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Student Name: Anelka Navarrete

Date: 2-6-21

Artifact Name: Web Launchpad

What You Learned: ​(​Student hurdles that were overcome, and mastery of which technology
tools/skills accomplished while completing the project to create an overall learning summary)
With this assignment I definitely struggled more than a lot with the images. I had multiple ideas and all
of them didn’t work out unfortunately so I had to come up with something simpler. Although I do like
the whole URL transformation thing, I think it’s very nice and simple and very easy to do.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) S Addressed:

(​The specific standard you feel is being met by completing the project)
Creative Communicator
6A: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their
creation or communication.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: ​(Ideas to mold the lesson into something similar,
or extend the idea to meet a different grade level, student subgroup, or subject area.)
A project similar can include a page full of websites a student enjoys.

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