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ISSN 1067-4136, Russian Journal of Ecology, 2016, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 68–73. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016.

Original Russian Text © A.M. Rusanov, M.A. Bulgakova, 2016, published in Ekologiya, 2016, No. 1, pp. 56–61.

Composition and Abundance of Soil Macrofauna

in Pasture Ecosystems of the Steppe Zone of the Urals
A. M. Rusanov and M. A. Bulgakova
Orenburg State University, pr. Pobedy 13, Orenburg, 460018 Russia
Received February 16, 2015

Abstract—Changes in the abundance and species compositions of the main groups of soil invertebrates have
been analyzed in ecosystems long used as pastures and exposed to different degrees of grazing. The sum of the
results makes it possible to conclude that the zoological method of indication of pasture ecosystems can be
used in ecological monitoring of steppe landscapes.

Keywords: pasture ecosystems, xerophytic vegetation, pasture digression, Carabidae, Tenebrionidae, cherno-
zem, regeneration of landscapes
DOI: 10.1134/S1067413616010136

Steppe ecosystems with chernozem soils and plant should apparently be linked to changes in species com-
communities dominated by herbaceous xerophytes positions and quantitative parameters of soil organ-
(Mirkin and Naumova, 1997) have been actively used isms.
as natural pastures during the past few decades. Long- Considerable progress has been made in the devel-
term effects of livestock grazing on steppe grasses have opment of zoological methods for diagnosis of differ-
been studied by Gorchakovskii and Ryabinina (1984), ent soil types (Ghilarov, 1965; Krivolutskii, 1994;
Lavrenko et al. (1991), Mirkin (1984), Mullagulov Mordkovich, 1977; Striganova, 1980, 2006), but the
et al. (2009), Krivolutskii (1994), and others. Effects effects of overgrazing on the soil macrofauna of pas-
of such land use on the genetic properties of soils have tures situated within the geographic range of a partic-
been analyzed by Vladychenskii et al. (1994), Gur’ev ular soil type has not been studied sufficiently. More-
(1992), Mustafaev (1960), Rusanov (1993, 1995), and over, it is necessary to further evaluate the feasibility of
Tesl’ (2009). Their studies deal with changes in the zoological diagnostic methods for assessing the extent
chemical and physical properties of chernozems and of changes occurring in pasture ecosystems under the
in the species composition of the natural vegetation, impact of grazing. The purpose of this study was to
but they provide little data on the effects of livestock address these issues as applied to the steppe zone of the
on the soil fauna. Urals, using the example of the Cisural region. No
The founder of the science of the biosphere Ver- such studies have yet been performed in this region.
nadsky (1935), discussing the “ubiquity of life” on
Earth, put special emphasis on the soil as one of the MATERIAL AND METHODS
most important “living concentrations.” The soil
occupies the boundary between the lithosphere, Studies were performed in 2011 to 2013 in areas
hydrosphere, and atmosphere; it is a product of the with quasi-natural vegetation conditionally consid-
interaction of these environments with each other and ered virgin (reference areas) and areas of pastures
with living organisms. The soil is a combination of ele- degraded to different degrees on ordinary chernozems
ments in three states: liquid, solid, and gaseous, which of the true steppe located on the flattened Ural–
predetermines favorable conditions for the develop- Sakmara watershed.
ment of living matter in its maximum biological diver- Geobotanical descriptions and diagnosis of test
sity. These conditions manifest themselves most areas with respect to the degree of pasture digression
strongly in chernozem soils, which have a relatively were made according to Ramenskii (1971). Abo-
thick humus horizon where the entire spectrum of veground phytomass was determined by the hay-har-
nutrients is concentrated and the combination of ther- vest method in 1 × 1-m plots, drying the plants to con-
mal, hydraulic, and pneumatic soil properties is opti- stant weight in a drying oven. Belowground phytomass
mal. Hence, changes in plant formations and genetic was determined in 20 × 20 × 20-cm soil monoliths the
properties of chernozems in pasture biogeocenoses monoliths were washed with water on a sieve and the


