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DHITA CHRISTY.M.(7191210011)


1.1 Journal Identity
A. Journal 1
Journal Title : Employee Performance Analysis Through Organizational Commitment,
Work Environment and Job Satisfaction of Mataram City Government Employees
Author : H. Abdul Malik
No and volume : No. 1 Vol 2
Year of publication: April 2015
Journal : Journal of Economics & Management

B. Journal 2
Journal Title : Analysis Of The Influence Of Motivation And Work Environment Against
  Employee Performance Motor Hepy Branch Central Java
Author : Agus Murdiyanto
No and volume : No. 1 Vol 9
Year of publication: April 2012

1.2 Summary of the Content of the Journal

A. Journal Summary 1
1. Introduction
The enforcement of regional autonomy is expected to provide flexibility to regions in
developing regions through efforts that are as far as possible capable of enhancing regional self-
sufficiency through enhancement of natural resources (SDA) and enhancement of human
resources (HR). In connection with the implementation of regional autonomy contained 3 (three)
main mission that is (Mardiasmo, 2002: 59):
1. Creating efficiency and effectiveness of local resource management.
2. Improve the quality of public services and community welfare.
3. Empower and create space for the community to participate (participate) in the development
In line with the main mission of imple-mentation of regional autonomy, the Mataram
City Government has set the Vision of Mataram City Year 2011-2015 is the Realization of
Mataram City of Advanced, Religious, and Cultured. The vision of the Civil Service Board of
Mataram is further elaborated through the determination of the mission as outlined in the
personnel service procedure that is:
1. Increase the resources of the apparatus that is reliable and competitive.
2. Improve the quality of personnel administration based on the principles of good governance
(Good Governance).
Mataram City Government continues to pace themselves by paying attention to the
strategic environment to realize the City Government of Mataram as a regional government
organization to grow and develop towards Good Governance and Clean Government where must
be supported by professional employees. Professional civil servants (PNS) can be interpreted as a
manpower who has technical and skill manager capable of supporting performance
improvement. Improving employee performance can be influenced by organizational
commitment, a conducive working environment and employee job satisfaction.
The influence of organizational commitment on employee performance is seen as the
result of research Djamaludin (2008). The same is also found by Verawati and Utomo (2011)
shows that organizational commitment has an effect on performance. It is also suggested that
there is a significant influence between organizational commitment to employee performance as
the research results of Trang (2012), Setyaningdiah (2012), Margaretha, Marmis and Proverbs
Job satisfaction is one of the other factors that can affect employee performance.
Employees who obtain job satisfaction will be eager in carrying out tasks charged with full sense
of responsibility so that employee job satisfaction needs to get management attention. Employee
satisfaction can be encouraged by giving trust by involving employees in decision making, it can
increase the satisfaction and increase the commitment of employees which in turn will grow a
sense of ownership among employees.
The results of preliminary studies that have been done to get the picture that the
performance of employees of the scope of the Government of Mataram has not had the
performance as expected or not optimal. Not optimal performance of the employee is at the same
time a concern for the City Government of Mataram because the performance of these
employees can be used as a basis to provide rewards or opportunities for promotion for
employees in accordance with the resulting performance. Non-optimal employee performance is
thought to be caused by poor job satisfaction, low organizational commitment, and poor work
Based on the phenomenon is conducted more in-depth research on the Effect of
Organizational Commitment and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction and Performance of
Municipal Government Employees of Mataram. The results of this study Mataram City
Government is expected to further encourage the improvement of employee performance
through increased employee job satisfaction, increase organizational commitment and create a
better and conducive working environment. This study was conducted only on Civil Servants
(PNS) Group III and Group IV on the scope of the Government of Mataram.

