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General knowledge questions

1). Where is the Grand Canyon National Park situated?

a. in the U.S. state of California
b. in the U.S. state of Wyoming
c. in the U.S. state of Arizona

2). What digit does not exist in Roman Numerals?

a. 7
b. 1
c. 0

3). What is France’s national flower?

a. Iris
b. Tulip
c. rose

4). Who wrote "The Man in the Iron Mask"?

a. Alexander Dumas
b. Thomas Hardy
c. George Orwell

5). Who wrote “Wuthering Heights”?

a. Emily Brontë
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Anne Brontë

6). The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes are

a. Latitudes
b. Longitudes
c. Geographic grids

7). Who wrote The Miserable?

a. Charles Beaudelaire
b. Charles Dickens
c. Victor Hugo

8). What do people call New York?

a. The Big City
b. The Big Bang
c. The Big Apple

9). What does the abbreviation „Co.” Stand for?

a. Country
b. Company
c. Commercial

10). Who are the two most translated English writers:

a. Shakespeare – Agatha Christie
b. George Orwell – Thomas Hardy
c. Emily Bronte – Charles Dickens

11). It was the wife of a monarch who introduced the custom of drinking tea in England.
What was her name?
a. Mary Lipton
b. Catherine de Braganca
c. Philipa of Lancaster

12). Which European country is divided into areas called Cantons?

a. Switzerland
b. Netherlands
c. Swiss

13). Robin Hood lived in the forest of:

a. Nottingham
b. Yorkshire
c. Sherwood

14). In France if you were served le miel what would you eat :
a. Honey
b. Sugar
c. Salt

15). The name of the huge stone wall built to keep invaders out the Roman Empire is..........
a. The Scottish Borders
b. The great Stone Wall
c. Hadrian’s Wall

16). Which country set up the world’s first chemistry lab in 1650?
a. Germany
b. Austria
c. Netherlands
17). What is Wall Street famous for?

a. The World Trade Center
b. The Stock Exchange
c. The Wall

18). „ All men are equal, but some are more equal than others.” Who wrote this?
a. George Orwell
b. Charles Dickens
c. William Shakespeare

19). How many crosses are there on the Union flag?

a. 4
b. 2
c. 3

20). Christopher Columbus was financed by...........

a. The King of Portugal
b. The Queen of Spain
c. English Catholics

21). What is Traian Savulescu famous for?

a. For making the Asian flora known for the first time
b. For discovering the Asian flora
c. For inventing the Asian flora

22). If I don’t get good service in a restaurant, I never leave a............

a. charge
b. tip
c. currency

23). What university is considered to be the world’s oldest university in continuous

a. The University of Bologna, Italy
b. University of Barcelona, Spain
c. University of Oxford, UK

24). One of the greatest authors of „ghost” stories is:

a. Mark Twain
b. Edgar Allan Poe
c. Jerome David Salinger

25). What country is considered to be the largest producer of wine in the world?
a. Spain
b. Italy

c. France

26). John Lennon was a member of:

a. The Beatles
b. The Rolling Stones
c. Black Eye Pees

27). Who was the love of Francesco Petrarch’s (Petrarca’s) life?

a. Vittoria Colonna
b. Beatrice Portinari
c. Laura de Noves

28). Mona Lisa or La Gioconda is on permanent display at the …………………

a. Louvre Museum, Paris
b. British Museum, London
c. Vatican Museums, Rome

29). „Good-bye” is a shortened form of:

a. „ God be with you”
b. „ Good be with you”
c. „God be yours”

30). Who wrote the novel “Lord of the Flies”?

a. Emily Bronte
b. William Golding
c. Jerome David Salinger

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