Table 1. Average values of main parameters characterizing chemical and physical properties of chernozems
Degree of vegetation digression
virgin land slight moderate strong
Humus content in layer 0–20 cm, % 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.1
Humus supply in layer 0–20 cm, t/ha 108.1 108.6 110.0 106.6
Degree of organic substance humification, % 41.2 42.5 41.4 36.1
Chumic acids : Cfulvic acids 2.22 2.31 2.06 1.79
Soil density, g/cm3 1.07 1.08 1.26 1.34
Rate of water permeability, mm/h 126 96 77 65
Coefficient of structuredness 1.62 1.22 1.12 1.06

extracted parts of plants were dried and weighed. All misia austriaca Jacq. + Stipa lessingiana Trin. еt Rupr.)
samples were taken in three replicates. The abo- with 70–75% coverage. The moderately degraded area
veground, belowground, and total phytomass values was occupied by a June grass–bluegrass–fescue com-
were recalculated and expressed as metric centners per munity (Koeleria gracilis Pers. + Poa bulbosa L. + Fes-
hectare (cwt/ha). tuca valesiaca Gaudin.) with 40–45% coverage. The
Soil density and moisture were determined by vol- area under a fescue–June grass–wormwood commu-
umetric and gravimetric methods, respectively nity (Artemisia austriaca Jacq. + Koeleria gracilis Pers. +
(Vadyunina and Korchagina, 1986); total humus, by Festuca valesiaca Gaudin.) with 15–20% coverage was
Tyurin’s method (Agrokhimicheskie…, 1975); its frac- considered classified as a strongly degraded pasture.
tion-group composition, by Tyurin’s method modi- The stocks of the aboveground and belowground (0–
fied by Ponomareva and Plotnikova (see Kaurichev, 20 cm) phytomass in the series from conditional virgin
1980). land to strongly degraded pasture decreased by a factor
of 4.2, to 2.3 metric cwt/ha.
Zoological samples were taken by the method of
Ghilarov (1965) from 0.25-m2 plots (50 × 50 cm) Long-tem excessive anthropogenic pressure on
evenly distributed over each test area, in 15 replicates. pasture ecosystems results not only in alteration of flo-
Each sample was taken to the depth at which inverte- ristic and geobotanical parameters of natural vegeta-
brates ceased to occur. A total of 360 samples were tion but also in deterioration of quantitative and qual-
analyzed, and over 10 000 soil invertebrates were itative parameters of organic matter and physical
extracted. Beetles were collected by lines of pitfall properties of chernozem soils. Thus, the content of
traps filled with a fixative (formaldehyde solution) humus in the studied soils decreased from 4.8% in the
(Ghilarov, 1965; Mordkovich, 1977). The total reference area to 4.1% in the strongly degraded pas-
amount of work was 2400 trap–days. ture, with the density of the upper soil layer increasing
by 25.2% (Table 1).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The impact of long-term, uncontrolled livestock
The degradation of pastures in the study region grazing on pasture ecosystems manifested itself not
resulted from long-term irrational use, especially after only in digression of vegetation and impairment of
the development of virgin and fallow lands in 1954– genetic soil properties, but also in the species compo-
1962, when cultivated areas markedly increased at the sition and abundance of soil invertebrates. The exper-
expense of natural pastures and the numbers of graz- iment made it possible to determine the abundance
ing livestock increased as well; as a result, the pressure and recognize the dominant groups of soil inverte-
on pasture ecosystems became much greater than their brates living in pastures of different degrees of digres-
ecological capacity allowed. sion.
The quasi-natural vegetation of the reference area A total of 49 species of beetles (Coleoptera) from
was represented by a herb–feather grass–fescue com- seven families were recorded over the study period in
munity (Stipa lessingiana Trin. еt Rupr. + Festuca vale- the virgin and pasture areas (Table 2). Most of these
siaca Gaudin) with 85–90% coverage. Although this species (12) belonged to Carabidae (ground beetles);
area was conditionally considered virgin, sporadic the second most abundant family (eight species) was
occurrence of Stipa tirsa Stev. and Artemisia austriaca Tenebrionidae (darkling beetles); and the third most
Jacq. indicated that it had been exposed to an insignif- abundant family (four species) was Silphidae (carrion
icant grazing impact. The weakly degraded pasture beetles). In addition to beetles, earthworms (Lumbri-
area was occupied by a wormwood–fescue–feather cidae), centipedes (Chilopoda), true bugs (Hemip-
grass community (Festuca valesiaca Gaudin + Arte- tera), and arachnids (Arachnida) were collected.



