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Elo € English XI World Cup 2011 Pakistan is rcket crazy nation and when any big cricketing event srs our ere reaches the climax. This time Pakistan was the world Cup host along with Sc Lanka & India but due to the menace of terorism, we were deprived ofthis lucrative opportunity and Bangladesh ‘was selested as an alternative venue. 14 teams participated in this World cup and they were ivided in two groups A and B. In group A, All strouger sides easily won their preliminary matches while in group B, we Watched many nail-bitng games such as India V/S England one. India scored massive 330 plus total and in rep “ied the match thanks fo the innings of Ancrew Strauss sho Played captain's knock of 158 runs end helped England tied on last bowl of the match, In nother match berween England & Ireland, England posted 300 plus nuns and Ireland recorded the biggest upset ofthe tournament by defeating England. Group A, Pasian, Australia. New Zeeland and Lanka ened in quart final easly. iro Bind, Sih Ac, England West Ines fer tog bats booked the ples in quarter fina. {a First quarterfinal from group B, India suprised Australi, the lat time World Champions, and showed they are one the contenders of 2011 world Cup. Sri Lanka defeated England and both tars from this group walked into the Semi finals. From Group A, Pakistan out smartened the West Indies and New Zeeland geve upset defeat to South Africa one of the strongest sides ofthe World cup and both Pakistan and New Zeeland booked their places into semifinals. Sri Lanka outplayed New Zecland, restricted them to 221 and chased this total easily thanks to their openers Dilshaa and Tharanea and qualified for Final, [Now the old rivals India and Pakistan facing in semi finals before their home volatile crowd {This match was also said to be the match of the decade and lots of hype was created by both ‘countries media that further pressurized bolh teams end many a rumours floated. India won the toss and elected (o bat frst. Indian openers as usual provided them a brisk start but Waleb ‘Rizz got the wicket of Sewag and Pakistan got control of the match but Pakistani fielders ‘dropped many catches of Sachen Tandulkar who scored 84 suns that helped India scored 260 runs a sespeciable total in Semi final In porsuit Pakistani openers started chasing magnificently but after the departure of Kamran ‘Alzual and Muhammad Hafeez Pakistani side came under pressure, lost the path, never eame into wining position and lost badly. All senior players Youaus Khan, Shahid Afridi Abdur Razzag et the team down, However, Misba-ul-Haq resisted till the end, he played too slow to ‘Keep pece with the run rate and he Could not been able to scare 30 run in lst over as result Pakistan lost the match and all Pakistani hopes of wining world cup died. ‘Two Asian cricketing giants India and Sri Lanka encountered in big world cup final and fans expected a tight contest, Sri Lanka won the toss and chose to bat first. Their openers, who were the most consistent in the toumament, fell early yet their Captain Sangnkara and Jewardene consolidated the innings and put up a formidable total on board of 270 plus runs thanks to Jawardene brisk 100 runs innings. It was difficult chase because of the pressure of the final and same happened as Malinga got sawag in his first over followed by Sachen ‘Tandulker, But Indian middle order was rock solid specially Guhtam Gambeer who alongwith eaplain Dhani chased exceptional well. Guhtam scored 97 and! Dhoni scared 91 not (Out and hit a six in second last over to lift the world cup-2011 for India afer 28 years. 8:39 © <€ English XI Mobile Need or Fashion or Cellular Phones Twas at the end of the 20 century that mobile or cellular phones stated to demonstrate their effect and gradually became popular. These phones work through satelite network signals and are amazing invention of science. Ithas wireless connectivity which gives convenience to the users and can be caried everywhere and provides the luxury to get connected with love ‘ones wherever we are. At First, car phones were used in the US for short distances. The phone call traveled through ssmall Broadcast towers. Later, these telephones developed into a cellular radiotelephone system, The mobile telephones of today rein fact cellulr radiotclephones. In 21* Century we experience amazing usage of mobiles. All features of computers are now enjoyed by ths litle device and this business is booming these days. Be it business, personal life or routine matters, all are now easy to manage. Gone are the days when people used to ‘complain for not seeing each other, now distances have shrunk and relationships are kept intact with our dearer & nearer. Mobile has facilitated business a great deal and now business information are exchanged easily and orders & feedbacks are carried out in no time, Mobile phones are used to catch criminals and terrorists too. They can be tracked / traced ‘with the help of phones. Many criminal cases are solved tnrough mobiles tracking, With the aulvent of new technological improvements in mobiles, eximaordinary facilities are enjoyed {fom intemet to marketing end it has really added chirm in the lives of people. However, the question arises whether mobiles are real need of everyone or is ita fashion? “Mobile phiones are sold Ike hot cakes in Pakistan and a lucrative business. The craze to have Iuxurious mobiles is in much demand and people want to out-smarten each other with their latest phones. Many boys & girls have committed crimes to fulfill their desires to have modem phones. Where mobiles have helped catching criminals, it hns also polluted young generation; they always keep themselves engaged on mobiles, remain oblivious at homes / ‘lasses and even on roads while driving. Govt should take serious steps to ban mobiles in schools and colleges otherwise it would be too late to save our young generation, Last but not the least; itis parents’ responsibilities to keep check on young kids so that they do. not indulge themselves in any obscene activities that bring them to debacle. 