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A large manufacturing firm needs to increase production to meet a seasonal demand. The demand is not
sufficient to justify building new production facilities. Of the following options, which one provides the
greatest flexibility and responsiveness to the changing environment?


Which Supreme Court case had the effect of potentially undermining two decades of gains made in
equal employment opportunities?

Wards Cove Packing Company v. Antonio.

A large manufacturing firm needs to increase production to meet a seasonal demand. The demand is not
sufficient to justify building new production facilities. Of the following options, which one provides the
greatest flexibility and responsiveness to the changing environment?


Work process engineering is: is a radical change in an organization.

Maurice is suing an organization, claiming that because he is an employee and not an independent
contractor, the organization should have withheld taxes for him. All of these factors could be used to
support his claim except

Ans. He receives no insurance or pension benefits.

All of the following statements about knowledge workers are accurate except

Ans. They currently comprise about 75% of the U. S. workforce.

Which type of organizational change may provide a false sense of security?

Continuous improvement methods.

Which of the following provides the best description of work process engineering?

A focus on the whole work process.

All of these changes are causing an increased diversity in the U.S. workforce except

more baby boomers take early retirement.

Diane is employed by a company that monitors employee emails and telephone conversations. While off
the job, Diane's employer can legally do all of the following except

Tell her who to marry.

Which of the following is the best illustration of a work team?

Airline employees who may handle baggage today, check in customers tomorrow, or serve on the
information desk.
Elizabeth is the training manager of a Chicago-based company. She is working on a training program for
a subsidiary in Venezuela. The training program focuses on work-related cultural differences in
Venezuela and the United States. It is very important for Elizabeth to emphasize that:

Venezuela is a collectivist society whereas the United States is an individualistic society.

Your text mentioned that telephone calls are monitored in which of these organizations?

American Express.

Which statement is the best comparison of downsizing and rightsizing?

Rightsizing links long term organizational goals to staffing levels. Downsizing is one of the actions that
may be performed.

Useful employee involvement requires:

demonstrated leadership and supportive management.

According to the text, one of the biggest challenges facing HR leaders is

understanding that workers will need to be recruited in a different way than just advertising a position
and then selecting a candidate.

Mary as a manager is focused on the primary management function that consists of establishing
organizational goals. Mary is focused on which of these functions?


The HR ________ is typically concerned with only one of the four functions of HR.


Planning and controlling are the primary functions of management.


Which of the following describes the career development function?

Assisting employees in advancing their work lives.

How has Sarbanes-Oxley affected HRM?

HRM must create the environment where whistleblowers can come forward without fear of reprisal.

_______________ are those who work with and through people, allocating resources in the effort to
achieve goals.


Frederick Taylor is often regarded as the father of scientific management.


All of the following are within the primary HRM functions EXCEPT:
setting production standards.

What were the major findings of the Watson Wyatt Human Capital Index study?

A fully functioning HR department makes a significant financial contribution to an organization.

In which of these activities, an employee relations specialist would be involved?

Ensure policies and procedures are enforced properly.

A large manufacturing organization uses several consulting firms to provide training programs, private
staffing agencies to perform recruiting and selection activities, and a financial organization to handle
benefits administration. This situation is an example of


Which of these training and development functions is designed to provide better skills for the current

Employee training

To assist the organization in its strategic direction, which of the following must HRM NOT do?

Only react to the decisions made by top managers

Marty, as a manager, is focused on the primary management function that consists of ensuring that the
right people are on the job with appropriate skills, and motivating them to high levels of performance.
Marty is focused on which of these functions?


Which of the following is NOT true regarding sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment can only occur between members of the opposite sex.

Dion, an HR manager, is developing a new compensation system that links pay to factors that are
present to varying degrees in the organization. The goal is that dissimilar jobs which are equivalent in
terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities are paid similarly. This project is an application of

comparable worth.

Joni has been a secretary with her firm for nearly 30 years. She always receives excellent performance
evaluations and eagerly learns new technology. Her boss has been urging her to get a facelift or retire,
saying he wants a "young feel" to the office. What law protects her from this treatment?

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.

Don is a recruiter for a large steel manufacturing firm. His favorite recruiting trip is to his alma mater, a
city university in the tough part of the large metropolitan area where he grew up. He is glad to give
these minority graduates a chance for an interview. About 10% of his new hires are from this school,
one of 11 that he visits every fall. Don's firm is an active EEO employer. Is there a problem?

No. This is an appropriate EEO recruiting action.

A company used a personality test to select job candidates for customer service positions. There were
40 male candidates and 20 female candidates. It appeared that 30 men passed the personality test while
5 women passed the personality test. Was there evidence of disparate impact against female candidates
with this personality test?

Yes, because the passing rate of the female candidates (25%) is less than 80% of the passing rate of the
male candidates (75%).

The following is the arm of the federal government empowered to handle discrimination in employment

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Which of the following is NOT true regarding affirmative action plans?

Affirmative action means that a firm must always hire members of minority groups and women before it
hires white males.

In most organizations, affirmative action plans include all of the following steps EXCEPT

no member of a protected group is fired, demoted, or transferred.

Which of the following was a noteworthy case of reverse discrimination?

United Steelworkers of America v. Weber

Leo has requested that the EEOC investigate his case of employment discrimination. What initial steps
can Leo expect?

The EEOC will take up to 120 days to secure acceptable resolution of the discrimination charges before
filing suit.