Table 2. Estimated abundance of soil macrofauna in test areas

Degree of pasture digression
Main groups of soil invertebrates
virgin land slight moderate strong
Elateridae S – – S
Dermestidae SD R S D
Carabidae D D D D
Order Coleoptera

Curculionidae S – – –
Tenebrionidae D D D D
Class Insecta


Scarabaeidae S S – SD
Silphidae S – – R
Order Hemiptera S – – –
Class Chilopoda R S S –
Order Acari S – – –
Class Arachnida
Order Araneae S S R R
Class Oligochaeta Order Lumbricidae R R S –
S, sporadic, abundance less than 1%; R, rare, abundance 1–3%; SD, subdominant, abundance 3–10%; D, dominant, abundance over 10%.

Table 3. Species composition and distribution of Carabidae in test areas

Degree of pasture digression
virgin land slight moderate strong
Amara aenea Deg. + + + +
Calathus erratus C.Sahlb. +
C. halensis Schall. + +
C. melanocephalus L. + + +
Cymindis angularis Gyll. + + + +
Harpalus rufipes Deg. + + +
H. smaragdinus Duft. + + + +
H. calceatus Duft. + + + +
Ophonus stictus Steph. + + + +
Poecilus lepidus Leske +
P. sericeus Fisch. + + +
P. versicolor Sturm +
(+) Species presence in the area.

The recorded ground beetles belong to six genera decreased because many detritophagous species, on
(Table 3). In contrast to the reference area, which was which they feed, disappeared from the biocenosis.
colonized by typical mesophilic ground beetles, pas- If we examine in detail the relative abundance of
tures were colonized by species typical of xerophytic different life forms in the ground beetle assemblages,
vegetation (Gaevskaya, 2011; Rusanov and the dynamics of their abundance clearly manifests
Gaevskaya, 2011). itself. Thus, the proportion of mixophytophagous geo-
hortobionts increases from 33% in the reference area
The abundance of zoophagous species, above all to 46% in the strongly degraded pasture, and the pro-
litter and litter–soil stratobionts, was lower in pasture portion of mixophagous stratohortobionts also
ecosystems than in conditional virgin areas. This is increases from 20 to 27%. Because of their ability to
obviously explained by very poor development of the feed on mixed food, these ground beetles have greater
litter in the moderately and strongly overgrazed areas. chance to survive than zoophagous species. The abun-
The total number of zoophagous ground beetles dance of the latter consistently decreases as the bio-



Table 4. Estimated abundance of Tenebrionidae in test areas

Degree of pasture digression of vegetation
virgin land slight moderate strong
Blaps halophila F.-W. SD SD SD SD
Blaps lethifera F.-W. SD SD SD SD
Crypticus quisquilius L. SD SD SD SD
Gonocephalum granulatum pusillum F. D D D SD
Opatrum sabulosum L. SD SD SD SD
Pedinus femoralis L. SD SD SD SD
Platyscelis hypolithа Pall. SD SD SD SD
Tentyria nomas Pall. D D D D
S, sporadic, abundance less than 1%; R, rare, abundance 1–3%; SD, subdominant, abundance 3–10%; D, dominant, abundance over 10%.

