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In Service Meeting on 2/17/21

The purpose of the in-service day was for the different departments to be able to
meet and discuss any helpful strategies for this online year and curriculum changes. For us
in the science department it consisted of 2 chemistry teachers, 3 biology teachers, and Mr.
Hanlon and me as the physics teachers. The summary was that there are no classes that will
be added to next year and that all standardized tests will still be conducted as normal. The
main strategies that were shared was the use of gizmo for biology labs. Many parents are
complaining about Schoology and they were discussing possible alternatives. There is also
an issue of parents taking tests for their students because they are not required to keep
their camera on during Zoom. The biology teachers also recommended using the “Show
Me” app that allows us to view the screens of the students. The meeting took place in the
morning and the teachers could research during the afternoon for IPDP hours.
During the in-service day I also discussed the student body needs for my service-
learning project with guidance counselor (Miss Brittany Coleman). The summary of this
meeting was that the main student body need is peer tutoring. I decided to have my
service-learning project incorporate peer tutoring on the unit of circular motion and to
encourage the students to view their peers with disabilities as equals. Later that week I had
my service-learning project approved by Dr. Schmalz as an alternate version because Mr.
Hanlon would not allow me to work with the students.
The science department also ended up meeting with the principle (Megan Murray) to
discuss simplifying the course descriptions for next year to make it easier for parents and
students to comprehend what each course will cover. She decided to start with the science
department because we often have complex curriculum and terminology. The summary of
the meeting was that starting next year Beaver is going to simplify the course descriptions
by selecting students currently in the courses and have them write a description for the

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