2. Library Review
Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment is a measure of the strength of employee identification
with organizational goals and values and is involved. Organizational commitment is also a better
indicator for employees who want to stay on their job or want to move. Organizational
commitment can also be interpreted as a sense identification, loyalty involvement that workers
reveal to their organization or organizational unit (Garry and Patrick, 2006).
Work environment
The work environment is a working condition and situation, in which a person
performs his work or task in an organizational environment. The work environment of
employees is also everything that is around employees and can affect him in performing his job.
Job satisfaction
Employee job satisfaction is an individual's general attitude towards his work (Robbins,
2006). Allen (1996) states satisfaction can be seen from employee loyalty associated with the
type and conditions of work, awards for work performance, challenges, and consequences of
management style.
Employee Performance
Performance of employees is the result of work in quality and quantity that can be
achieved by an employee in performing tasks in accordance with the responsibilities given to
The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction
Organizational commitment can be used as a better indicator than using job satisfaction
to measure the turnover rate of employees in an organization.
The Influence of Organizational Commitment to Performance
Organizational commitment gives a huge contribution to the performance of
employees, because organizations that commit to employees, will make a positive response and
commitment of employees to the organization, which then employees will carry out their duties
to the best possible for the achievement of organizational goals, therefore employees who
commit to organizations, they are very happy to be members of the organization, trust and have a
happy feeling about the organization and understand and want to do the best for the organization
(Jeongkoo and Shaner, 2002).
Effect of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction
A comfortable working environment will create a work environment that can generate
andenhance enthusiasm and excitement in work. Based on this explanation can be seen that the
work environment is a factor that affects the spirit of employee enthusiasm.
The Effect of Work Environment on Performance
Employees can work passionately and passionately, if supported by a supportive work
environment. A comfortable working environment will be able to generate and improve
employee enthusiasm and passion. the work environment does have an important role to increase
or decrease work productivity. Employees will work with passion and excitement if the work
environment in the organization is comfortable, but otherwise if the work environment is not
comfortable then employees also become uninspired and not enthusiastic in the work that can
cause employee productivity will also go down.
The Influence of Job Satisfaction To Performance
A person will be satisfied if there is a match between the expectations that arise and the
rewards provided jobs (Davis and Frederich, 2005). A person who has a high level of job
satisfaction will have a positive attitude towards his work otherwise someone who is dissatisfied
with his work will have a negative attitude towards his work (Robbins, 2006).
Population and Sample Research
The research population is Civil Servant (PNS) in Mataram City Government which is
located in Regional Secretariat, Secretariat of DPRD, Dinas, Bappeda, Inspectorate, and
Technical Institute of Mataram City.

3. Results
There is direct influence of organizational commitment to employee job satisfaction
equal to 0,338 or 33,8% or organizational commitment which have been executed by Mataram
City Government at this time, will be able to increase employee job satisfaction directly equal to
33,8%. This means that hypothesis 1 is accepted.
There is a direct influence of organizational commitment to employee performance of
0.025 or 2.5% or organizational commitment that has been implemented by Mataram City
Government, will be able to improve employee performance directly by 2.5%. This means that
hypothesis 2 is accepted.
There is direct influence from work environment of employee to job satisfaction of
employee equal to 0,300 or 30,0% or current working environment, significant influence to
direct employee satisfaction equal to 30,0%. This means that hypothesis 3 is accepted.
There is direct influence of work environment on employee performance equal to 0,168
or 16,8% or work environment that already exist at this time, significant influence to employee
performance. This means that hypothesis 4 is accepted.
There is direct influence from employee job satisfaction to employee performance
equal to 0,757 or 75,7% or with job satisfaction perceived by employee, will increase employee
performance directly equal to 75,7%. This means that hypothesis 5 is accepted

