. This ac- daal et al. 1980) and cessation of ruminal con-
cords with findings of other investigators tractions (van Miert et al. 1977). Many com-
(Reece & Wahlstrom 1973, Fredricksson 1984, mon systemic diseases in farm cows (e.g.
Fredricksson et al. 1984, Andersen 1985, Luth- coliform mastitis and endometritis) are associ-
man et al. 1989). Inconclusive attempts to re- ated with stasis or hypomotility of the
late some cases of milk fever to endotoxicosis forestomachs (Lohuis et al. 1988). PGE2 has
have been made (Aiumlamai et al. 1992). Also, been supposed to mediate this response, be-
in natural occurring cases of coliform mastitis, cause the intracerebroventricular administra-
calcium concentration is generally low (Kat- tion of PGE2 induces cessation of ruminal con-
holm & Andersen 1992). Low calcium concen- tractions in goats (van Miert et al. 1983).
tration could be an effect of the absorption of Pre-treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflam-
gastro-intestinal endotoxin. Fat tissue is also matory drugs did not totally abolish the inhibi-
mobilized around parturition. Marked lipolysis tion of ruminal motility. The effects on reticulo-
has been associated with the induction of ruminal stasis of other mediators of inflam-
hypocalcemia, because during this process cal- mation, such as catecholamines, kinin, sero-
cium is relocated to the adipocytes. However, tonin and histamin (Ahrens 1967, van Miert
endotoxicosis (0.2 µg/kg) in 5 calves produced 1971, Koers et al. 1976, Veenendaal 1979) have
neither significant lipolysis nor hypocalcemia also been investigated, but the significance of
(Luthman & Bengtsson 1989). these mediators in the development of the clin-
Besides these classic biochemical alterations, a ical signs of ruminal acidosis seems unclear
wide range of other biochemical and clinico- (Ahrens 1967, van Miert et al. 1976, Gravert et

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al. 1986). A study by Vlaminck et al. (1985) in- During inflammation, the liver acutely (i.e.
dicated that administration of endotoxin to within few hours) increases the production of
healthy cows may induce a delay and a decrease acute phase proteins, such as haptoglobin, a1-
in the emptying of the abomasum, besides the acid glycoprotein, α1-protease inhibitor, fib-
induction of reticulo-ruminal stasis. Endotoxin rinogen, ceruloplasmin and amyloid A, at the
may then play a role also in the pathogenesis of expense of synthesis of for example albumin
displaced abomasum. (Conner et al. 1986, Eckersall & Conner 1988).
Traditionally, the ocurrence of fever has been This shift in protein synthesis is initially medi-
closely associated with reticulo-ruminal hypo- ated by IL-1 and TNF, and then amplified by a
motility (van Miert 1979), but it is important to second wave of IL-1 and IL-6, synthesized by
notice that dysfunction of the forestomach may fibroblasts and endothelial cells (Conner et al.
occur independently of the occurrence of fever. 1989. Dofferhoff et al. 1990. Fey et al. 1994).
A study in cattle showed that forestomach Glucocorticoids are involved in the synthesis of
motility decreased before the plasma PGE2 plasma acute phase proteins in the liver. Gluco-
concentration increased (Eades, 1993). This corticoids are also potent down-regulators of
may in part be explained by the fact that PGE2 pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibit expres-
may also be produced and act locally in the gas- sion of their cellular receptors (Fantuzzi &
trointestinal muscles. Also prostacyclin may re- Ghezzi 1993). It might therefore be worth not-
duce motility. If these prostaglandins were pro- ing that we still don't know if a high cortisol
duced locally in the ruminal wall, measurable level is a sign of a sufficient defense mecha-
plasma concentrations might be detected later nism, or of detrimental stress.
when a spill-over from the local production had
occurred. The prostaglandin liberation would Tolerance to endotoxin
be sufficient for local activity at the production Tolerance occurs if a cow is exposed to endo-
site long before plasma concentrations ex- toxin in sublethal doses, either repeatedly or
ceeded the base-line values. Portal vein plasma continuously, for a period of time (Beeson
concentrations of prostaglandin mediators (An- 1947, Milner 1973). Endotoxin tolerance is a
dersen et al. 1994) were larger than the corre- transient stage of hyporesponsiveness during
sponding mediator concentration in peripheral which the biological responses to endotoxin are
blood, rendering some support to that point of diminished or absent. After tolerance is in-
view. duced, endotoxin administered in even lethal
doses does not elicit detrimental biological re-
Cytokines sponses.
Alterations of cytokine concentrations are well The nature of tolerance is not yet fully under-
described as a consequence of endotoxicosis stood. Several processes are involved: induc-
(Maury 1986, Feist et al. 1989, Adams et al. tion of a self-limiting inflammatory process, a
1990, Young 1990, Kenison et al. 1991, Gerros raised immune function and increased produc-
et al. 1993). Besides participating in inflamma- tion of mediators (Kimmings et al. 1996). Tol-
tory cascades, the cytokines have profound ef- erance is traditionally divided into 'early' and
fects on metabolism and immunity (Zentella et 'late' tolerance (Greisman et al. 1969, Milner
al. 1990). This is fascinating when seen in the 1973). The early phase occurs within a few
perspective of the pathogenesis of production hours of the challenge, is transient and nonspe-
diseases. cific regarding to type of endotoxin, is not asso-

