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Name : Abyan Dwi Martha Lesson : English

Class : XIMM1 PTS

1. Did you read the news about the person who won 150 million dollars in the lottery? If I won that
much money, I would travel around Indonesia and stayed in the most lavish hotels. If I wanted
anything. I would buy it, I would buy Ferrari Sports car, my favorite. Well, I would do good things with
the money as well. If anybody needed my help, I would give them money to help them out. I would
donate money to charities. I would give money to help support programs for poor children. If I won
that much money, I wouldn't keep it all for myself. I would help as many people as possible.

2. Complete the following conditional sentences. The first one is done for you

1. if I decide to go out today, I will go to my friends house

2. If I get a headache, I will take medicine.

3. If I had a red sports car, I would go around the city.

4. If we had bread, cheese, tomato, we would make toast.

5. If I were in Australia, I would visit Sydney Harbour Bridge.

6. If I didn't have any homework to do, I would sleep.

7. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go camping.

8. If I had a pet dog, I would play with it.

9. If I had worked hard, I would have gotten bonuses.

10. If I knew her telephone number, I would call her.

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