8:39 € English XI Female Education Itis rightly said “Education is obligatory on both men & women” Education means knowledge & awareness simply. No society can peck without it. Especially ‘women who nurture society in their laps must be educated to create a harmonious society. Ja this modem era where women have almost overshadowed men in every walk of life and proved themselves equally effective as men that shows their ruc education. ‘Women areas important as men in any society because 50% of our population consist of our ‘women folk if they will not contribute to the development of Pakistan, it will remain ‘underdeveloped. In our country where women are not worth-cducaling, results in ‘isequilibrium and create poverty in our society too. Progress & prosperity of the coustry ‘depend on the educational system both for boys and girls that can stabilize Pokistan. The doors of education should be opened fo all the women including the rural women folk so that they become socially, economically and politically aware of the basic needs of Pakistani nation. It is high time that entire women folks (rural as well as urban) should come up as responsible earning members of the society. They should not be totally dependent on the male members. Middle class parents should recognize that the best dowry they can give to their daugiters is a good education that will provide job opportunities to girls before ‘marriages and even to continue as working women afler marriages. ‘As the lap of the mother is said to be fist school of a child, they should be focused to produce harmonious society. Moreover, they can become @ helping hand to supplement their earings in their homes too. As women have proved themselves more responsible, hardworking and discipline they should not be deprived of education to see better and ‘prosperous Pakistan. Government must take cogent steps to educate women because it is said SGive me good mother T will give you a good society’, in our couniry where terrarism, street crimes and ilitracy are rampant only hope is good education for women that can see vs through in this tarbulent times. 8:39 © <€ English XI Terrorism in Pakistan / Impact of Terrorism ‘Terrorism means deliberate killing of innocent people to destbilize Govt. or to gain hidden, advantages. It is now a global menace. After 9/11 incident, it has taken such deep roots that almost every country has fallen victim of it, Pakistan is the only country that has paid its ‘Worst price due to poor policies. However, we have witnessed many barbaric incidents of terrorism in Pakistan from Benazir murder to Nashtar Park incident; we are no safer in mosque or in mackels and remain under ‘the threat of terrorists attacks. Mehran base attack has further struck fear in the hearts of people that wien even our Army is no more safe how could we be? This question is still a raystery how did the terrorists break in. Our law enforeing agencies have completely failed to cope up with terrorism and they have no answers. Recent American attack in Abbatabad to kill Osama has further aggravated the situation. ‘Now American has declared that Pakistan is the ub of terrorists and rightly so that our all ‘agencies failed to deliver What was expected. Terrorists have now pledged that they will now ‘target Pakistan to revenge Osama’s death and results are in shape of Mehran base attack, Other countries too now started to point fingers at us that the existence of Pakistan is a menace for all. As Pakistan has almost been isolated and mired in so many etises like terrorism, energy, poor infrastructure & economy etc. Despite being surrounded by so many problems, we Pakistanis have not yet put our hands up, still think that there is ray of hope that ‘we ean improve our image. ‘What bites me is why is this happening, is this rally a holy war or we are being exploited as ‘we have been before on the name of religion. On the other hand, our poor policies are the result ofthis severe terrorism, like we never developed the areas where these terrorists were ving they never saw schools, colleges so that they could be a civilized people ofthe society they lived their fives in wild now they have become lawless savages and will never underland the point of view ofa civilized person. In short, Teonclude: “There is no smoke -without a fire” ‘Wenneed to look atthe reasons why have they gone against us. 8:39 € English XI Rising Prices or Inflation / Dearness Inflation ordinarily means the abnormal price hike of goods. In exonomic terms, inflation or rising / galloping prices is the result of inerease in the supply of money than the supply of poods. But there are countess factors that cause price hike in any country. In cur county, we see ‘how fast our population is rising and how much more the people need in tems of food, fit cloths, shoes, soap and other articles of daily use. Our farms und fectories are nt producing food and goods secording to the growing needs of the people. As a result, the prices of ‘commodities shoot up and Govt. is forced to print more currency note to satisfy the people, ‘This is exally the inflation we are witnessing today. “The second cause of inflation or rising prices is rise in the stndard of living of the people. With the greater demand for clothes, sioes, fine food and other commodities (articles), their prices register a constant rise. Thus, arse in the incomes ofthe people is also a sure sign of ‘an increase in demand of goods tht results in price hike to, ‘The third cause is the decrease in exports and increase in imports as itis happening in our country, When we buy more,and more things (commodities) from other countries and scl less, imports become more expensive. Poor distribution channe's also result in price hike Commodities / aticles move from wholesales to middlemen and then in the hands of retlers, Enough profit is milked inthe process and customers suffer. Finally, heavy goverment taxes and duties on goods produced inside the country and {imported from abroad cause arise inthe price. ‘The only solution to this giant problem of inflaton is greater agriculture and industrial production, greater exports and lighter taxes. In addition, @ control over population ‘growth is utmost necessary. 8:39 © € English XI The Mass Media ‘The mass media mean sources of information, news and entertainment which are newspapers, magazine, radio and television, and now the intemet. These medi provide information, news and entertainment o the masses. It means that they isseminate information and entertainment on a wide scale. They manipulate people which isthe subject of much research and discussion today. Workers, professionals, educated rich people and all others—men, women and children everywhere are within the renge and influence of the mass medi, ‘Let us consider how the mass media are of use fo everyone. In the home we read ‘newspapers and magazines and journals of our choice. Our villages, towns and cities, and those of all other countries, ie open to us. We read about our people and other peoples or nations and their work and activities. We read new and articles about business, industry, agriculture, politics, and social affairs, of all kinds very joyfully ‘The radio and television bring to everyone, whether literate or illiterate the pleasures of music, songs, dances, drama, films and scencs of social and natural life, They open to-us the doors of our own cultural