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ciated with the occurrence of anti-endotoxin Prytz et al. 1973). This seems to be the case for
antibodies, and cannot be transferred with ruminants too.
plasma. The mechanisms of the early phase are The liver is an effective barrier to the passage of
complex, involving production of acute phase bacteria and endotoxin from the intestine
proteins which bind endotoxin, induction of en- (Nolan 1975, Munford 1978). Human investi-
dotoxin receptor blockage, and alterations of gators have focussed on the role of endotoxin in
the macrophage activity (Henricson et al., the development of liver disease, while the
1990). The priming endotoxin stimulus may problem in cattle seems to be that the detoxifi-
lead to a production of immature monocytes, catory function of the liver is critical in the pre-
with only few active receptors available. The vention of dissemination of the inflammatory
endotoxin challenge may also induce the pro- response induced by intestinal endotoxin.
duction of anti-inflammatory serum factors, Bovine liver function may decrease in the pe-
such as IL-10, type I and II soluble TNF recep- riod around calving, due to triglyceride accu-
tors or cortisol, which downregulate the endo- mulation in the hepatocytes, hepatic lipidosis.
toxin response (Kimmings et al. 1996). Hepatic lipidosis has been associated with poor
In cows, the significance of the early hypore- performance and increased occurrence of dis-
sponsive stage remains to be thoroughly de- ease. The condition may be quite frequent in
scribed. Thorough description of this stage may high-yielding dairy cows, where the dry cows
be imperative in the understanding of the indi- are fed high-energy rations and/or are overcon-
vidual cow's ability to create a response to en- ditioned at partum (Reid 1980, Reid & Roberts
dotoxin and perhaps other diseases. 1983, Gerloff 1985, Gerloff et al. 1986, West
The late phase occurs after days of repeated en- 1990).
dotoxin administration.This form of tolerance Hepatic lipidosis is associated with a decreased
lasts for longer and is related both to the devel- capacity for endotoxin clearance in the liver, as
opment of antibodies to the O-chain, and (prob- demonstrated by Andersen et al. (1996a), where
ably) the production of antibodies to the endo- endotoxin was administered to cows with spon-
toxin common core, specifically to lipid A. As taneously developed subclinical fatty liver.
the O-chain has a great variability and as the There was a marked increase in the time it took
common core is a very constant part of the en- for endotoxin to disappear from plasma. In the
dotoxin molecule, antibodies against lipid A human clinic, alcoholic fatty liver and cirrhosis
have a greater cross protective effect than anti- are associated with an increase in the concen-
bodies directed against the O-chain. Danish tration of antibodies against intestinal bacteria,
cows do have antibodies to lipid A in varying such as E. coli, and the patients have an in-
amounts, showing that endotoxicosis is not an creased frequency of endotoxemia (Bjørneboe
uncommon finding among cattle (Andersen et et al. 1972, Prytz et al. 1973, Prytz et al. 1976).
al. 1996). A similar association may occur in cows with
hepatic lipidosis. Whether hepatic lipidosis, to-
Liver function in cattle gether with concurrently increased exposure to
It is generally agreed that endotoxins are not gastro-intestinal endotoxins, is responsible for
contaminants of systemic blood in healthy indi- observed increases in the concentration of anti-
viduals and that impairment of liver function bodies to the common core of endotoxins (An-
may result in systemic endotoxemia in other- dersen et al. 1996b) cannot be determined.
wise healthy humans (Bjørneboe et al. 1972, However, the investigation supports the view

