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- You know, most of the times, I wish to be less of me and more of myself,
because Me is a scared, boring, average little mouse, whilst Myself is a powerful,
beautiful, awesome lion .

- What the hell are you talking about, he asked, stretching he’s wings,
somehow annoyed

- O-oh, you said the H word!

- At least, I know what I am talking about.

- -You do? I asked in wonder.

- Of course I do; there is no heaven without hell and no hell without a heaven
and there is no devil without me, but as darkness is nothing more than a lack of
light, evil is just a lack of love and there is no such thing as lack, everything being
full of whatever you put in it.

When you will See what I Say, like speaking written words and hear it, not only
with your mind, but, more important, with your heart in the same time, you will
understand. Therefore, there is no you and yourself but one, in general and The
One in particular.

- You mean that good and bad are facets of the same coin and if I transcend
duality I will understand all as One?

He looked deep into my eyes and after a while of meaningful silence, I heard his
voice somehow above me

-What’s that “ a coin”? and we burst in an unstoppable LOL

Well, think of me as being crazy but I, sometimes, speak with my guardian angel.
In fact I speak with him all the time, but he rarely bothers to show up. He’s kind of
bored by my perpetual spiritual quest and endless questioning.

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