life in all the provinces and in all pars of other ‘countries. We are lost in the world of art and reality as we watch movies of love and ‘ut from different countries, most of them dubbed in English. We learnt through the ‘mass media what is happening in education, politics, industry, agriculture, trade, sports, War, the criminal sphere, and all other spheres under the sun. This is the international information and Culture! Revolution that hus been brought about by the radio, television, and the Intemet, and which is expanding day by day. ‘The Internat is the latest addition to the mass media, Through it we get connected to the official, educational, commercial, social, political and other fields of activity and thought the world. The user of a computer network, this, gains information from or exchanges messages with any other network anywhere at all times. It is now known 15 The Information Superhighway" which provides information and pictures to all ‘computer users wito are connected to it However, newspapers, magazines, radio: and T.V together with the intemet, can be made use of positively as well as negatively. They can develop our minds and character as well as distort them when they present to us seencs of corruption and cvil doings. Howaver, through their harmless entertainment they can keep us happy, satisfied and hopeful as well as well informed. ‘The mass media con make us wiser and more knowledgeable with the passage of time. As we gather knowledge through them is different fields, our point or view or attitude towards life or outlook on life becomes universal and we bezin feeling that we ae citizens ofthe world 8:39 < English XI How to Have Cheaper Electricity (Power Crisis) ‘Modern life will surely be impossible without eletic energy. We nsed it almost everywhere-in our homes, in the shops, inthe factories, on the farms, on the roads tnd in all public places. For some years now we have been trying to solve our electricity problem. The long hours of load shedding for industry and agriculture contributed 0 decline in national production and caused untold hardships to the people at large. Let us study the main eauses of the crisis that is not over yet. ‘The water level in the dams like the Tarbela, Mangla, and Warsak is at times very ‘ow. Because oft the generation of hycrcleciie power suffers a great deal. Then we have not constructed until now as many dams as we need, for example, the Kalabagh Dam, the Bhasha Dam in the northern areas on the Indus and certain other such possible dams could have eased the present difficult situation of power generation in the country. ‘We do not have enough facilities for the generation of thermal power. The setting up of thermal power stations is highly expensive fora developing couniry like ours. Our efforts to set up such power stations withthe IPPs (Independent Power Producers) skyrocketed electricity rates and brought the Wapda to the brink of bankruptcy. ‘We do not have enough nuclear power statins because of our dependence on hydroelectric power and lack of equipment and materils. The nuclear power station at Karachi the KANUPP (the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant) has, however, worked ‘well and gives us hopes of having such, stations around the country. The Chashina Power Plant, planned in 1993 to be set up in the Frontier province, should have improved the power situation a great deal. ‘New industries continue to be set up and agriculture continues to be mechanized. Factories in the industrial centres and tube-wells and power-operated farm machinery need electricity most of the time, Its shortage and repeated load shedding affest production badly Rich familie, business establishments aad offices use ai conditioners in the summer and electric heaters in the winter. Ths is a serious stain on our energy resources. It ‘willbe in national interest to reduce the use of these electric appliances. We should increase power prediction in all possible ways. There isthe need to store in the dams the water of our rivers, rain water and water from melted ice flowing along natural channels as muca as possible. There ean be more dems for his purpose. ‘Then hyeiro electricity could be produced perhaps more than we need and could be exported as well. We should set up thermal power stations whenever needed, but oa ‘our own and generate electicity at reasonable expense, 8:39 € English XI Environmental Pollution Our movement into the 21" century has neither been smooth nor very happy as we find the atmosphere and water increasingly polluted. In the cities, the air is getting duster and dirier, and this atmospheric pollution is becoming troublesome and dangerous to everyone, rich and poor alike, Our modem civilization is basically responsible for the pollution in the atmosphere. Let us discuss the causes of this atmosphecc or environmental pollution. Firstly, the tremendous rise in population or population explosion is much at the basis ‘of the pollution problem With the increase in population, we need more houses, more motorcycles, cars, buses and other vehicles emitting smoke and geses. Naturally, forest areas are reduced; trees are cut down to make room for houses with the result that there is more of carbon dioxide and less of freshness in the air. Secondly, the setting up of industrial centres and factories in areas close to cities and town adds to the alrendy existing pollution. No doubt cities go on expanding and reach close to ‘industrial areas of esiates outside. But through careful planning residential areas can be located very far away from industria complexes. Thirdly, tons of garbage and industrial wastes are dumped underground or in rivers sand seas. This causes insanitation, killing of fish or sea animals or harms their growth. Falling oil from ships in the ocean proves dangerous to the sealife. The atomic wastes of stomic reactors thrown into the sea contaminate the water over Jong distances. In the fourth place, the buming of chemicals and giving out of carbon dioxide and other gases by heavy machines snd cars add greatly to atmospheric pollution. Besides heating the earth, it causes storms, loods and dryness, The ai that we breathe gets impure and we can fall ill more easily. The buming and air-conditioning processes disturb the ozone layer above the atmosphere dangerously. The disturbed ozone layer does not stop all the dangerous ultraviolet rays fom reaching the carth. This causes too much heating ofthe earth. Tn the fifth place, noise pollution is no less painful and harmful than the pollution caused by gases and chemicals. The sounds of homs, machines, lying aeroplanes, ‘weapons in operation, loud speakers and music sets and loud cries and quarrels of people pollute the atmosphere badly. This