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Queen Ka’ahumanu was a very important and influential person to the islands of Hawaii.

She was the first queen Regent in Hawaii, she disregarded the kapu system, and made
Chrsitianity the official new religion. Queen Ka’ahumanu was ahead of her time considering that
she brought equality to all at the time that she did. In the following paragraphs covering
information about Queen Ka’ahumanu, do you consider her to be one of the most important
people in Hawaiian history?
.After King Kamehameha died the queen announced that he wanted her to serve equally
and next to his son Liholiho, King Kamehameha II. The council had agreed and gave Queen
Ka’ahumanu the position of Kuhina Nui, which is known as Prime Minister, or Regent of
Hawaii. She served as Regent of Hawaii from the year of 1819, till her death in 1832.
Throughout the years as Regent of Hawaii, Queen Ka’ahumanu accomplished quite a few major
historical aspects such as, abolishing the kapu system that forbade women and commoners from
doing certain things, disregarded the old Hawaiian rules and gods; and secondly, following in
Christianity, which later became the new religion of Hawaii.
The kapu system was a regulation of rules that commoners and women had to follow. A
few rules consisted of not being allowed to eat certain foods such as pork and specific types of
bananas; furthermore, women weren’t allowed to eat with men either. In the kapu system
commoners and women weren’t to be in the shadow of a highborn chief or touch any of their
belongings; people that broke the rules of the kapu system would be sentenced to death. Queen
Ka’ahumanu successfully discarded the kapu system with the help of Liholiho’s mother
Keopuolani, to convince him to eat a meal with women; finally, when people saw that the
Hawaiian gods they worshipped at the time didn’t strike down on Liholiho, the kapu system was
then abolished.
In the year 1820 American missionaries arrived in Hawaii in hope to preach the religion
of Christianity to the islands. At the time of their arrival Hawaii had no religion since Queen
Ka’ahumanu had just discarded the kapu system and the old Hawaiian gods, and traditions.
Without religion there was much conflict regarding the way of life for people in Hawaii, thus
Hawaii’s government at the time being unstable. Queen Ka’ahumanu was searching for a new
religion that would appeal to her and better Hawaii; the missionaries had persuaded and
influenced the queen about Christianity. That same year Queen Ka’ahumanu and Liholiho, King
Kamehameha II, made Chrisitianty the official new religion of Hawaii. The queen wanted the
people of Hawaii to be educated, not only the commoners, but also the ali’i and maka'ainana; this
included both the king and herself. Schools were set up by the missionaries where they at first
attempted to teach in English, however Hawaiians did not understand English so they began
teaching Hawaiian, Hawaiian spelling, bible readings, and a handful of other teachings regarding
topics in Christianity.
In conclusion Queen Ka’ahumanu left behind quite an imprint on Hawaii and its culture
by becoming Regent of Hawaii, majorly changing history by abolishing the kapu system, and
enforcing a new religion and way to live with Christianity. The course of Hawaiian history was
changed by the doings of Queen Ka’ahumanu; yet again regarding her and what she
accomplished for Hawaii, would you give the thought that she’s a figure of Hawaiian culture and
history to be recognized as someone notable and greatly important?

1) Lauralee. “Queen Ka'ahumanu - Embracing Christiany.” History of Royal Women, 14
June 2020,
:text=Kaahumanu decided to abolish the,2).
2) Wong, Helen. “Kapu System.” Kapu System ,
3) Hawaii, Post author By Aloha. “Queen Kaahumanu: Queen Kaahumanu.” ALOHA
HAWAII, 17 Feb. 2020,

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