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HISTORY OF THEATRE © IN EUROPE Challenge #1—Playwrights strongly influenced the direction of theatre in Europe after Elizabethan times. One such influential playwright was Ibsen. Research the life and works of Ibsen and prepare a report on him for the class. Why was Ibsen so successful as a playwright? How did audiences of his day react to his plays? Which of his plays are still performed all over the world and why do you think Ibsen’s work endures? HISTORY OF THEATRE IN EUROPE Challenge #2 George Bernard Shaw is England’s most famous playwright—next only to William Shakespeare. Like Shakespeare, “GBS,” as he is nicknamed, was extremely popular in his day, and still is among audiences everywhere. Research the life and work of GBS. How long did GBS live? What are some of his most famous quotes? What were some of his best known plays? Which of his plays eventually became a very famous American musical? Present a report on GBS to the class which lasts about 10 minutes. Be sure to quote GBS often in your presentation! HISTORY OF THEATRE IN EUROPE Challenge #3 Russia and the Soviet Union have been very influential in the development of modern theatre in the West. What was The Moscow Art Theatre? Who started it and what contribution did it make to the Theatre? Who were some of its famous playwrights, directors, and actors? Is the MAT still “alive?” Can Americans go study theatre there? How did Communism affect Russian theatre when Communism ruled the country? Prepare an oral presentation for the class, and give us an idea of what it is like to do theatre in Russia today! Theatre Inventions Workshop HISTORY OF THEATRE IN EUROPE Challenge #7 We all know that during the reign of Adolf Hitler in Germany from 1933 to 1945, the Navi’s had a terrible effect on everything in German daily life. But what effect did Hitler have on the German theatre of his day? Did theatre continue to exist in Nazi Germany and other countries controlled by the Nazis (such as France and Norway) and if so, what kinds of plays were performed there? How was theatre hurt by Nazism? Prepare a report, with plenty of pictures or video elips, to share this story with the class. HISTORY OF THEATRE IN EUROPE Challenge #8 In America, we have “Broadway”, but England has a theatre center too! What is it called, and where is it located? What are some of the most famous plays and musicals which have had their debut there? Which member of the current English Royal Family is a producer here and what shows has he been responsible for? Prepare a report for the class with maps and pictures to describe the English theatre center. HISTORY OF THEATRE IN EUROPE Challenge #9 In addition to playwrights and directors, Europe has also been responsible for greatness in terms of the art of scenic design. Two of the most influential designers, who changed the way sets were designed with their inventions were Adolph Appia and Gordon Craig. What famous actress was Gordon Craig related to? Research the lives and works of Appia and Craig and demonstrate for the class how they changed the way sets were designed, Make a model of a typical Appia or Craig set for a production of the play A Midsummer Night's Dream, ‘Theatre Inventions Workshop HISTORY OF THEATRE IN AMERICA Challenge #4 New York City has been the traditional “home” of the American theatre. Research and then prepare a 10 minute oral presentation for the class about theatre in New York City, going back as far as you can in history to the present. For example, what were some of the famous theatres in New York before 1930? What made them special? What is “Off Broadway” theatre? Where are most of the “big” theatres located in New York City? What plays are playing on Broadway right now? Finally, give us your opinion as to whether you think New York is still the most important American city in terms of theatre, and if it is, do you think this is a good idea? HISTORY OF THEATRE IN AMERICA Challenge #5 A new kind of theatre group was formed in the 1930’s called “The Group Theatre.” ‘How was this new organization formed? Who were its founders? Why was it different from other production companies of its time? Who were Cheryl Crawford and Clifford Odetts and what impact did they have on The Group? Present a 10 minute presentation to the class on this subject and then give us your opinion whether or not (and how or how not) The Group changed American Theatre history. HISTORY OF THEATRE IN AMERICA Challenge #6. The Great Depression of the 1930's affected the lives of all Americans, especially in terms of unemployment. Many actors, writers, directors, and designers found themselves out of work during this period. What did the United States government, under the direct leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, do to help out of work theatre people get back to work? What was this program called? Was there a WPA Theatre in your community in the 1930's? If so, where was this theatre located, and what plays were performed there? How long did the WPA theatre progrant last and why did it end? Present a 10 minute oral report on this subject to the class. Theatre Inventions Workshop

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