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Meta description: The Kraft boxes are often recommended by people for packaging rather than

the other cardboard types. There are different reasons for it. In this article, you will come to
know about a few of them.

What is so unique about the Kraft

Kraft boxes have gained significance in the world as they have numerous applications. They
provide packaging for a number of products which has brought ease to our lives. The market
has so many options when we talk about packaging nowadays. There are a variety of cardboard
boxes of different types that can be used. But still, people prefer the Kraft boxes over them. In
this article, you’ll understand why the Kraft boxes hold so much significance in the market. The
following are a few reasons behind it:

Kraft boxes are eco-friendly

These boxes are eco-friendly as they are made using the best-known materials; pinewood pulp.
They are biodegradable and can be recycled completely as they are made out of materials that
are recyclable.

Kraft boxes are sturdy

The boxes are strong to hold enough weight safely and carry them around. This can make you
tension free while you’re carrying them around with you.

Kraft boxes are resistant

The Kraft boxes are well-known for their great quality of being resistant. The special materials
that make it also make it resistant enough to bear all kinds of pressure. It has corrugated layers
that succeed to give it more strength. It enables them to bear most of the extreme weather
conditions including humidity, heat, cold, etc. The multiple layers enable these boxes to easily
protect what they hold within.

Kraft boxes can be designed in different ways

These boxes are quite flexible which allows them to be molded into desired shapes and sizes.
Therefore, it is used more commonly for the packaging purposes of different items.

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