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To: protect@bighitcorp.



Hello, we send you this to inform you that we have noticed defamatory content exposed through
YouTube and IGTV by the Salvadoran youtuber Pablo Rosales on his PabloRosalesTV youtube channel
and profile of Instagram.

In the video "Pedofilia en la Dynamite desde Korea con BTS/ Pedophilia in Dynamite from Korea with
BTS" with a duration of more than 15 minutes, this person is dedicated to associate the names of BTS in
addition to its members with pedophilia making baseless comparisons with the colors of a flag
representative of pedophiles and ephebophiles, and the color palette used in the Dynamite video to
various symbols adopted by pedophilic communities . He also exhorts people not to be his fans because,
according to Mr. Rosales' own words, "they promote homosexuality and pedophilia."

As ARMY we make an urgent call for the necessary measures to be taken with this person for the
defamation and damage that they may cause in the image, mental and physical health of the members
of BTS.
Link video:

Link Youtube Chanel:

Link IGTV:

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