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‘To: His Excellency Mr, Thabo Mbeki President of the Republic of South africa Chairperson of the African Union RE: ARTICLE 3(Q) OF CONSTITUTIVE ACT OF AFRICAN UNION AND UNITED STATES NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Your excllenc, Enclosed is a copy of Exhibit 10 ofS. Supreme Court Case No. 00-9567 entited "NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 46." This document, dated March 27, 1978, addressed the subject of "Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement” and recommends U.S. Government policy options which are in direct conflict with Article 3() of the Constitutive Act of the African Union. For example, the section entitled "RECOMMENDATIONS" reads as follows: 1.Speaific steps should be taken with the help of appropriate government agencies to inhibit coordinated activity of the Black Movement in the United States. 2.Special clandestine operations should be launched by the CIA to generate mistrust and hostility in American and world opinion against joint activity of the two forces, and to cause division among Black African radical national groups and their leaders. 4:The FBI should mount surveillance operations against Black African representatives and collect sensitive information on those, especially at the U.N. who oppose U.S. policy toward South Africa, The information should include facts on their links with the leaders of the Black movement in the United States, thus making possible at least partial neutralization of the adverse effects of their activity. In light of the open declaration by the African Union to indude the African Diaspora, strongly urge the African Union to ask the United States Government whether or not the Policy recommendations in the NSC Memorandum 46 are presently still in effect, and if not, when were they terminated and what is the U.S. Government's current policy on the subject "Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement’. Ce: H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson Executive Council of the African Union; H.E. Mr. Amara Essy, Interim Chairperson Commission of the African Union; 0.1. Orjiako, Head of Press and Inform ation at the Affican Union

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