noise pollution disturbs the mind, upsets regular work or study and helps in causing nervous and mental disorders. Tt is necessary to reduce noise pollution as much es possible by educating and traning the people: ‘Added to the above kinds of pollution is the visual pollution of sdvertisernens én the cities, towns and on the highways. There, are unending sories of billboards or hoardings, banner, illuminated pictures and slogans in support of industrial and other products and services. There should be a limit to this commercial advertisement sctvity that affects the vision and peace of mind. ‘We should act quickly to check the different kinds of pollution as discussed at the Earth Summit in Brazil in 1992. Population growth needs to be controled immediately, especially inthe developing countries. Carbon dioxide and other gases, ‘should not be emitted in disturbing quantities, and so on. ‘We need to understand the truc dimensions of pollution. While it is manageable at prescat, it will get out of control as we advance farther into the new century, if we do not activate ourselves for polfution control. 8:38 < English XI Religious Extremism Rotigious extremism means the holding of extreme religious view by the flowers of particular religion or sect agninst ober religions or secs. ‘The reasoas for the existence of religious intolerance are quite a few. Firsly, ignorance and lack of knowledge and of modem education lead many a youth end ‘young woman to the blind alleys of backwardness and inaction, The minds of these ‘young people are almost closed to modem ideas and developments. When nothing new centers the mind, the germ of old ideas grow out of size onto disease germs. Secondly, religious extremism grows or develops in an atmosphere of hated, distrust tnd eamity. One religious class or sect hetes another simply because there is a difference of beliefs or ideas berween them. One religious group distusts another because they distrust or doubt each other’s intentions. Prolonged haired and distrust ‘result in deep-rooted enmity. Sadly and regrettably, some extremists developed intense hatred agninst each other and started Killing and destroying property. ‘Thirdly, perhaps the worst form of religious extremism is reflected in terrorist acts across the country, Religious extremists easily organize themselves into armed groups and bands and provide military training for terrorist acts and guerilla warfare Even if ‘the activity is Zor pure “chad” or holy war; it needs approval of the government. IF it is for the purpose of Killing the follower of other religions or for destroying their property itis intolerable. Further, there can be national religious extremism that can cause religious wars between one nation or country and another, Such wars were common in olden times when the Crusades were fought between the Christians and Muslims. The fights between the two religious communities among the Christian, that is, the Roman Catholics and Protestants and among the Muslim sects and groups side by side caused tremendous human suffering. Infact, religious exiremism is not advocated, preached or sanetioned by aay religion in its pure form. Buddhism is a religion of pence and humility. Christianity is a religion of social goodness and progress Islam preaches univers brotherhood ‘equality and justice. In their first pure form, word religions did not have any room oF scope for class or group differences. God Almighty sent his Prophets and revealed his Holy Books to convey the seme messages to all mankind and to make the people solidly united. The later creation of religious groups and secs, with the resultant Aisputes, was agaist the spirit and principles of tre religion. It i our foremost duty to creale unity and oneness in our ranks religiously. Gala 8:38 <€ English XI Working Women (Careers for Women) Women form about half of our population, and they are active members of society, ‘yet we have not sueceeded in according the position or status they deserve. There immediate need to associate our women with al the major developmental activities in cour society commensurate with thei ability and capacity. Let us consider at the start what our women need to be able to work apart from or side by side with men in diferent professions. All women should be educated to different levels, Education up to Intermediate is quite necessary, both for our men and women. ‘Now, what professions or vocations would sut women who are ina positon to work independently or inthe company of the members of their fumily? Firsly, according to our observation, the teaching profession is the most suitable for ‘women: At the school, college and university levels female teachers can teach, pethaps as effectively as men. Secondly, the nursing and airline hostesses! professions and the ike are more suitable for women, Here womanly attention, eare and service are needed which men cannot provide so wel. ‘Thirdly, wit the expension of commerce, there isa growing demand for sales women ‘md office clerks, secretaries and managers. Thousands of women can be usefully employed in thes® capacities tothe satisfaction of traders as well as customers, In the fourth place, with administrative expansion on the goverment: and non- government level, more and more women cin be gainfully employed as clerks, secretaries and officers in various capacities. In the filth place, women are very suitably performing work in garment, handicraft ‘and toy factories and factories producing jams, cold drinks, bread, ete at homie or ‘oulside the home. They can stitch cloths wel, help in shoe raaking, and ean work at cease and with interest in ficlds of their choice like those of cosmetics production, designing clothes and shoes, painting and engraving. Women are naturally intrested {in these sativties and others allied with these like the processes of packing, labeling and dispatch of products. I expartis also involved, the aditional correspondcace can also be performed by women, In the sixth place, the medical profession needs the services of more and more of female doctors to attend to the female population, children and generally to men as well. Professions demanding strenuous work and labour and long working hours like those of engineers; technicians, factory workers, daily labourers or masons are definitely not so mich suited to women. 