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Which of the following sentences contains sexist language?

The lady doctor is really great with her patients!

The boss and his wife make a perfect couple.
The doctors and their spouses are all invited to the wedding.
The boss and her husband love going to parties together.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

Is this your jacket?
Whose jacket is this?
Is this jacket yours?
Who's jacket is this?

Which of the following sentences in grammatically correct?

After Dave started saving money, he became financially independent.
After Dave started saving money, he became finance independent.
After Dave started saving money, he became financial independent.
After Dave started saving money, he became fiscal independent.

Which of the following is grammatically correct?

John and Sarah runs together every day.
John and Sarah was running together every day.
John and Sarah runned together every day.
John and Sarah run together every day.

Which word in the following sentence is grammatically incorrect?

I would rather go to Costa Rica then to Florida for vacation.


Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

Allison opened the door and got onto the taxi.
Allison opened the door and got at the taxi.
Allison opened the door and got on the taxi.
Allison opened the door and got in the taxi.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

William gave her his last piece of chocolate.
William gave him his last piece of chocolate.
William gave they his last piece of chocolate.
William gave us his last piece of chocolate.
Which word in the following sentence is grammatically incorrect?

I would of called you, but my phone was broken.


Select the best word to complete the sentence.

The ant marched quickly back to ____ home.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?
After studying for weeks, Brian passed the exam with flying colors.
With seven books stacked in front of him, Liam was having trouble seeing the board.
Having worked all summer planting seeds, the vegetables were ready to be eaten.
Filled with exhaustion, Rachel knew that she still needed to complete her homework.

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