In the United States,

women are currently holding less than 15 percent of senior management positions.

Griggs v. Duke Power (1971) is important for all of these reasons EXCEPT:

It prevented employment testing in the hiring process for most jobs.

Which of the following is true regarding Executive Order 11246?

It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, and national origin by federal agencies as
well as those working under federal contracts.

Over two-thirds of all U.S. organizations use some form of drug testing. Which of the following is NOT
true regarding substance abuse in the U.S. workplace?

It is estimated that employee substance abuse costs U.S. organizations about $100 million annually in
increased health-care costs, lost productivity, and workplace accidents.

According to your text, how much money does substance abuse cost U.S. companies annually?

$100 billion
Erica was fired for refusing to sign her name to a financial report that she knew was inaccurate. What
type of wrongful discharge suit could she file?

Public policy violation.

Dwight, vice-president of human resources for a large textile firm, is in a strategic restructuring meeting.
The discussion topics include which one of three production facilities to close. There are 40 employees
at each of the facilities. When asked, "What should we tell the employees?" Dwight responds,

"Legally, we are not required to tell the employees anything unless we lay off 50 or more individuals."

Which of the following is NOT a law affecting employee rights?

The Fairness in Employment Act

A bank would like to obtain information regarding the credit history of applicants as well as their
lifestyle and spending habits. What should the bank do to obtain this information?

The bank should obtain the information through a third-party investigation.

Carrying a concealed weapon, gross insubordination, and sexually harassing another employee are
examples of which type of disciplinary problem?

On-the-job behaviors

Last month a large consumer electronics wholesaler reported a 27% stock loss due to "breakage." The
average loss is less than 1% a month. There are over 100 employees at the facility. The only recent hires,
Tom, Dick, and Harry, were hired six weeks ago. Dan, the plant manager has come to you, the vice-
president of human resources, for advice on how to stop the stealing in a fair and ethical way. What is
your advice?

Provide written notice to Tom, Dick, and Harry that they will be scheduled for a polygraph test.

Research studies suggest that

honesty tests can be effective devices to screen applicants.

The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires all of the following EXCEPT:

mandatory dismissal for employees found in violation of any part of the policy.

Chris and David both arrived one hour late for work today. Chris was fired. David was given a verbal
warning. Such disparate treatment for the same offense could be considered fair and equitable for all of
these reasons EXCEPT:

Upper management demands that time rules be followed by all employees.

Bianca was fired for booking her modeling jobs from her desk as secretary for a manufacturing firm. She
had business cards printed for her part time modeling agency with her office phone, email, and mailing
address. The other secretaries had complained that they took personal (modeling) calls for her when she
was absent from the office. She claimed that during her job interview she had been told about the
company flexibility and the low demands on workers. She said employees were encouraged to develop
other interests and skills. What type of wrongful discharge suit could she file?

Implied contract

A company with 350 workers is laying off 75 employees. How much notice is this company required to
provide to the laid-off employees?

60 days

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Polygraph Protection Act of 1988?

Polygraph tests have been found to have very strong job-related value.

Which of the following describes the "Strategy" phase of the strategic planning process?

Determining how goals and objectives will be attained

The job analysis process has a multifaceted nature. Indeed, many activities in an organization are
affected by the job analysis. Which of the following is NOT directly affected by the job analysis process?

Benefits administration

The SWOT analysis is a process for determining a firm's

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Which of the following is NOT an activity that organizations frequently cite as being affected by the job
analysis process?

Succession planning

How important is job analysis to the contemporary organization?

Job analysis is the starting point of sound human resource management.

The steps of the strategic planning process, in order, are

mission, objectives and goals, strategy, structure, people.

Top executives at Toddler Toys Company have agreed on a new mission statement. More specifically,
they have agreed on what business the company should be in and who their consumers are. What
should the next step be for these top executives?

Set strategic goals

Michelle has gathered job analysis data with the observation technique for jobs in Plant #101. She wants
to use an additional collection technique to make sure her analysis is accurate. Much of the work is done
collectively, and she is skilled in dealing with issues related to group dynamics. Which job analysis
method should she use?

Group interview
During a meeting Julandre, a top executive at Garden Tools International (GTI) made a presentation
about the organizational strengths that represent the firm's unique skills and resources. Julandre
insisted that these organizational strengths should give GTI, a competitive edge in the future. What was
Julandre referring to in this meeting?

The core competency of the company

What use has the job description served under the ADA?

It identifies essential job functions.

Yoshiko works in the human resources area of a large organization. As part of her duties, she routinely
uses such methods as observation, individual and group interviews, technical conferences, and diary
monitoring. What does she do?

Job analysis

Felicia, a new analyst, is considering asking managers at various facilities to use the diary method of job
analysis. As an expert in HR matters, what advice would you give her, since you want to help her do the
right thing.

Sometimes people report what they think you want to hear rather than what they do.

Monique, the director of job analysis, must write job descriptions for new supervisors in a new plant.
The new robotics line will make this location comparable to existing sites. She has a limited budget and a
limited amount of time. Many former plant managers (they would have supervised these supervisory
positions) are in Monique's building. Which job analysis method should she use?

Technical conference

Which of the following is NOT a category of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PQA)?

Job evaluation

Why is employee leasing increasing in popularity? Your text mentions all of these reasons except

The leasing company can train the leased employee to its specifications.