8:38 < English XI Corruption We all know that corruption in almost all undeveloped or developing societies is the order of the day. Fissly, comuption is common because the people in general, ‘especialy in the developing or Third World countries, are not well off, and they need ‘more money and resourses to meet their growing requirements. Just take the exaraple cof a clerk working in an office on a meager income who has to support his wife and children. Finding it difficult to feed and clothe his family and to pay the rent of the house and bear medical and educational expenses ofthe children, be begins accepting petty bribes in his office. However, coruption canfot be justified in any circumstances, If a person cannot casily make both ends meet, he should work more ot work elsewhere to eam more, ‘Those who can lear technical skills to work in workshops or factories should ‘become expect technicians. Thase who can teach in government or private schools and institutes should teach 28 much as they ean Its far better forthe members of a family to labour and to eam litle by litle to ad to the fmily funds. First, there should be 8 much equality as possible inthe country. The division of the society into the lasses of extremely poor and extremely rich people and the middle class without enough facilities and chance to progress should go. As suggested elsewhere, the feudal structure in the villages and the oppressive capitalistic structure in the cities shouldbe replaced by afr, just one. ‘Secondly, education should be within the reach of all kinds of people, When the people get universally educated, they will be able to work more efficiently and their ‘earings will rise. They will be generally satisfied end the causes of corruption will ‘be mostly eliminated. ‘Thirdly, the Jeaders and politicians should be men of integrity. Their devoted leadership and honest dealings will se ¢ patter of life and work for the nation, Jn the fourth place, a religious and moral atmosphere in society will create a sense of ‘honest living among the people. Our religious scholars, teachers, newspapers, radio ‘and TV can play an important roe i this connection, In the fifh plsce, heavy punishments for cormupt people should Keep them from indulging in corruption. Corrupt government servants and anyone accepting bribes in any form should be punished aller a proper trial in a court of law. It is very difficult, though not impossible, to solve the dificult social problem of comuption. I is we who will overcome corruption before we allow it to drown us iz its poison to kill us as a nation, 8:38 € English XI Globalization or Global Integration The concept of globalization became popular afler the collapse of Communism in the Soviel Union and Eastern Europe. 1t i, in effect, the victory of capitalism and means ‘rade without restrictions, free movement of capital and technology and the operation of @ completely free market economy. Strangely, and undersimndingly, it does not sanction free movement of labour, from one country into another. Globalization, in the frst place, opens up new markets and provides opportunities for {investment to industrialists and businessmen. Thus, if we make a rosy interpretation of this aspect of globalization, capital would flow from the developed countries like the US, UK. France, Germany and Japan into the developing states like ours and others like Bangladesh, Burma, Ethiopia and Peru. This capital plus the labour foree available in these countries would make possible an industrial and agricultural revolution never heard of earlier. But, this does not happen. The cepital flows to the ‘multinational ‘Companies having ther branches in the developing countries, and this capital is used to purchase raw material at very low prices, io send it tothe developed countries. Globalization can work wonders, in the industrial and commercial sense, if the ‘working classes in the developing countries are educated and trained with foreign capital and with the money of feudal lords and capitalists inside. Then, the thousands and millions of labourers, workers and farmers can be invited to’ the advanced countries to get educated and to learn modern industrial and agricultural techniques to ‘work in the advanced countries and to work in their own countries by tum. Sceondly, globalization means free trade or the lifting of restrictions of duties and taxes on imports and exports. It does not sound sensible on the part ofthe developed countries to open the free flow of their perfectly produced goods into the markets of the developing states where the same goods are either inferior or expensive, This kind of fice trade will result in depressed sale of native goods, closure of factories and unemployment ofthe labour class inthe less developed counties. If the developed countries transfer their scientific methods and technologies to the developing countries generously and start educcting the common people devotedly, the coming into force of “true globalization” sometime in the future will become possible. Until the developing world comes up to the level of the developed world sociologically, economically and politically, it wll be impossible to have one-world ‘economy and social system. ‘The developing or backward world looks with suspicion and awe at the globalization plaas of the developed world. Its time the governments of the developing countries ‘woke up to the realities of the world situation and took revolutionary steps to take away the wealth and resources in the hands of the carrupt minority to spend on the ‘education, training and progress of the masses. It is time they started acting on ‘economic’ programs to construct dams, produce cheap electricity and to increase sgricultural and industrial production forthe general uplift of society. 8:38 < English XI Advertisement In a competitive society or in a capitalistic county like ours advertisements are a necessity. Factories produce goods, and shops, and finns sell them. The advertisement of these goods is mean to attract a wide variety of customers to boy them, ‘The government advertises its schemes and policies to inform the public and to make it participate in them. It has advertised in the past its new housing plans, savings schemes, efucational policies, issue of identity card ec. from off and on, ‘Advertisements in newspapers for jobs in goverment departments and private Crganizations are highly useful. They help the offices and agencies to get readily trained manpower from the public. They help the educated public to get jobs end Employment. The lahour force gets work in government offices, market places and ‘production centres through newspeper advertisements, ‘The education of private sector mostly depends on advertisement and publicity 1o attract students 10 educational institutions. The huge posters, billboards, and ‘newspaper ads provide information about courses and sts in different schools and colleges. Tis helps in die spread of education and promotion of culture. ‘Advertisements of cigaretes, undesirable dress, expensive foods, harmful soft inks, ‘and time-wasting gumes should be discouraged. Cosmetics and items of makeup that