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you love me?

(I do)
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Character(s), Belly
Rubs, Chubby Midoriya Izuku, Cuddling & Snuggling, Couch Cuddles,
No Smut, Established Relationship, Love Confessions, Developing
Relationship, izuku overeats and shouto gives belly rubs, That's it, that's
the whole fic, no beta we die like men, still waiting for that to be a tag
Stats: Published: 2021-03-08 Words: 1689

you love me? (I do)

by anadipity


“You love me?” Izuku asks, unable to focus on anything else. For all he cares, the world
could be ending right now. All he can focus on are those sweet words, said for the first
time with such confidence, as if Shouto is merely sharing an obvious fact.
A rare blush spreads across the scarred face, but Shouto never once breaks eye contact. “I
do. Very much.” And then infinitely more shyly, with a hesitance that Izuku has never once
associated with his boyfriend, Shouto asks, “Would you like me to show you?”


Izuku overeats and Shouto helps with belly rubs. "I love you"'s ensue.

Izuku runs a hand over his stuffed tummy, groaning at the mild relief that the action provides. He
really should not have eaten so much. And yes, he says this after practically every meal, but it’s
just so difficult to take his own advice when food is so good. Even now, despite having just eaten a
large bowl of tasty pho with some savory crispy spring rolls on the side, he’s already salivating at
the idea of what he might have for breakfast the next morning. A cramp hits him in the stomach
once again though, quickly bringing him back to the present moment, where his gluttony has
already gotten him into enough trouble as it is. The chubby man returns to the task at hand, rubbing
his round belly lightly in the hopes that it will help him feel even a bit better. He pats at the crest of
his stomach, where it’s most taut, shirt stretched as thin as it can go with bursting at the seams. He
should really update his wardrobe again, but the thought of going clothes shopping makes Izuku
want to jump off a cliff. Besides, his clothes still fit, right? The sliver of stretch-mark-riddled skin
peeking out from the bottom hem of the shirt seems to object at the notion. Izuku rolls his eyes at
the imagined response. Normally he would tuck his overflowing belly back beneath the fabric of
his pants, where the waist would more or less smooth over most of his lumps. But right now, he’s
way too full. And besides, he’s alone. No one can see him right now, and so, he allows himself the
freedom to wear his short sleeve shirts and sweatpants without shame.

That is until he hears a knock at his door. Izuku barely has time to sit up straight on the couch and
yank the hem of his shirt as far down as it will go before the front door opens.

“Izuku?” Shouto calls out, stepping into the apartment and toeing off his shoes. Izuku can’t help
but smile at his boyfriend. The two of them haven’t been officially dating for long, but Shouto is
his friend first and foremost, and falling in love with the two-toned man had been easier than
falling asleep. About a week into their relationship, Izuku had given Shouto a copy of his
apartment key, since they went over to each other’s places so often. It had seemed like a natural
step two weeks ago, but now Izuku is beating himself up for not thinking it through a bit more.
Shouto won’t judge him for not being presentable, and Izuku trusts his boyfriend with his life, but
he still can’t help but feel a bit shy about his size. He’s always been pretty chubby, but during
college, he had grown especially plump, and by graduation, he could be considered properly fat.
His weight gain has curbed since then, and Izuku has even toyed with the idea of trying to lose
weight. But he just loves food so much and doesn’t really want to give it up. His doctor says he’ll
be fine as long as he doesn’t gain much more weight, and his friends don’t seem to mind
but...Izuku often feels a bit shy sometimes regardless. Especially around someone who’s as
beautiful and fit as Shouto is.

“Over here,” Izuku calls out to his boyfriend, who has slipped on a pair of house slippers and has
already begun to make his way into the apartment. Shouto immediately smiles upon seeing him —
a small upward quirk of his lips that has Izuku’s heart skipping a beat. He walks over to the couch,
flopping onto the seat next to Izuku and immediately pressing a kiss against Izuku’s cheek. The
freckled man can’t help but giggle at the greeting, quickly regretting the reaction as his sensitive
stomach cramps once again.

Ever perceptive, Shouto immediately takes note. “Are you alright?” he asks. “Did I hurt you?”

Izuku hurriedly shakes his head. “No no. I, um…” he looks down at where his hand is still placed
on top of his stomach. He can be honest with Shouto. “I ate a bit too much, is all,” he continues

“Hmm.” Izuku looks up at Shouto through his lashes, seeing a fond expression on the other’s face.
“You always eat too fast,” Shouto jokes, though his tone lacks any bite or condescension. Izuku
immediately feels his cheeks warm and turns his head to look away, though he can still hear Shouto
chuckle gently from beside him.

“F-food is just so yummy.”

“It is but you can eat at whatever pace. No need to rush.” Izuku nods, still too shy to look up,
especially when he can still feel Shouto’s gaze upon him.

