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Claudia Franchesca

Gomez Moreta

Eridania Custodio


2nd high school

Physical care is one that relates to the human body and mind, both
inside and out. For example; when the human body is in good
condition, you feel it yourself and even your self-esteem rises when
you see that you are healthy, that is, you do not have diseases,
overweight, heart problems, among others. A body care specialist
said: “We are interested not only in cultivating the mind and
awakening emotional sensitivity, but also in full physical
development, and we must devote considerable attention to this.

Because if the body is not healthy, vital, it will inevitably distort

thinking and contribute to insensitivity. This is so obvious that we
don't need to examine it in detail. The body needs to be in excellent
health, given the right kind of food, and get enough sleep. " Physical
care is divided into 4 important aspects that each of us should carry

-Diet and nutrition

Physical activity.

-Rest as necessary.

-Learn to listen to our body

Diet or nutrition: These are the most important and necessary

factors in our life, since they contain the vitamins and nutrients
necessary for our body throughout our lives. It is necessary to
choose a balanced diet with many variations of food that adapts to
our physical condition and our nutritional needs.
Physical activity: At least one hour of daily exercise is
recommended, and aided in two aspects "physical and healthy" with
the simple fact of exercising you will get a better body and physical

Rest as necessary: Stopping from time to time (at least once a

week) and doing nothing is also very important since the body also
needs a break from so much exercise and physical conditioning,
sleeping the right hours to feel recharged / a daily in the morning so
they can even get more exercise. But also not everything in this life
is only "exercise", it is understood that daily people study or work
which is still very heavy and a good rest is needed to de-stress the
mind and body, because if that is not given due to break one in the
morning you might even look bad.

Learn to listen to our body: When we have some pain, illness,

discomfort, or we simply feel bad, it is very important to try to listen
to what our body tries to tell us, it often warns us if we are not eating
well, or resting long enough, after "listening" to him and getting the
message, we must tell him that he does not need to get sick that we
will fix that mismatch that we have been carrying. A massage, a nap
or a light dinner can be a good gift for this long-suffering body.

Each and every one of the information given above is very important
to carry out, the steps are simple, but in today's society it is difficult
for some people to do them, for example; there are people who
instead of using the hours to exercise, cook something healthy or
rest, they occupy themselves on the cell phone, watching television
or doing any other activity that does not leave the body any benefit.

Within the issue of "food", every day goes from bad to worse as
children do not stop consuming junk or fast food like adults, instead
of drinking natural water, they drink excessively soft drinks, energy
drinks, coffee, juices high in sugar and even alcoholic beverages.

Benefits of taking care of your physical health. Physical

health is essential for the maintenance and prevention of disease,
for all people and at any age. Physical activity contributes to the
prolongation of life and to improve its quality, through physiological,
psychological and social benefits.

How important is physical health?

Physical activity reduces the risk of suffering from: Cardiovascular
diseases, high blood pressure, colon cancer and diabetes. Helps
control overweight, obesity and body fat percentage. Strengthens
bones, increasing bone density.

What is the importance of caring?

Caring for people who care has taught me many things, it has taught
me that care is essential for the lives of many people, in many cases
without care existence is not possible, for this it is important to value
and recognize their work. The value of care is the value of life.

What is the importance of physical activity?

Physical exercise helps people lose weight and reduces the risk of
developing some diseases. Regular physical exercise reduces the
risks of certain diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and
hypertension. Physical exercise can help keep your body at a
healthy weight.
What is personal care and its importance?
What is personal care? Self-protection, ensuring one's own well-
being and the image that we transmit to others, are part of personal
care. Many associate it with cleanliness and hygiene that allows the
body and mind to be healthy.

12 WHO tips for good health.

1. Follow a healthy diet.

2. Be physically active, daily and each in his own way.

3. Get vaccinated.

4. Do not use tobacco in any of its forms.

5. Avoid alcohol consumption or reduce it.

6. Manage stress for better physical and mental health.

7. Maintain good hygiene.


Cada vez son más las evidencias científicas que relacionan un

adecuado estilo de vida con la mejora en la calidad de la misma.
Los programas de actividad física deben incorporarse a las tareas
diarias de cualquier persona pero muy especialmente a la población
de mayores. Incorporando actividades de carácter multidimensional
que procuren mejoras en capacidades fisiológicas, emocionales y

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