cause wasle of money and negative effeets on health should not be put up at public places. Any advertisement thst effects health and character negatively and helps ‘evelop bad habits should immediately be disallowed by the government. ‘The adverisers who misinform the public about their products and services and about those oftheir competitors should be tried in courts of law and punished, There should be strict iaws fr this which should be carefully and forefally implemented. "The visual pollution caused by the numerous pictues, signs, slogans and writings on ‘illboards should immediately be checked. In the big cities all the main ronds and public parks are crowded by these most of which are a kind of nuisance. They affect the fice flow of traffic badly and leave harmful impressions on young minds. Even newspapers and magazines contribute to this new kind of pollution when they over- ‘exhibit the poses of film actors and models together with slogans in different colours ‘and types. It is high time the conticuation and increase in visual pollution were ‘checked by the government and public bodies. “Advertising should be developed es an art that pleases and informs the people righty about the best products and services. It should not be misused for popularising Aefective or expensive industrial goods, expensive luxuries, forcign products, end ‘even publications that can be harmful to the people in aay way. 8:37 © <€ English XI Information Technology (IT Information technology, in the first instance, brings to us the latest developments in science, technology and the arts in the edvanced world. We can make ise of the latest techniques and methods in the sciences and the arts within the four comers of our buildings. ‘We can communicate with anyone anywhere inthe world and send him messages in 2 Jif. The e-mail has made it possible to send any amount of information to any place {in afew seconds. The receiver of the information can at once send back the reply oF his own information. Talk on programs like hotmail messenger or yahoo messenger, slong with the display of the talkers on the sereea, gives a direct personal touch to the exchange of information and iess, Information technology has, in effect, reduced disiance completely between partes sitting in continents separated by the high seas and immeasurable skies. Computer technology can help us to bring about social, politcal and economic revolution in the country. We can make a complete study of the different social, politcal and economic systems in the most successful countries. The pas, present and possible future of these countries and societies can be studied through computer recons, films and programs. ‘Computer technology ean be used to collect information sbout the diferent classes, and groups of the people inthe country. A thorough study oftheir educational, Professional and social necds can lead us to concrete solution of ther problems. The working of government depariments, law cours, firms, companies, educational institutions, industries, farms, markets, bus companies, railways, airlines, seaports, stock exchanges and activites like smuggling, black marketing, terrorism and other crimes should be within the network of the computer. It can be used, surely, to lessen crime and social disorder. ‘Some chains of institutions for teaching information technology exist in the country, tnd they are serving a usefil purpose. However, they are mostly expensive and ‘beyond the reach of the common people. The manufacture or import of the best ‘moder computer equipment is essential forthe promotion of this technolo ‘The promotion of information technology is directly linked with the availability of high-class work and jobs in industry, commerce and administration. If our IT sraduates cannot find well-paid jobs in different field, they will be discouraged form studying further and will, nturally, look for better employment abroad. Rapid and planned industrial and agricultural development is necessary forthe absorption of IT and computer experts, ‘The world can hope for a ily bright and glorious future if information technology ‘goes on expanding in the developing countries like ours. It holds the key to the solution of our most pressing problems like poverty, ignorance backwardness, eval Oi] Cue kL < English XI * | i) Modern War and Its Effects ‘Wars have been fought all through history, and we know sbout ther causes and results, Large-scale national wars between countries or nations are not often fought now, Now a much stronger country like the US attacks « weaker country like Vietnam or Iraq, Tn a modem war, the use of the most destructive weapons is not necded, ‘These ‘weapons are nuclear bombs, ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads, chemical ‘weapons killing thousands and making millions invalid and useless for living, and ‘ther weapous of mass destruction that rich and developed countries possess. If these ‘weapons are used repeatedly, nothing will be left forthe winner or conqueror. So the effects of a modem war are stil limited to the effects of the conventional or traditional weapons that are sill used. However, these conventional weapons are the {improved ones, much stronger and much more destructive then their older versions. For example, the big bombs of yesterday have developed into cluster bombs. The old planes are naw supersonic with much greater firing, bombing, and killing capacities, ‘The rifles of oer times are now Kalashnikovs or ever more modem assault rifles that are hundreds of times more destructive. So modern conventional weaponry causes numerous deaths and large-scale destruction. ‘The aim of the powerful attacking country is to oceupy the atacked country or to control its natural resources. So, it doesnot try to destoy its communication system or network, and its buildings and production centres like factories, The attacks and ‘war, then, become limited and controlled. However, within the conquered. country, the limited war against those who oppose and use force against the conquerors continues. ‘The effects of modem wers and fighting ean be seen in Kashmir. Palestine and Iraq ‘most prominently. India and Pakistan fought limited wars in and outside Kasbimir, but they did not destroy Kashrnir and each other. Their object was to take or Keep Kashmir, Israel does not want to destroy Palestine as she wants to Keep it. Ifthe Palestinians agree to eccept it all war ean come to an end, America wants to have control over Iraq oil and natural resources, and is trying to make her submissive. Her ‘war against Iraq could have ended sooner ifthe Irgis had accepted America ns their lod and master. ‘Thus, though modem wars canbe highly destrctve, they ae in fact not so as they remain controlled. The