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Answer all questions completely and then submit them to your instructor.

Warm-Up (Questions to help you prepare to write your goals)

1. Describe your current level of physical activity. How often do you participate in moderate to high
intensity activity in an average week?

About 1 time a week.

2. Discuss at least three physical activities you enjoy participating in or wish to participate in.

Sit ups because I know how to do them and because they are semi difficult.

Push ups because I would like to be able to get batter at them so that I can do a lot of them.

Planks because I would like to get my core strength bigger and be able to hold it for longer.


3. Create at least one goal for each of the following wellness categories. Personalize each of your goals
for the time enrolled in the course. Be sure that each goal is measurable, attainable, and has a specific
deadline. Also, be sure each goal is written in complete sentences.

Physical Wellness Goal: I will go to bed by 10:00 pm every night for the next 2 months.

I will do 10 pushups every day for the next 3 weeks.

Emotional Wellness Goal: I will hang out with my friends every evening for the next month so
that I could reduce stress so that I will be able to do better.

I will talk to my parents anytime there is something bothering me so that they could help me resolve it.

Social Wellness Goal: I will talk to my friends every couple days that I haven’t talked to in a

I will go somewhere and try to make new friends that I could hang out with.

Academic Wellness Goal: I will work with a tutor once a week for science so that I could get
better at English.

I will teach kids how to get better at math so that they will do good in school.

Cool Down (Reflection questions based on the goals you’ve written)

4. What do you think will be the most challenging goal for you, and why?

I think the most challenging goal for me is my academic wellness goal to get straight A’s because im not
the best.
5. Describe any challenges or hesitations you have about your goals or the activity requirements for this

I have no challenges or hesitations on my goals.

6. Explain how fitness testing and test results can affect your overall fitness.

Fitness testing can affect my overall fitness because it will help me to see if I have gotten any better at
the thing.

7. No matter your living situation, it is up to you to make daily decisions that affect your well-being.
What is your role and responsibility for maintaining and improving your health?

My role and responsibility is to eat healthy foods to workout study and to do anything that will help me

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