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Distr : General

01 November 2020
Ori : English

United Nations Women Council

Agenda Item 1
Women Rights Violations in The Republic of Puerto Rico, Liberia, Developed countries and
Developing countries

Sponsor: : The Republic of Liberia

Signatories : The State of Palestine,The Republic of Korea, The Republic of Puerto Rico, Saudi
Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Morocco, Chile, The Syrian Arab Republic, The Kingdom of
Thailand, The Republic of North Korea, Canada, Republic of Ireland.

The United Nations Women Council,

Guided by the Charter of the United Nations : The United Nations Women for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment of Women, The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW or UNCSW),
International Covenant on Women Violations and other relevant women rights instruments,

Reshaping the view of women rights violations are intolerable, discourtesy, humiliating and the
research of the causes and impacts of women violations,

Restructure the agendas of support and security of women for the victims, children, and women
to advocate the provision of women rights and eradicate the violence in society or community,

Emphasizing the responsibilities of all States to respect women rights, fundamental justice and
protection without distinction of any kind of race, color, language, religion or other status,

Acknowledging the need of all States to respect and collaborate, there shall be no disrespecting
act towards any member of constitutions,
Alerted by the continuous demonstrations, civil wars, rebellious attitude, and recurrent activities
designed to destabilize the state and the government,

Deeply concerned by the women rights violations in Liberia and Puerto Rico as models that
different country has different cause of violations, there should be no discrimination or generalization of
women violations,
Recalling the responsibilities of States to comply with their relevant obligations to prosecute
those responsible for violations of national and international law and policy, and to provide effective and
efficient aids to any woman whose rights have been violated, with a view of ending impunity,
Welcoming the collaborative efforts from national organizations, international organizations,
regional organizations and other stakeholders to provide assistance and implementation of the
resolution concerning women rights compliance in The Republic of Puerto Rico and Liberia as

Endorses the implementation of FREE (Funding, Reforming, Education and Engagement) as a

collaborative framework to resolve issues that has systematic mechanism, which could be elaborated as

Chapter I : Identification of Actors

1. Affirms the need for clear characterizations of the actors who involved in Women Rights
Violations in Liberia and Puerto Rico, which include :
i. The Republic of Puerto Rico and Liberia National Government, in which the President of
Republic and Parliament exercised the State’s power and responded to the Women Rights
Violation with suppression and corruption.
ii. Women Rights Violations
i. Women Sexual Abuse and Exploitation in The Republic of Liberia
ii. Women Human Trafficking in The Republic of Puerto Rico
iii. Women right violations in developing and developed countries

2. Acknowledges the actors, capable of providing assistance for The Republic of Puerto Rico and
Liberia National Government, which include but not limited to:
i. Other African countries and other U.S territories
ii. National and International organizations
iii. Non governmental organizations and organizations

Chapter II : Humanitarian Assistance to Liberia and Puerto Rico (HALPR)

1. Endorses the establishment of Humanitarian Assistance to Liberia and Puerto Rico (HALPR) as
the coordination and management program of humanitarian assistance in Liberia and Puerto
Rico, in particular ;

2. Emphasizes the scope of humanitarian assistance that would be distributed to affected people are,
but not limited to :
i. Women’s human rights
ii. Shelter
iii. Sexual Abuse Counselling Services
iv. Education
v. Partnership and mentorship
vi. Protection
vii. Personal Hygiene
viii. Health and Nutrition

3. Further emphasizes the form of humanitarian assistance are:

a. Financial resources, which could be allocated to fund :
i. Compensation payments to victims of abuses
ii. Scholarships for educations to pursue higher education
b. Non-financial resources, which include but not limited to food, medicine, education, protection,
security through such actions but not limited to :
i. Sexual abuse counselling services
ii. Workshop and training life and work skills to empower women’s recovery after violation
iii. Build shelters and home industries to provide job and protection
iv. Feeding Learning Center for children who live under poverty
v. Volunteering to teach children offline and online
vi. Mentorship for teachers to foster the quality of education
vii. Leadership training for young women

4. Deeply concerned of strategic planning, which formulates the strategic objective in how to distribute
the assistance, the prioritization, and targets.
- For Puerto Rico and Liberia countries, as the developing countries, we would like to
improve on human capitals, women, as the best investment through education.
- For developed countries, we would like to improve
We would like to focus on the prevention, recovery and empowerment of women beside
psychological aids, therefore our strategic plannings are groupings women based on their ages
and needs.
i. Infant : Feeding Learning Center
ii. Childhood : Mentorship of Life Skills and Emotional Intelligence skills
iii. Adolescence : Mentorship of Life and work skills, training, workshop, fund and loan
for building home industries.
iv. Adult : Mentorship and leadership training, workshop, fund and loan for
building creative home industries or startup.