UN' role in keeping modern wars control is quite promineat. eval @ Cn a kL Cee =e] (1.4 a i) Computers The electronic computer is rightly called the wonder of the machine age. It can add, subtract, multiply and divide "with lightning speed and perfect accuracy." It can multiply several ten-cigit numbers. We give a program to a computer to work for us in any field-business, industry, construction, banking, medicine, teaching, and so on. Tn business and industry, the computer prepares and keeps lists of goods, corespondencs records and sales and profit and loss accounts. it can inform us of the production needs and the best production processes for a certain factory. It can ‘compare several industrial processes of production and let us decide about the best ‘A computer can solve all kinds of engineering problems of building, those of designing various building structures, finding the most accurate and effective material mixtures and safety measures for earthquake and sotmd-proof rooms. In space or sea exploration, the computer is extremely useful. It collects information from outer space regarding distances, various heavenly bodies in movement, rays and ‘beams in their effects, the earth's position and possibilities of man's travel into space, Inthe same way, information from the depths of the ocean is conveyed by sensitive computers regarding availability of oil, minerals, pretious stones, sea and vegetable life, and rocks and sea beds. Rockets satellites and spaceships are controlled through computers. In air travel computers are used to direct air fights between different cities, to control the speed and heights of planes and to help in taking off and landing. Computers have made possible the smooth working of the telecommunications systems. Millions of telephone lines over the country remain in operation through computerized telephone exchanges. In medicine, computers are being widely used to diagnose or determine diseases, to prescribe medicines and to perform various tests like blood and heart analysis. ‘In education computers started to be used in the 1960s. Instructional computers are ‘used in two ways to provide direct presentation of date orto act asa tencher to test the understanding and knowledge of the student. The computer ean very systematically present indifferent ways, and with a wide variety of examples, the developments in a field of knowledge. Compuicrs have brought about 2 revolution in typing. Computer typing is fast, accurate and beautiful, in several pattems and shapes. In computer typing moving rays of light from a laser lens are used. Jn computer music, the composer programs the computer to produce different ‘hythms tunes and tones (rom some sounds stored in it. These sounds are stored on ‘magnetic tape and can be played back. The computer helps in expanding the range of tones and tunes. Whole libraries and complete office records can be computerized. In four country’ big. banks, hospitals, libraries, company and government offices, ducational institutions, military “depertmenis, ele. have been or are being computerized, Perhaps the advantages of using computers outweigh the disadvantages. Computers save our time in solving our technical, social and national problems through their excellent memory and problem-solving mechanisms. We cannot have scientific industrial, technological and social progress ofthe highest order without a free and ‘ide use of computers. Computerization and modernization now go together, Ga a eval Oi] Cue kL < English XI "| ti) The Place of English in Pakistan English may be a foreign language, but itis international in its significance, It is rightly taken asthe lingua franca, the common language, forall parts of the workd toviay. There is every reason to lear and use it ll over our country. Let us discuss the usefulness and importance of the English language. Firstly, it is spoken, read or understood in most pars of the world. Wherever you may go, in Europe, Asia, and Affica or in the America, in Australia or the North or Sout Poles you will ind someone or the other communicating with you in English. English is truly the language of science and technology. All the latest inventions and developments in scicnce are to be found well-xplained into English books. Libraries and bookshops are full of valuable textbooks and reference books in English on all the sciences. Then translations of science books in English from other languages are continuously pouring in and are being made available everywhere. English offers us treasures of knowledge in al] the social sciences like history, political science, economics, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, philosophy and psychology and all the fine ans. In the fourth place, modern medicine and surgery, developed from worldwide studies and researches in different counties and languages, now make a tremendous storehouse of medical knowledge availeble in English, English is truly a language of business, commerce end banking. It is possible for ‘uyone in axy country or comer of the world to correspond and trade internationally in English, Religious nd spiral writings and translations in English are in plenty. All the holy ‘books including the Holy Quran and the Bible with diverse translations and ‘commentaries find their pre of place inthe section of religious books in any good \ibrary or book gallery. English, then, enshrines (Keeps in it) the best of what has been thought and written ia the world, Just as all positive knowledge is power, English is power today. ‘Considering the importance and usefulness of English in our personal and national life, it willbe suicidal to make it an optional subject or lay less stress on it in our education system. Rather its studies should be regularized and promoted at all levels throughout the country. English, the window on the world, should remain our main national language to move alongside the advanced countries. Ec y al @] Cue kL Cee =e] (1.4 | e sbout them with the best intentions. She listens to them attentively as if nothing had happened. When anyone tells lis in her company and misbehaves, she advises him to ‘be truthful in all situations and respectful towards elders. Luckily, others begin acting ‘on her advice readily because of her high character and sound reputation. ‘The most beloved creature that mother is, we cannot find the like of her anywhere. She lives in our thoughts and passions as much as we live in hers. She is the soul of cour existence, the driving force of our life, May God bless her with his choicest ‘bounties in this world and the mex!? Adult Education ‘Adult education is education given to the adults or grown - up people of a country in different forms. It generally means teaching uneducated adults how