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1. Reflect on the Criteria of A Good Language Teacher.

After reading the criteria of a Good Language Teacher, I learned that loving language
and its intricacies are not enough. Teaching a language requires more than telling students
what the rules of language are. You must be able to identify strengths of a learner as well as
their weaknesses, know the most appropriate methods of skill transfer, and possess immense
patience. In language learning, communication is extremely important because that is the aim of
a language class- to enable learners to communicate in a new language. A teacher is required
to be a good communicator. A teacher must be a good listener to understand the learners and
their needs. In addition to that, a teacher must also be able to communicate clearly so that
learners, who often come from diverse backgrounds, understand the teacher. Communication is
also the best way to get feedback from learners and assess if they have learned the concept

2. Reflect on the General Classroom Language.

What we say to students and how we say it—is one of the most powerful teaching tools.
Through careful use of language, we can support students as they develop self-control, build
their sense of community, and gain academic skills and knowledge.
In a good language classroom, educator recognizes that learners have strengths and
weaknesses and individual needs. The classroom should be a stress-free and relaxing
environment. Learners learn most effectively when they feel relaxed. It is important that learners
participate in the class activities. The more they get involved in the classroom the
more speaking and communicating arises. If you are enthusiastic, friendly, and well-organized,
learners will enjoy their lessons more and learn more.

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