5. Affirms the operational peer review and evaluation would be reported to United Nations Women
Council meeting annually by the responsible team and would be opened for suggestion and
recommendation toward the programme;

Chapter III : National and International Collaboration with Other Member States (NICOMS)
1. Taking into consideration of the collaboration among national and international organizations.
Inspired by Microsoft Education Center and Roedean School in South Africa have started some
programs for youth.
On top of that, we would like to propose a collaborative and funding project between developed and
developing countries supported by international and national organizations to create a supportive
campaign from news media. Therefore, we can carry on our projects.
The benefits of this collaboration for developed countries are improvement in education, justice and
sustainable society.
The benefits of this collaboration for developing countries are to strengthen multilateral and bilateral
cooperation such as exchange students or investment in the home industries, startup or education.
Mechanism :
a. Create a community with other delegates, NGO, GO, and other expertise to sign a
petition of helping developed countries to support women who suffer from violations.
b. Create sustainable project that supported by United Nations, United Nations Women,
UNICEF, UNESCO, in education and empowerment of women.
c. Create a website, post and upload every project or activity can be done online or offline
with other state members.
d. Create an online fund to start this project and advertise in website, social media platforms
and news media.
e. Carry on the volunteering, mentorship, feeding learning center, building home industries,
etc. to empower women.
f. In rural areas, we would send volunteers and experts to support children and women
reshaping their lives by providing resources that they need such as books, education of
personal hygiene, healthy environment and society, and parenting, etc.
g. We would like to provide about sex education on terms of early pregnancy, the
consequences and HIV and AID disease prevention and treatment to break the stigma
that sex education is not important.
h. Sexual online abuse is carried by youth who do not have goals to focus on their future,
we would like to propose an online project wherein they can learn skills that needed to
tackle 4.0 industrial generation.
i. Sexual trafficking is occured wherein there is no strong support of the government to
provide jobs. Therefore, women do not have any choices to trap in sexual trafficking. Our
project will create more job opportunities for women in collaboration of stakeholders to
invest in startup, online sales and creative home industries.
We believe that education and collaboration can make a short and long period impact on the lives of
women and children. Our project is more practical, efficient and effective to help and empower women.
In addition of 4.0 industrial generation development wherein technologies and artificial intelligence are
demanding in the future, we want women to adapt to these competitive and transformational trends.
Women can be the future leaders, bring hopes and dreams to Liberia, Puerto Rico and other countries,
such as New Zealand and Finland who have a tremendous change on the country itselves because
women lead the countries.

2. Calls upon the major actor of the issues, mentioned in Chapter 1 Clause 2, to conduct National and
International Collaboration with Other Member States (NICOMS) in order to discuss each party
concern and the future of women right compliance in Liberia, Puerto Rico, and other member states.

Chapter IV : Independent International Investigation - Finding the causes and impacts

1. Accepts the establishment of the UN Independent International Investigation - Finding the causes and
impacts of women rights violations
a. Investigate the cause of women rights violations based on sociocultural factors in Liberia
and Puerto Rico
b. Identify and Analyze the content ofLaws and acts of women rights in national and
international policies of Liberia and Puerto Rico
c. Determine whether or not acts of women right violation have occurred.
d. Identify the perpetrators of violations of international women right in Liberia and Puerto
e. Make reports based on the information on the situation of women rights defenders in
Liberia and Puerto Rico.
f. Establish cooperation and conduct a dialogue with Liberia and Puerto Rico National
Government, national and international organizations and stakeholders on the promotion
and effective implementation of National and International Collaboration with Other
Member States (NICOMS).
g. Encourage the national government of Liberia and Puerto Rico to open, respect and
collaborate the justice process publicly and allow the observation from international
communities, in particular if the national justice of mechanism conducted.

Our distinguished delegates and honourable chair, our project is to empower women intentionally by
providing opportunities and creating a sustainable community.
“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” “When the whole world is silent,
even one voice becomes powerful.” “Education is education. We should learn everything and then
choose which path to follow." by Malala Malala Yousafzai

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