to read and write. ‘But it ao means teaching them the ways of working efficiently in their different professions or places of work. It may also mean teaching them better ways of living, enjoying life or making use of their time. Ault education is necessary in a country like ours, About soventy five per cont of our ‘salts are unedncated and illiterate. They eannot easily lear new ways of doing work in ther different professions. Consequently, they cannot easily progress or eam much. Through proper adult education, our working people can become more useful for the society and the country. They can serve their nation well by learning better ways of. working on their jobs. Educated Inbourers can easily leam ways of working new machines. They can read books about the different techniques of production. Thus, they can become efficent industrial workers and can increase the production of their country. When they work well they will be able to get higher wages. Educated farmers can easily leam new and better ways of cultivating their fields and growing crops. They can lear to use and repair tractors, harvesters, tube-well engines and other farm machines. Educated adults know or understand thei rights and duties and the laws of the country ‘much better than tmeduested people. They ean Tead newspapers and magazines and can Jem about socal and neural problems. They can discuss the political, social and economic sims of the government andthe programmers of political partis. Then they ean clect the ‘mos suitable candies for positions of power. Ministers, members of Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies, educationalists, social workers and economic experts should discuss the ways of educating the ‘common people in the mass media. Then they should formulate ¢ netional adult ‘education plon. Under the plan the central and provincial governments can pool their resources to make ita success. Under the national education plan, literacy centers can be set up in every part of the country. All kinds of bailings, lke those of schools, factories, city government halls, hotels, restaurants and government offices can be used. Temporary structures for teeching can be erected, especially in the villages. Teaching can be more effective through’ television and radio programs, films, discussions and practical demonstrations of teaching materials. Education can be divided into different ‘ntagories-tenching the people how to read and write, religious education, professional education to make the people better workers, social education to make ‘them better citizens, and so on. Women can be specially educated in other fields too, Jorexample, in sewing, cooking and looking after their children, Qa a Eel Gs Cu kL < English XI | Ci) Patriotism Patriotism means love and zegard for the country. Iisa natural instinct that men love the place where he gets birth and where he is brought up. It is ane of the noblest passions of human nature. The love of country is natural and essential for everyone, ‘Man isa social animal. He cannot live alone. He necds the assistance of other human. ‘beings. So the people belonging to one country are brothers and they work for the collective interest of the country. They struggle to flourish their country. The man, ‘who works against the interest of his county, is traitor and he does not deserve any sympathy. ‘The only way to serve Pakistanis, that we must he sincere without country. We in ‘keep our personal Interest behind and we most give supreme importance tothe demands of our freedom. Country is not just & piece of lend. It is not only the collection of mountains, rivers and vallays. Tk is the heritage of our dreams, aspirations, culture, traditions and our great religion. We love Pakistan because it is the centre of our hopes and future dreams; it is the land of cur following, generation. ‘We must try to make itstrong and undefeatable castle of stam. Patriotism is an ative virtue. The real love urges mim to do everything in kis power for the welfare, of his country. It makes him perform his duties honestly and devotedly. Patriot n makes him a good citizen, who is always ready to serve his nation with best of his talents. A good citizen is always ready to give sacrifices for his nation. Patriotism is a sacred passion, which makes the nation really strong and honorable. I is our duty to keep this passion alive in our hears. “The grea-wars ofthe world were won only because of the extreme seuse of Patriotism, Only those nations in the world survive and distinguish themselves, whose citizen ‘keeps a high and a very positive sense of Patriotism. Pakistan can become a really strong eouatry, when the people of Pakistan are patriots in the real sense ofthe world. Give you love to your country and it wll give you all the blessings. The Person I Like Most “My mother isnot only dear to me; she is liked by all who know her. Children love her ‘and grownups respect her for the basic reason that she loves all and sundry. Most mothers love their own children dearly, bu, unlike them, she loves others’ children as if they were her own, When she meels the sons and daughters of ler relations and fiends, se asks them about their welfare and studies and offers them the advice Uhat she gives us 0 often. She also teaches them their schoo! lessons together with my ‘younger brother end sister, and wishes we all wee able and wise. ‘My mother's ability and Knowledge, infact, shine in her healthy face and eyes. Her fee is the tru index of her mind which is full of deep and pleasant ideas, Beautiful tnd impressive her face is in all its glory and refinement. And. pechaps, more beautiful are her ideas that she expresses wile teaching us or in the company of her fiends and relations. Sometimes she gives expression to the ideas contained in famous books by great writers like Shakespeare, Ghalib and Igbal. At one gathering she sai aloud, "We ean lear from the animal and bird world the virtues of family life” Jokes sbe knows alot, and she ean make others laugh for as long as they slay with her, and they do not want to leave her. They listen to her sweet talks she comes down other level of thought and talks at ease. Pechaps the oaly fault of my mother is that she gets angry with people who oppose her in wrong ways. However, she forgets her anger very soon and stats thinking G@ll_a Ect @] Cire” kL < English XI * | Ci) ‘borings abouts healthy change inthe economy of the county. This keeps on moving, the nations on the path of progress and prosperity. [As we cast our eyes on the other side of the picture, we eannot help coming to the conclusion that scence is also the monster of death and destruction, Man is selfish and pugnacius by nature To full hs jingist designs, he stands in need of the most