geocenoses become more xerophytic (from 26% in the numbers were the highest in conditional virgin land
reference area to 13% in the strongly degraded pasture). (47 ind./100 trap–days) and the lowest in the strongly
Thus, the highest species diversity of carabids was degraded pasture (17 ind./100 trap–days), with their
recorded in the conditional virgin area, and the lowest relative abundance being 8.32 and 9.83%, respectively.
diversity, in the strongly degraded pastures. It is The increase in the latter parameter is explained by a
believed that the combination of dominant species at reduced proportion of other darkling beetle species in
each studied locality is the most informative parame- the ecosystem. Blaps lethifera F.-W. was subdominant
ter for estimating the degree of changes in species in all areas except the moderately degraded pasture,
composition. The area occupied by quasi-natural veg- where it was dominant (10.04% of the total abun-
etation and weakly degraded areas were dominated by dance) due to the absence of Platyscelis hypolithа Pall.
ground beetle species such as the steppe litter–soil and Blaps lethifera F.-W.
zoophagous stratobiont Poecilus sericeus Fisch., At the same time, the abundance of mesophilic
meadow litter zoophagous stratobionts Calathus mela- species, including Crypticus quisquilius L., consider-
nocephalus L. and C. erratus C.Sahlb., and meadow– ably decreased as a result of overgrazing (from 54 ind./
field litter–soil zoopagous stratobiont Poecilus lepidus 100 trap–days in the virgin land to 3 ind./100 trap–days
Leske. The strongly degraded pasture was dominated in the strongly degraded pasture).
by the geohortobiont mixiphytophagous Harpalus
Gonocephalum granulatum pusillum F. dominated in
smaragdinus Duft. and H. calceatus Duft., mixophy-
the virgin land and weakly degraded pasture (12.61%),
tophagos stratohortobiont Ophonus stictus Steph., and
but its rank dropped to subdominant in the moderately
litter–crevice zoophagous stratobiont Cymindis angu-
degraded and strongly degraded pastures. Platyscelis
laris Gyll. It can be concluded that the decreasing pro-
hypolithos Pall. was subdominant in the virgin land
portion of litter species of the genus Poecilus could be
(55 ind./100 trap–days, 9.73%) but proved to be
a sign of strongly depleted herbaceous layer in a pas-
absent even in the moderately degraded pasture.
ture area. The simultaneous shift of dominance toward
the geohortobiont group (Harpalus Lath. and Amara Tentyria nomas Pall. was dominant among darkling
Bon.) is indicative of significant changes in the prop- beetles in all areas (in the virgin land, 197/100 trap–
erties of the upper soil layer, especially its density. Con- days, 34.87%). Its abundance decreased under the effect
siderable compaction and drying of this layer is also indi- of pasture digression but remained high even in strongly
cated by an increase in the proportion of steppe species of degraded pasture, reaching 106 ind./100 trap–days
ground beetles (Calathus halensis Schall., Cymindis (61.27%).
angularis Gyll., and Ophonus stictus Steph.). The Strong soil compaction, the removal of vegetation,
growing abundance of these species is evidence for and other consequences of overgrazing in most cases
aridization of the ecosystem. lead to a decrease in the abundance of soil-living
Soil detritophages include not only earthworms, invertebrates. Thus, in the series from conditional vir-
but also darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), gin land to strongly degraded pasture, the abundance
which grind, eat, and decompose plant litter, thereby of the meadow–steppe mesophilic loessobiont Crypti-
contributing to its mineralization (Table 4). This cus quisquilius L. decreased by 94.4%, and the abun-
group in the conditional virgin land area was strongly dance of the forest–steppe mesophile Pedinus femora-
dominated by Tentyria nomas Pall., Gonocephalum lis L. decreased by 95.5%. At the same time, the abun-
granulatum pusillum F., and Blaps halophila F.-W. dance of thermoxerophilous species of the herbaceous
These species were subdominant in all areas, and their layer decreased by only 59.5%, and the abundance of



the steppe xerophile Opatrum sabulosum L. decreased the Cisural region were previously observed in an area
by 75.5%. of more than 400 000 ha, can now be found only in the
Therefore, the irrational use of pasture ecosystem vicinities of cities and villages. The area occupied by
leads, above all, to the loss of mesophilous compo- moderately grazed plant communities has decreased,
nents of the beetle fauna (Crypticus quisquilius L., Ped- while that under quasi-natural communities has
inus femoralis L., and others), which give place to dry increased significantly.
steppe species such as Blaps halophila F.-W., Gono- The results of this study give ground for considering
cephalum granulatum pusillum F., and Platyscelis hypo- the simultaneous restoration of the species composi-
litha Pall. tion and abundance of soil invertebrates, an important
Another important consequence of excessive graz- component of the “soil living concentration” dis-
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