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Bovine endotoxicosis 149

Figure 2. Proposed
relationships between
route of endotoxin ex-
posure, hepatic func-
tion, biological reponse
and clinical response in
bovine endotoxicossis.

that endotoxin is quite commonly implicated in was epidemiologically related both to the oc-
the pathophysiology of bovine diseases. currence of diseases which were of an infec-
Also, the ability of the liver to initiate an acute tious nature, such as mastitis and reproductive
phase response seems to be very important. The disorders, and to the occurrence of digestive
liver should be able to react to cytokine stimu- disorders. Further studies are needed in order to
lation from e.g. portal endotoxicosis and switch elucidate whether translocation of endotoxin
from production of "household" proteins to from the gastrointestinal tract may result in in-
production of acute phase reactants (Fey et al. creased levels of antibodies to endotoxin, and
1994). The influence of hepatic lipidosis on the how this would relate to health and productiv-
acute phase responses has yet to bee investi- ity.
gated in the cow.
GITS in cattle
Evidence of endotoxin translocation in Danish This review indicates a relationship between a
dairy herds common subtype of septic shock, GITS (Gut-
Screening of the natural occurrence of IgG an- Derived Infectious-Toxic Shock, described in
tibodies to lipid A in Danish cattle has demon- the human clinic by Lebek & Cottier 1992), and
strated that this part of the endotoxin molecule the endotoxicosis described in ruminal acido-
is a common challenge to the immune system sis. In GITS the bacterial invasion is assumed to
(Andersen et al. 1996b). Exposure to endotoxin stem from the intestinal microflora. A general-
is therefore obviously a relatively common fea- ized infection is not a prerequisite for GITS and
ture among Danish cattle; and it was shown that the disorder is predominantly propagated by
the presence of antibodies recognizing lipid A bacterial endotoxin.

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150 P. H. Andersen

Conclusion Ahrens FA: Histamine, Lactic Acid and Hypertonic-

Ruminal acidosis is a common and central pro- ity as Factors in the Development of Ruminitis in
Cattle. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1967, 28, 1335-1342.
duction disease. This disease may increase the Aiumlamai S, Fredricksson G, Kindahl H, Edqvist L-
translocation of endotoxin from the gastro-in- E: A Possible Role of Endotoxins in Spontaneous
testinal contents to the systemic circulation. Paretic Cows Around Parturition. J. Vet. Med.
Some cows may handle this challenge well, (A). 1992, 39, 57-68.
while others may suffer from a generalized en- Andersen PH: Portal endotoxemia in cattle. An ex-
perimental investigation. Ph.D. thesis. (Abstract)
dotoxin induces inflammatory response, which 1985.
includes decreased motility of the forestom- Andersen H, Jarløv N: Investigation of the possible
achs, leukopenia, hypocalemia and other char- role of endotoxin, TXA2, PGI2 and PGE2 in ex-
acteristic derangements. The capacity of the perimentally induced rumen acidosis in cattle.
Acta Vet. Scand. 1990, 31, 27 -38.
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Peer reviewed contribution to 11. International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, 12-16 Au-
gust 2001, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Reprints may be obtained from: Pia Haubro Andersen, Department of Clinical Studies, The Royal Veterinary
and Agricultural University, Dyrlægevej 48, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.

Acta vet. scand. Suppl. 98 - 2003

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