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Rh Blood Group Summary

Rh Blood Group Antigens

Biochemical composition Polypeptides with no carbohydrates residues

Gene products 16 amino acids that traverse the membrane
12 times
Current Genetic theory Two genes, RHD and RHCE; alleles include
Fisher- Race theory Three genes; alleles include D/d, C/c, E/e
Wiener Theory One gene; alleles include Ro , R1 , R2 ,Rz, r, r’,
r”, ry
Rosenfield/ Numeric terminology Numeric—D= Rh1, C= Rh2, E=Rh3, c= Rh4,
ISBT : standard numeric Rh blood group system is 004; each antigen is
on the red blood cell.
Genetic loci Chromosome 1
Weak D D antigen that can be detected only by IAT
Compound antigens ce or f, Ce or Rh7, CE or Rh22, and cE or Rh27
G antigen Present whenever the D or C antigen is on
the red blood cell
Rhnull phenotype Results from an amorph gene or RHAG
regulator gene; no Rh antigens, abnormal red
blood cell membrane

Rh Blood Group Antibodies

Antibody production Red blood cell stimulation through

transfusion or pregnancy
Immunoglobulin class IgG; usually IgG1 and IgG3
In vitro reactions Binds at 370 C; agglutination observed using
Enhancement LISS, proteolytic enzymes, albumin and PEG
Complement binding no
Clinical significance Yes; can cause delayed transfusion reactions
and HDFN
Dosage Yes, stronger reactions with homozygous

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