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General Purpose: To inform the audience about the cause, affect, and ways to manage stress.

Specific Purpose Statement: The audience will learn what causes stress and how stress can affect their
health, and how they can manage their everyday stress with different techniques.


According to Life is like a huge roller coaster, a journey full of twists and turns,
and ups and downs. And sometimes in this journey there arises various situations where one is unable
to deal with these turns, let alone have the energy to face the ups and downs. In situations when the
downward spiral becomes difficult to overcome it seems to linger on and on. The major cause of such
feelings, are the chaotic activities of life. Stress is no stranger to our daily life. Stress in its severer form
can lead to everything that we care about and love become strained and puts a burden on our physical
and mental health. Therefore, we must take a hold of our stress, hang on to life and practice helpful
techniques to vanish these stressful dilemmas. When we understand our situation, the better we will be
able to get through them with ease.


I. What causes stress in life is how people perceive situations that comes their way.

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