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Drugs abuse

Good morning sir lismen and mrs rita my name is adrian widodo and i
am from class 12 social, on this occasion i wanted to give a speech about
drugs abuse. As we all know drugs have been around for a long time and is
still around until today. Why were drugs invented? Actually some drugs
come from plants that grow naturally in the wild and got discovered by
humans.drugs back then were used to cure disesases. Along with time and
the development of technology nowadays humans were able to create
synthetic drugs and then abused drugs for their personal gain.

Before we get in to the negative side of drugs usage there are

positive things caused by drugs. In the medical world drugs were used
very often to cure patient. For example like opium are used to relieve pain,
it can also be used to prevent cough and diarhea. and doctors used drugs
like anesthesia to make their patients unconcious while they are performing
a surgery.

why people do drugs abuse? It might be caused by the environment

they live in, for example if we live in a good and healthy environment with
good behaving friends and a supporting family we probably wont think of
using drugs and the other way around, if we have bad behaving friends and
family there is a big chance for us to us do drug abuse. People might also
do drug abuse because they need the energy acquired after using drugs for
example celebbrities who dont have enough sleep. Some people do drug
abuse because they wanted to relieve their stress and after using it once
they might got addicted to using drugs and use drugs repeatedly.

Negative impacts caused after overusing drugs on human body for

example are frequent
Headache, trouble sleeping, dehidration, drugs dependency or addiction,
decreased memory of a human brain, reproductive healh disorders,
disorders of the heart and blood vessels, disorders of the lungs, many other
bad impacts on a human body after doing drug abuse and at the worst
case in may cause death.
Not only causing impact on the user body but drug abuse can also
bring negative impacts to the society around them, for example if we do
drug abuse it may cause other people or our friends wanting to do the
same thing that we do because they are curious about using drugs, for
some people who are addicted to drugs they might do some act of criminal
when they ran out of money to purchase another drugs, and drugs can
cause hallucination and from the hallucination it can cause misbehave in
the society.

And the last one i am going to talk about the solution to this drug
abuse problem. Those who already did drug abuse or addicted to it should
perform a medical rehabilitation, find an individual counceling, do some
spiritual activities, and have a recreation to calm your brain without using
any drugs.

To prevent someone from doing drug abuse i think the government

should hold more seminars about drug abuse and the impacts caused by
using drugs, they also need to increase laws about using drugs without
permission from a doctor. To prevent ourself from using drugs we should
find a hobby that we like, we should make more quality time with friends
and family, try to find the perfect environment to live.

Thats all for my speech today. Sorry if there

were any misunderstanding. If you do have something in mind feel
free to ask. Thank you for listening

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