Gloria is the vice-president of human resources for a large manufacturing organization. She is concerned
that there are 40% more unqualified applicants for jobs this year than last year. She should talk to the
director of


Which of the following is accurate regarding the work preferences of Generation Xers?

They respond better to flexible work policies and programs designed to permit work/life balances.

Ruth, an HR specialist in a technology firm, needs to present the benefits of using the Internet to
enhance recruiting efforts to top management. She can use all of these examples except

although it does not save money, it does improve response time.

Successful recruiting efforts are indicated by all of these outcomes except

turnover increases.

Which of the following is not true regarding state employment agencies?

State employment agencies tend to attract high-skilled individuals.

John, an HR manager, is talking to an employment agency representative. He sighs, assuming that there
will be no qualified candidates again this week. Who might be on the phone?

Public employment agency.

Which of the following is accurate regarding the work preferences of baby boomers?

They are interested in the market leadership of the company and the "image" it has.

At a recent meeting of HR executives, Rico announced that his firm did not recruit. What reason could
he give for this?

The organization is downsizing and not growing.

Your mother is hiring a new nanny for your little sister and the dog. Which one of the following pieces of
recruiting information would be most likely to assure that the nanny is a good caregiver.

An excellent nanny recommended the person.

A private college needs to hire a Chief Information Officer to bring the organization into the 21st century
for computer usage and technology. The human resources area has been directed to hire a relative of a
current employee, but no one has the technical skills or abilities needed. These recruiting efforts are
constrained by

internal organizational policies.

Which of the following is not true regarding recruiting?

It is fairly easy to generate a pool of qualified candidates. People always need jobs.

Jane is the director of recruiting for a large corporation. Which of the following is a warning signal that
her efforts are not effective?

Jane's secretary spends more time acknowledging ad responses from under qualified applicants than
she did a year ago.

Teresa is ready to get a bachelor's degree in business from a large urban university located on the East
Coast. After graduation, she wants to relocate to Portland, Oregon. She has very little money available
for her job search. What should she do?

Create an online résumé.

Youan, a recruiter, is trying to identify the different constraints that may impact his recruiting efforts.
Which of the following is not a major constraint on recruiting efforts?

Marketing mix
Service International is using an aptitude test in its selection process. It appears that individuals who
received high scores on the aptitude test ended up performing very poorly on the job after they were
hired. What type of problem does this test seem to have?

A predictive validity problem

All of the following would be likely to cause the HR person to remove an applicant from the pool during
the initial screening of the selection process EXCEPT

Performance test data.

All of the following are performed during the initial screening and help minimize selection costs EXCEPT

Describing benefits, especially medical care.

The value of the interview in the hiring process has been affirmed for which of these reasons?

Organizational "fit" often determines how long an employee will stay with the organization.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding realistic job previews?

Giving the applicants a realistic job preview before offering them the job lowers acceptance rates.

What advice does your text give to organizations that want to use employment testing in the global

Practices must be adapted to cultures in which the organization operates.

Dan, a recruiter for a technology company in the research triangle, has started doing open-house
recruiting for network troubleshooters. Which of the following is evidence of that process?

He lowered the cut score on the skills test to 40, the number that indicates satisfactory basic skill

The selection process may include all of the following steps EXCEPT

a history evaluation of hobbies.

The selection process typically consists of:

8 steps

Jan runs a temporary agency that provides experienced IT professionals. She gives a virus laden IT
network to job candidates and an hour to get it running as part of the selection process. She does not
hire based on this test, but compares their scores to their job performance evaluations after the first
two job assignments. She is using this test for

predictive validity.

Correlation coefficients are used to demonstrate the statistical relationships existing between an
individual's test score and her/his performance. The correlation coefficients can range in magnitude

- 1 to +1.
Why are performance simulation tests used more often today instead of written tests in the selection

Performance simulation tests more easily meet the criteria of job-relatedness because they evaluate
actual job behaviors.

During the interview process, an acceptable question to ask is

Do you have a college degree?

Tosi is interviewing for a managerial job with a global manufacturer. He has been screened and he
completed the application form. He routed 20 documents in an inbox successfully. Now he is in a group
with 4 other candidates, making a stick model of a new product. Later today he is scheduled for a
personality test. These activities identify which stage of the selection process?

Assessment center

Anthony, vice-president of human resources, wants to decrease turnover for counter workers at a fast
food chain. He examined work application forms over the last five years and discovered the following
information: 50% of employees who stayed less than 90 days had no prior work experience; 50% of
employees who stayed longer than 1 year held more than 2 previous jobs; 80% of employees who
stayed less than 90 days held less than a high school degree; 80% of employees who stayed more than a
year held a high school degree; 40% of employees who indicated only weekend work schedules left
within 90 days; 45% of workers who indicated no weekend work schedules left within 90 days. What
should he do?

Weight educational level more heavily than prior job experience.

An amusement park needs customer representatives during the summer season. The best staffing
option for this amusement park is to use:

part-time employees.

A California-based software company has just started a joint venture with a Japanese company in Tokyo.
Doug, a U.S. expatriate, is the new general manager of the joint-venture. He is very excited about his
foreign assignment in Japan. However, Doug has quickly become frustrated with the lack of
assertiveness of his Japanese managers and employees. He feels things are not accomplished fast
enough. What should Doug do?

Make an effort to better understand the Japanese culture.

Why are so many organizations exhibiting a trend toward downsizing?