4. Discussion
The Influence of Organizational Commitment To Employee Satisfaction In The
Environment Of Mataram City Government
The result of data analysis shows that the influence of organizational commitment to
job satisfaction of Mataram City Government employee is 0,338 with critical ratio value (CR)
2,618 and probability value equal to 0.009. CR value greater 1.96 and probability value smaller
than 0.05, this indicates the effect of organizational commitment variable on employee job
satisfaction is significant or reliable.
The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in Mataram City
Government Environment
The result of data analysis shows that the influence of organizational commitment to
the performance of employees of Mataram City Government is 0.025 with the critical ratio value
(CR) 2.220 and the probability value is 0.026.
The Effect Of Work Environment On Job Satisfaction Of Employees In The Environment
Of Mataram City Government
The result of data analysis shows that the influence of work environment on job
satisfaction of Mataram City Government employee is 0,300 with critical ratio value (CR) 2,673
and probability value is 0.008. CR value greater 1.96 and probability value smaller than 0.05,
this indicates the effect of work environment variable on job satisfaction of Mataram City
Government employees is significant or reliable.
Effect of Work Environment on Employee Performance in Mataram City Government
The result of data analysis shows that the influence of work environment on the
performance of employees of Mataram City Government is 0,168 with critical ratio value (CR)
2,105 and probability value equal to 0.027. The CR value is greater than 1.96 and the probability
value is less than 0.05, it indicates that the effect of work environment variable on Mataram
Government employees performance is significant or reliable.
The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance In Mataram City Government
The result of data analysis shows that the effect of job satisfaction on the performance
of Mataram City Government employee is 0,757 with critical ratio value (CR) 5.516 and
probability value equal to 0.000. CR value greater 1.96 and probability value smaller than 0.05,
this indicates the effect of job satisfaction variable on employee performance in the Mataram
City Government is significant or reliable.
B. Journal Summary 2
1. Introduction
The era of globalization and the free market opens our eyes to looking into a
challenging future with tight competition that is not time constrained, and place. So the company
must remain able to survive and even can grow better and can win the competition in the global
era. The impact of globalization will go into all aspects of life that can not be avoided. Adoption
of globalization in developing countries, can not be ignored just like that. Given the changes in
the work environment will have an impact on the human resources of an organization (Kendall,
et al, 2000). The role of human resources is the basis of the core competence that has high
competitive advantage and the most difficult to imitate which can improve the effectiveness of
an organization (Cascio, et al, 1997).
The success of the company depends on the performance of its employees by the high
performance because it is the center of attention of the company that must be achieved how the
employee can finish the job well. Because without high employee performance it is impossible
that a company will be able to produce goods and services as well as satisfactory service. This
indicates a high level of employee performance becomes the determinant of an organization's
Other factors that can maintain and improve employee performance is supported by a
pleasant Work Environment, because a good work environment will have a positive impact in
the sense of improving employee morale. This is because in working fun, full of spirit and which
ultimately improve employee performance.

2. Theoretical Basis
The Concept of Motivation
Motivation is the desire, the desire, and the driving force that comes from within a
human being to do something. (French, 1986).
Factors that drive Motivation
Frederick Herzberg developed a two-factor model. Explained that there are two
separate factors, namely the hygiene factor and satisfier factor, which affects the motivation.
Hygiene factors are a factor that if not present in working conditions will cause a sense of
dissatisfaction, but its existence only cause a sense of neutral. Satisfier factors are factors whose
existence is very motivating but their absence rarely results in a sense of disappointment in
employees. (Davis, 1990: 110).
Understanding Work Environment
According to Alex Nitisemito (1990) Work environment is everything that is around
workers who can influence him in carrying out the tasks charged. Much of the Work
Environment affects individuals and organizations as a whole (Ferris, 1997b).
Factors Work environment
In accordance with IJCM Journal Volume 1 No. 3 and 4 of the 1991 Working
Environment can be measured by questions relating to: Clear Roles, Respesct, Communications,
Payroll Systems, Career Development, Planning and Decision Making, Innovation,
Relationships, Cooperation and Support, Quality of Service, Management Conflict, Commitment
and Moral, Learning and Training and Direction.

Understanding Performance
Performance is an employee's success rate in executing or completing a job. According
to Hani Handoko (1998), two key concepts to measure one's performance are efficiency and

3. Research Methodology
Population and Sample
The population of this study are all employees of MOTOR HAPY Central Java Branch
which amounted to 70 people
Method of collecting data.
1. Data Source
a. Primary data
Primary data in this research is obtained through survey by using questionnaire, which
is a tool to collect data in the form of questionnaire (questionnaire), which in this list of questions
is quite complete, detailed and systematic about the descriptions needed in accordance with the
purpose of research.
b. Secondary Data.
In this research, some secondary data were obtained from MOTOR HAPY Branch of
Central Java.
In this data collection technique the method used is:
2. Questionnaire

2.1 Weaknesses
Journal's Weakness 1
1. In journal 1 there is also no data analysis
2. No validity test available
3. In journal 1 the research methodology is not made in one subtitle but combined with the
literature review section, this makes the lay reader a little difficulty in reading the

Journal's Weakness 2
1. On the theoretical side of the theory is not complete explanation, there are some parts that
are still ambiguous explanation.
2. Does not specify what type this journal is

2.2 Advantages
Advantages of Journal 1
In the journal there are several tables and descriptions of research that help the reader in
reading the journal

Advantages of journal 2
1. The abstract in this journal consists in 2 languages
2. There is a part of data analysis and hypothesis development section
3. There is an instrument test
4. There is a recommendation section of the journal authors to conduct further research

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