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Name : Alfina Riana Prisanti

Class : 1B

Npm : 2010631080041

● My daily activity

Assalamualaikum, i would to tell my daily activity sir.

First, i wake up at 5am, i take ritual ablution and i do subuh prayer. Then i clean
the house help my mom in the morning and i take a shower, I rarely eat breakfast
so i skip breakfast. And then i study in online class, after i finished the online
class i do zuhur prayer and lunch. Then i take a nap, watching youtube, or finished
my assignment until 5pm. After that i do ashar prayer and take a shower again.
Usually i drink coffee and watching tv until 6pm, then i do maghrib prayer and
read a holy qur’an. After that i do isya prayer and using skincare. And the last i go
to sleep. That is all, thank you sir.

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