Quality emphasis programs are creating flatter structures and redesigning work to increase efficiency.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding ethics in organizations?

A mission statement details an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects managers
and employees to follow.

According to W. Edward Deming, a well-managed organization is one in which:

statistical control reduces variability in production processes and also results in uniform quality and
predictable level of production.

Ruxandra Lopez is the vice-president for human resources of a major manufacturing company. She is
thinking of increasing the proportion of contingent workers in the different plants. As a consultant, you
advise Ruxandra that a major disadvantage associated with contingent workers is that:

contingent workers may be less loyal and committed than core employees.

Suppose you are the HR manager of an organization that has just adopted the philosophy of continuous
improvement. You can support improvement programs in all of these ways except

Design jobs very narrowly to ensure that employees can specialize on a few tasks.

According to the text, communication via a blog has all of the following advantages except:

dissatisfied customers and disgruntled employees can write about anything they do not like.

Many of today's companies emphasize:


Which of the following statements best compares continuous improvement and work process

Continuous improvement asks, "How can we do it better?" Work process improvement asks, "Are we
doing the right thing?"

One of the implications of technology in HRM is

workers will need the ability to read and comprehend software and hardware manuals, technical
journals, and detailed reports.

People who lack a strong moral sense are much less likely to do wrong if:

they feel constrained by rules and strong cultural norms that discourage unethical behaviors.

Which of the following is a component of continuous improvement?

Empowering employees.

A Kaizen is the Japanese term for:

a firm's commitment to continuous improvement.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2014 nearly 2.4 million jobs will go unfilled due to all of
these factors except:

potential training redundancy is developing.

All of these changes are causing an increased diversity in the U.S. workforce except

more baby boomers take early retirement.

HRM typically provides which of these types of training to temporary employees?


How does group decision making empower a workforce?

Employees have greater access to needed information.

Don, a Canadian native, has just been cleared for assignment as a country manager. He went to school in
the United States and speaks English, Spanish, and French. What assignment would work best for him if
there is no time for additional training?


A large manufacturing firm needs to increase production to meet a seasonal demand. The demand is not
sufficient to justify building new production facilities. Of the following options, which one provides the
greatest flexibility and responsiveness to the changing environment?


Which of the following is not a component of continuous improvement?

Intense focus on individual performance.

One way technology has changed HRM practices is

employee training is often delivered on demand rather than through scheduled courses.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding workforce diversity in the United States?

Accommodating the needs of minority and female employees is less and less a major responsibility for

Different countries perceive status differently. For example, status in French society depends to a large
extent on education and seniority. Such an emphasis on education and seniority is called:

ascribed status

Which of the following is NOT true regarding work/life issues in the United States?

It has become easier for married employees to find the time to fulfill non-work commitments.

Today, the percentage of women managers in the United States is approximately


Tom accepted an overseas assignment from his employer, however, after 30 days, he and his family
were disgruntled. This most likely occurred because HR failed to

involve both Tom and his entire family in the relocation and orientation process prior to departure.

Josh as a manager is focused on the primary management function of determining what activities need
to be completed to accomplish his organizational goals. Josh is focused on which of these functions?


Which of the following statements best describes the role of managers?

The role of managers is to work with and through other people, allocating resources, in the effort to
achieve organizational goals.

The nearly decade study that gave rise to what is today called the human relations movement was the
_________ studies.


Sofia graduated from your college about 10 years ago with an HRM degree. She has developed job
analysis and job evaluation materials for three different organizations. She is well suited for which senior
HRM position?

Compensation and benefits manager

You have been offered a job by a major manufacturer as a campus recruiter for technology positions.
Your work will be in which HRM function?


Outsourcing refers to sharing HRM activities among geographically dispersed divisions.


Labor unions promote grievance procedures to resolve differences between workers and management.


________ is designed to help the organization ensure that it has the necessary talent internally for
meeting future human resource needs.

Employee development

Unfortunately, compensation and benefits managers are the lowest paid HR professionals.


An effective HRM communications program should have all of the following elements EXCEPT

no lower-level employee involvement.

Tamara is an HRM professional whose primarily involved in the motivation function. As such, she may
perform all of these activities EXCEPT

health and safety.

A large manufacturing organization, with 20 geographically dispersed production facilities recently cut
its HRM staff by 60%. Each site has a few generalists, but specialist needs in recruiting and selection
planning, employment law, training, and benefits administration have been consolidated into one
location. This situation is an example of

shared services.

Which of the following describes the organization development function?

Facilitating system-wide changes in the organization.

Which of the following is not true regarding HRM in small business operations?

The owner-manager does not have to keep current with respect to legal issues because of the small size
of the business.

______ is considered the father of scientific management.

Frederick Taylor

Which of the following early management theorists suggested improved methods of employment
testing, training, performance evaluations, and job efficiency?

Hugo Munsterberg

Job performance is a function of the employee's ability and _________ to do the work.


Chris is a human resource professional who is currently working with line managers to reward those
employees who are creative and innovative. Chris's work is aligning HR strategy with which
organizational strategy?

Product differentiation

Which of these legislation raises the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 70; uncapped in 1986?

Mandatory Retirement Act

Prior to the mid-1960's, personnel departments in organizations were primarily involved in planning
company picnics, scheduling vacations, enrolling workers for health-care coverage, and planning
retirement parties.