“I’m sorry. I’ll do better’” Izuku responds, shutting his eyes close tight from shame, only opening
them when he feels warm arms wrap around his shoulders, embracing him in a hug.

“You don’t need to apologize,” Shouto says as he gently pulls Izuku towards him until the shorter
man is settled in his lap. “You’ve done nothing wrong. I just want you to feel comfy, is all.”

Izuku exhales, attempting to calm his nerves before allowing himself to relax into Shouto’s hold,
releasing his weight and resting his head against his boyfriend’s chest. “I’m always comfy with
you, Shou.”

Shouto hums in acknowledgment, as he leans his head forward to nose at the plush fold beneath
Izuku’s chin. “I don’t think you realize how happy that makes me,” he breathes softly against the
sensitive skin.

Izuku wants to respond to that, to assuage whatever self-doubts that Shouto might have about how
amazing he makes Izuku feel, but the sensation of the nuzzling is ticklish, and so instead, Izuku
ends up giggling — an action which once again jostles his belly a bit too much for comfort.

“Ow,” he groans weakly.

Shouto immediately stops, pulling away, noticing how Izuku’s hand is gripping tightly at his shirt.
“Your tummy still hurts?” Izuku nods silently. “Would belly rubs help at all?” Izuku hesitates
because this is new territory. No one has ever offered something like this before. But the offer
sounds nice, and he really can’t see any inherent harm in it… But what if Shouto sees him, really
sees him and all of his rolls and fat and decides that he’s not attracted to Izuku? What if Shouto
leaves him because of this? “I can hear you, Izuku,”

Shouto whispers softly, though still scaring Izuku, immediately making his mouth close with an
audible click. He looks at his boyfriend, eyes wide in shock and worry, but Shouto meets his gaze
with gentle and raw honesty as he says, “I love you no matter what, okay?” And placing his hand
over Izuku’s, he adds, “And for the record, I love your body too.”

“You love me?” Izuku asks, unable to focus on anything else. For all he cares, the world could be
ending right now. All he can focus on are those sweet words, said for the first time with such
confidence, as if Shouto is merely sharing an obvious fact.

A rare blush spreads across the scarred face, but Shouto never once breaks eye contact. “I do. Very
much.” And then infinitely more shyly, with a hesitance that Izuku has never once associated with
his boyfriend, Shouto asks, “Would you like me to show you?”

A brief pause, during which a thousand thoughts run through Izuku’s head. But in the end, the one
that makes its way into a verbal response is a simple “yes please”.

Shouto immediately gets to work, shifting his hand to rest on top of Izuku’s big belly as the other
lies above Izuku’s waist, holding him close. Shouto’s hands are warm and gentle, gingerly rubbing
circles through the shirt. The action almost immediately elicits a sigh from Izuku’s lips. This feels
so much better than anything Izuku could do on his own. Shouto’s lips quirk upwards at the
response before he slides his hand lower down, brushing at the underside of Izuku’s belly which
has once again made an appearance from beneath the hem of his shirt. But with Shouto looking at
him with such love and affection, Izuku can’t even bring himself to feel embarrassed. Instead, as
Shouto slips his hand beneath Izuku’s shirt, making direct skin contact as he rubs small circles
against his tummy, Izuku feels so safe and relaxed that he can’t help the happy noises that slip past
his lips.

Shouto chuckles at the sound, before pressing a kiss against Izuku’s cheek. “You’re so cute,” he
whispers, sounding as breathless as Izuku feels.

“S-shou,” Izuku whines, feeling a warmth building deep inside of him. But almost immediately,
Shouto stops. The two-toned man rests his head against Izuku’s, breathing deeply.

“I love you so much, Izuku. You don’t need to say it back, and if I’m making you uncomfortable,
please let me know.”

“No! I love you too, Shouto. Honestly. I...I’ve never felt this loved before and...I feel really happy.
I really love you too.”

Shouto gives Izuku’s belly a gentle squeeze, running his hand along the soft skin. He’s no longer
really rubbing, but the gentle caress feels wonderful nevertheless, almost reverent in nature. “Are
you feeling better?” Shouto asks after a few seconds.

“I am, thank you. Your hands are magical.”

Shouto laughs again, squeezing at Izuku’s love hands one last time, giving a final pat and slipping
his hand out from under Izuku’s shirt, tucking his belly back beneath the fabric.

“I’m glad. And good timing. I think… I think I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself if we kept

Izuku blushes at the implication of the words, but can’t help how he feels flattered at the same
time. “Thank you, Shou.”

Shouto pulls Izuku close, pressing a final kiss before making himself comfy on the couch. Maybe
in a little while, they’ll watch some t.v. or take a nap together. But for now, Izuku wants nothing
more than to cuddle with his love.

“Anything for you, Izu.”

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