Abby is a manager in a toy store. She is screening and evaluating resumes for a sales associate position
in her store. She is very concerned whether the new sales associate will have the appropriate skills for
the job and how to motivate them once they are hired. The primary management function indicated is


Vinita, the Vice-President of Human Resources at ABC Products, starts her staff meeting with, "The work
process engineering we implemented last year was a good start. We need to overhaul four of the other
production areas within the next 18 months. What do you think are reasonable goals and objectives,
based on last year's work?" She is performing the management function of


Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1978 increased mandatory retirement age from

65 to 70.
Which of the following is a landmark Supreme Court decision stating that tests must fairly measure the
knowledge or skills required for a job?

Griggs v. Duke Power Company (1971)

Which of the following is the most prominent piece of legislation regarding HRM?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Executive Order 11246

prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, and national origin, by federal agencies as
well as those working under federal contracts.

_______ include activities or modifications to the work environment that allow the qualified individual
to perform the work.

Reasonable accommodations

The ________is NOT a federal law affecting employment discrimination.

Fair Wage Standards Act of 1948

Which of the following is NOT a protected status category?


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 included all of the following provisions EXCEPT

Organizations must re-engineer working areas to accommodate all special needs.

All of these statements about the 1991 Civil Rights Act are accurate EXCEPT, the Act

reduces the Griggs decision impact.

An allegation of discrimination could be supported under a geographical comparison test in which


A large Miami-based financial institution has no Hispanics on the payroll.

An allegation of discrimination could be supported under the restricted policy infraction test in which

Company position available announcements are posted in English and French. Most of the Hispanic
workers only speak Spanish.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQs)?

A faculty member must be catholic to teach at a Jesuit university.

Which of the following reaffirmed the use of preferential treatment based on gender to overcome
problems in existing affirmative action programs?

Johnson v. Santa Clara County Transportation Agency

Which case found that layoffs of white workers to establish racial or ethnic balances were illegal?

Wyant v. Jackson Board of Education.

Which Supreme Court case had the effect of potentially undermining two decades of gains made in
equal employment opportunities?

Wards Cove Packing Company v. Antonio.

Which of the following EEOC action steps are pursued if the company offers to settle the case after the
complaint is filed and the process to determine the validity of the complaint is initiated?

The process stops.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding HRM outside the United States?

In Australia, a very small percentage of the workforce is unionized.

The EEOC cites all of the following in determining whether or not sexual harassment has occurred

The conduct is perceived as "funny" by less than 50% of the workforce.

Which of the following is true regarding employer liability for sexual harassment actions?

Employers can be held liable for sexual harassment actions by its managers, employees, and even

What is the glass ceiling?

Institutional and psychological practices limit the advancement and mobility of women and minorities.

Which act requires federal government agencies to make information in an individual's file available to
him or her?

The Privacy Act of 1974

Sharon is rewriting the section of the policies and procedures manual for her organization regarding
employees' access to their employment history files. All of the following statements are appropriate

Employees are encouraged to drop into the personnel office to review the contents of their employee
information files any time they wish.

Which of the following jobs is subjected to drug tests under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988?

Technician in a company regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Tommy was forced to take a lie detector test about a workplace violence incident. During the course of
questioning, she became very upset and emotional. Tommy asked the questioner to stop. He refused to
discontinue the test. What action can be taken?

The Department of Labor may assess civil penalties up to $10,000 against the organization.
Rajiv has worked for 22 years at a 40-employee branch of a large auto parts chain. Business has been
very bad lately, and there are rumors of consolidation, reorganization, even bankruptcy. What
protection is Rajiv given under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act?

No protection. His branch is too small for coverage.

Luis has worked for a 2500-employee chemical manufacturer, ABCHEM, for two years. He went to work
Monday morning to find his key no longer fit the front door lock and a new sign "FUTURE HOME OFFICE
OF ALLIED PLASTICS" on the front door. He called his office and found that the telephone had been
disconnected. He then noticed the local paper with headlines, "ABCHEM sells plastics subsidiary: 2000
layoffs!!" Luis remembered the letter he received from the HRM department three months earlier which
had warned of this probable plant closing, but he ignored it as a rumor. What protection is Luis given
under W.A.R.N.?

No protection. He was notified in an appropriate manner.

What actions can organizations take to reduce criticism of their drug testing policies? Your text mentions
all of the following EXCEPT:

rehabilitate prospective employees.

Which of these are true about integrity tests?

They assess consistency patterns in responses.

Lynne, an officer of a major corporation, noticed that David, her boss, reported personal expenses on his
expense account when they traveled. He usually bought new clothes on a trip (suit, shoes, topcoat),
brought along a family member or friend, and attended sight-seeing or cultural events with them. All of
these items ended up on David's expense report. When Lynne reported these practices to federal
authorities, she was


Gloria works for a large appliances store in the Midwest. She has heard a rumor that employees are
filmed in the restroom. Can this rumor be true?

Yes, if the employer included this type of employee monitoring in a written policy and explained the
policy to the employees.

Nineteenth-century common law permitted employers to discipline or discharge employees at their

discretion. This concept is the basis for

the employment-at-will doctrine.

Diane had been Frank's secretary for 35 years. Frank fired Diane last month because he could hire an
entry-level secretary for about half the money he paid Diane. What type of wrongful discharge suit could
Diane file?

Statutory considerations
Debbie is ready to fire Sharon, a new employee who tends to do only the work that she wants to do.
Debbie found customer receipts in the trash 3 days last week, not in the appropriate customer files. She
knows that Sharon does not like to file. Debbie has scheduled Sharon for the clerical skills course offered
next month. There is a half day in that course devoted to upholding the organization's standards of
acceptable behavior. What contingency factor is Debbie considering as she begins the disciplinary

Degree of socialization

Sharon has been disruptive and unprepared for several important meetings in the past few weeks.
Debbie, her boss, hesitates to fire her. Debbie's boss frequently brags that no employee in his division
has ever been fired. Why is Debbie hesitating?

Organization history

Sharon has been disruptive and unprepared for several important meetings in the past few weeks.
Debbie, her boss, hesitates to fire Sharon because she has been an excellent employee for over five
years. Debbie decides to talk to Sharon about any issues or distractions that might be affecting her work.
Why is Debbie hesitating?

Extenuating circumstances.

Sam is a night watchman for a small computer manufacturer. He is working his way through college and
usually either sleeps or does his homework during his shift. His supervisor told him that homework was
permissible, as long as he scanned the monitors every 10 minutes and walked the building every hour.
Sleeping, however, is grounds for dismissal. Sam has been written up two times for sleeping during his
work shift. After the last time, he was told there would be no more chances. Last week, $1 million worth
of equipment vanished from inventory. When the thieves were caught, they mentioned the sleeping
night watchman. Sam's boss fired him immediately, yelling at him that he was just like his brother, a no
good lazy bum. What was wrong with the boss' actions?

The boss should not have made personal comments.

Cindy, a college secretary, discarded transcript updates instead of filing them. David, the dean, spoke to
Cindy this morning about the quality and timing issues that her actions had caused. Cindy apologized
and said she had no idea that a semester's worth of information mattered. She vaguely remembered
filing transcripts about 6 months ago, right after she started this job, and discarding unofficial updates at
that time. She told David that this wouldn't happen again, but that he should have done a better job of
training her about what paperwork was important. Her work was usually accurate, but there were
several similar instances. David had only issued verbal warnings to this point. What should David do?

Issue a written verbal warning outlining the solution to the problem and any follow-up action that will
be taken if the problem recurs.

Andrew, a twenty year veteran in computer software development management, always follows the hot
stove rule for discipline. He would support which of the following actions?

Once the action is taken, he makes every attempt to let it go and get on with work, treating the person
like before.
Ortega has been warned twice about eavesdropping on his manager's phone calls then discussing the
information. This type of action can be punished with firing. The former incidents were documented,
and Ortega was told there would be no more chances. It has just been reported that he, again, discussed
a merger over lunch with his friends. What action should be taken?


A major automobile manufacturer is considering a product recall, due to a design flaw that could cause
its vehicles to burst into flames after a rear-end collision. After determining it would be less expensive to
settle individual lawsuits that might be filed claiming negligence, the manufacturer drops the recall idea.
Andrew, a product engineer who found and reported the flaw up through the organization's chain of
command, is shocked. He complains to his manager, but is told to keep quiet and go do his job. Andrew
becomes a whistle-blower and reports his findings to the federal government. He is protected from
termination under the ________.

Consumer Product Safety Act

Discipline generally follows the typical sequence of the following four steps:

written verbal warning, written warning, suspension, dismissal.

Effective employment planning includes all of the following EXCEPT:

product modifications for new kinds of families.

Which of the following describes the "Structure" phase of the strategic planning process?

Determining what jobs need to be done and by whom

Which of the following describes the "People" phase of the strategic planning process?

Matching skills, knowledge, and abilities to required jobs

A replacement chart is used

to spot skill shortages in the organization.

Which of these changes in the labor supply is the most difficult to predict?


Employee retention is a major HRM issue. According to the text, it is estimated that about _______ of
the reasons employees quit their jobs and leave organizations are within the control of managers.

75 percent

During a job analysis, which of these tasks are performed?

Skills, knowledge and abilities necessary to perform a job are determined.

Pierre is attempting to forecast the firm's future supply of human resources. He is currently looking at
retirements, transfers out of a unit, layoffs, sabbaticals, and dismissals. Which one is likely to be the
most difficult to predict?
Transfers out of a unit

Where does job analysis occur in the strategic planning process?

After corporate goals and objectives are established.

Frank, a college intern in human resources management at a large service organization, recently
completed a job analysis for the 600 jobs in the Phoenix operations center. When Lloyd, his boss,
reviewed Frank's work, he found that many known job activities were not included. Further, some odd,
even bizarre, activities were reported. Frank cited the Hawthorne studies in his explanation of the
results. What technique did Frank use?


Leona has gathered job analysis data with a structured questionnaire for managerial jobs in remote
locations of her firm. Exit interviews have produced comments like, "You should have told me what was
really expected." She wants to use an additional collection technique to avoid misrepresentation in job
descriptions. Leona's boss told her, "Be thorough. Job analysis time and cost are nothing compared to
the cost of replacing these managers." Which method should she use?

Individual interview

Rhonda, a junior job analyst, needs to use several techniques for some new assembly line positions in a
new production facility. Her supervisor warns her against using the PAQ for which of these reasons?

It appears to be more applicable to higher-level professional jobs.

The job analysis process should generate:

job descriptions, job specifications, and job evaluations

Which statement best compares job specifications and job descriptions?

Job specification focuses on qualifications for incumbents. Job description focuses on what the
incumbent does.

Stan, vice-president of human resources, is explaining why job descriptions are an important
organizational resource to the rest of the executive board. He could use all of the following to support
his discussion EXCEPT:

The job description can be used to identify target areas for retirement planning.

All of the following are disadvantages of flexible scheduling EXCEPT:

reduced childcare costs.

Which of the following is NOT a job analysis method?

Situational method

Alex is comparing various job analysis methods. He is looking for the best job analysis method. As a
consultant, you advise Alex that he should choose
some combination of job analysis methods.

"S" in the SWOT analysis represents:


Which of the following describes the "Mission" phase of the strategic planning process?

Determining what business the organization will be in

Which of the following is not an external recruiting source?

Employee referrals

A manufacturer has difficulty hiring plant architects. The hours are long, but the money is great. Last
year, the firm started doing airport interviews in major cities to screen the applicant pool. Only the most
promising candidates are then invited to the company site for a lengthier interview process. An HR
representative went to an industry business luncheon last week and found that not one competitor is
having similar recruiting problems. None of them were conducting airport interviews, and three of his
associates commented that an architect really has to be there to get a sense of the job. The company's
recruiting is being constrained by

recruiting costs.

A good recruiting program is indicated by which of the following?

More qualified applicants apply. Fewer unqualified applicants apply.

Why do some prospective employees avoid responding to a blind box advertisement?

They are afraid their current employer may be the company placing the ad.

Marvin is the human resources manager of a medium-sized construction company based in the United
States. His company just signed its first multi-million dollar contract to build a hotel in China. He needs
to quickly hire a site manager, one familiar with Chinese customs and the language. What should he do?

Hire a host-country national who has the job qualifications.

Jane is a retired insurance agent. She now files medical claims from her home PC for several doctor's
offices. Each doctor's office pays her an arranged amount for each claim filed. They pay no taxes or
benefits for Jane, just the per claim fee. What kind of worker is Jane?

Independent contractor.

Pat, director of human resources at a large resort in the Southwest, has been unable to fill the last three
vacancies for day activity supervisor for senior citizens. After checking with friends who have talked to
candidates and potential candidates, she found that the jobs are low paying, boring, and very stressful,
compared to the same job at other resorts and activity centers in the area. Recruiting for other positions
in the resort has not been a problem. What constraint is affecting her organization?

Job attractiveness.
Marvin, your friend, is advising you, an HR representative, to use an executive search firm instead of the
employment agency you have been using to find a senior marketing vice-president. He could make all of
these comments except

the employee will pay the fee.

Joni is looking for a new job. She just had lunch with a prospective employer she met at the conference
they were both attending. She had received a roster of job openings when she arrived at the meeting.
What kind of external search assistance is she using?

Professional association.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective resume?

Use an italic font style to get the attention of the recruiter

An advertisement for an executive job is likely to be found in all of these places except

a placard posted on the plant gate.

Ira, an HR representative, is explaining why the company uses blind box ads. He gives all of these
reasons except

we will attract some applicants by our reputation.

Which of the following is not an advantage associated with promotions from within?

It is more costly than external recruiting.

Which of the following is accurate regarding the work preferences of traditionalists?

They look for the history of the company and the opportunity to work part-time.

Which of the following is not a disadvantage associated with internal recruiting sources?

Individuals chosen internally already know the company.

Employee referrals offer all of these recruiting advantages except

referrals use personal friendship instead of job skills as reference criteria.

John, the HR manager at ABC, Inc., needs to hire an accountant but only for a four-month period. What
should John do?

Contact an employee leasing firm

Which of the following is not true regarding unsolicited applicants?

Employers keep a record of unsolicited applications for only a few days if there are no current openings.

Lee is a retired comptroller who spends tax season in Florida working for Robert Half to pay his extra
holiday bills for the grandchildren. He has worked with a number of tax preparing agencies in the Tampa
area. Robert Half pays his salary and benefits. Lee works for Robert Half in the Northeast during the rest
of the year. What kind of worker is he?
Leased employee.

Jermaine has successfully completed the initial screening phase of the selection process. What is his next

Complete the application form

The selection process may include all of the following steps EXCEPT

a history evaluation of hobbies.

Which of the following is a legally appropriate question to ask on the application form?

What is your name?

What is the difference between a conditional job offer and a permanent job offer?

The conditional job offer is made when employment tests are passed. The permanent job offer is made
when background checks are passed.

What is the main advantage of work sampling over traditional pencil-and-paper tests?

Work sampling tends to be a better predictor of short-term performance.

Application forms typically include all of the following EXCEPT

marital status.

Why do some organizations use application forms with age, gender or religious questions, since civil
rights legislation has made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of such criteria?

These items may be job-related.

Helaine, a recruiter at Company ABC, is in the process of hiring an office manager. An important success
factor for this position is the ability to "fit in" with the firm's culture. Helaine is planning to use an
interview to evaluate the extent to which job applicants are likely to fit in at Company ABC. What
selection device should Helaine choose?

A comprehensive interview

Daniel is an experienced interviewer for a large service organization. He has just asked a job candidate
what she would do in this scenario: "You show up for a routine meeting. The client greets you, angry,
yelling, and waving a piece of paper in your face that he asserts contains a billing error. How do you
handle the situation?" What is Daniel doing?

Behavioral interview

Who should make the actual hiring decision?

The manager in the department where the vacancy exists

Studies of realistic job previews show that they

reduce turnover without lowering acceptance rates.

Yu Chen, one of your most valued employees, has decided to leave your organization after 20 years of
exceptional service. His decision took you completely by surprise and you have to fill the position
quickly. To make sure you do not make a mistake and hire the wrong person, you should do all of the
following EXCEPT

Conduct a reference checking without the applicant's knowledge.

Why do organizations conduct background checks on potential employees?

Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior.

A-Frame Manufacturing is using a job knowledge test in its selection process. It appears that the test
content omits knowledge about important tasks necessary to effectively perform the job. What type of
problem does this test seem to have?

A content validity problem

John's conditional job offer has been rescinded by the Grace Hospital. His prior employer referred Grace
to the public records of John's criminal drug activity in that city. Is this action legal?

Yes, under qualified privilege.

Correlation coefficients used to demonstrate the statistical relationships existing between an individual's
test score and her/his performance are called

validity coefficients.

Josh was not hired for a job as a dump truck driver because he scored below 40 on the emotional
intelligence test, even though he scored a perfect 100 on a driving and dumping test. He challenged this
in court, contending that this employment test does not have

content validity.

Sancho, a banker, has been trying to find a new loan officer assistant for 6 months. What advice do you,
as a human resource professional, have for him about using tests for concurrent or predictive validity?
Both are available in the organization.

There may be little similarity between current employees and applicants. Use the predictive measures.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding international assignments?

They require greater attention to the applicant's gender.

A recent survey found that women in the _________ are world leaders with 50 percent holding senior
management positions.


Ivan is the vice-president of human resources for a large manufacturing organization involved in work
process engineering. What kinds of training needs should he anticipate?

All of the above.

Which of the following is not true regarding the employee involvement for HRM?

Employees are expected to withhold strategic information from co-workers.

HRM provides support in all of these areas to increase employee involvement except

Retirement planning.

HRM is often involved in all of the following for their contingent workers except

Negotiating health care benefits.

A major drawback of focusing on continuous improvements is that it:

may prevent employers from making needed radical changes.

Which critical aspect of unions may keep management from making unilateral decisions?

Grievance procedures

Employee motivation can be increased by all of the following EXCEPT

improving the lounge and cafeteria areas.

________ act on behalf of their members to negotiate work hours and wage rates.

Labor unions

Which of the following is true regarding the achievement of organizational objectives?

Any effort to achieve organizational objectives has three elements in common: goals, limited resources,
and people.

Jon, the manager of a technology firm, has become aware that many of his employees, once highly
productive, are making mistakes due to the stress of work/home balance and the influence of illegal
substances. He comes to you, HR manager, for suggestions. What do you tell him?

Refer these employees to the employee assistance programs available for these situations.

Dana is the senior critical manager of a film processing firm with 75 employees. Her father fell and broke
his hip. Dana, a 20-year employee, has requested two months off to care for him. Will the Family and
Medical Leave Act protect her job?

No. She is a key employee.

Sharon is confined to a wheelchair since her accident. Her employer supplied a special desk and
widened the aisles so that she can get to her work station and work. This action is known as

reasonable accommodations.

You are vice-president of human resources of a large pharmaceutical manufacturer. Your firm has a
longstanding tradition of promoting from within. New hires are fresh college graduates with no
experience, no advanced degrees. Your firm is being sued by Ed, a 45-year-old MBA, who has attempted
to apply for a general manager job. He knows the position is available because the incumbent died and
the obituary was public information. He is claiming age discrimination. Which of the following
discrimination defenses should be employed?

Seniority systems

Larry, a 62 year old, has just been offered a full time job as merchandise representative for a large firm.
He is not offered an opportunity to participate in the pension plan. Can he sue under the ADEA?

No. As long as the cost of benefits is the same for him as for younger employees, the organization is in
compliance with the law.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding workplace security?

Workplace security issues have become less prevalent in U.S. organizations over the last five years.

Which of the following is NOT an exception to the employment-at-will doctrine?

Closed employment clause

Which of the following is NOT considered a flexible work schedule?

Job enrichment

Fatima is working on the employment planning of her company. She expects that the demand for
human resources will increase in the near future. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate option
for Fatima?

Offer early retirements

Which of the following describes the "Structure" phase of the strategic planning process?

Determining what jobs need to be done and by whom

Which of the following is not true with respect to the differences between private and public
employment agencies?

Private employment agencies are slightly more expensive than public employment agencies.

A major IT provider has decreased recruiting costs significantly by which of these techniques?

Using an online application within the company website

Response rates to advertisements are influenced by which of the following variables?

Identification of the organization, labor market conditions, the degree of specification of job

Company XYZ is using an aptitude test to measure the applicants' cognitive abilities. The score of the
test can vary from 10 to 100. A score of 10 indicates very low cognitive abilities whereas a score of 100
indicates exceptional cognitive abilities. A job candidate, Robert, received a score of 87 when he took
the test in April. Robert took the test again (same test) in June. However, the second time his score was
only 42. What type of problem may this test have?

A reliability problem
Ahmad, a veteran manager in the fast-food business, applied for a manager position at a fast-food
restaurant when he relocated because of health reasons. He was told he did not get the job because he
did not have a high school diploma. Although that was not stated as a job requirement for manager
positions, he learned that the application form he completed was the same one used for counter
workers. That form is legally weighted to consider education level. He can use which of the following as
a basis for legal challenge?

Application items were not validated for the manager positions.

The most effective external recruiting sources are

There is no one best external recruiting source

See more


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