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Name : Anissa Nurlaila Ramdani

NPM : 2010631080007

Class : 2B

My Daily Activity

Hello, Sir. In this text, I want to tell you about my daily activity. I usually wake up at 4 o'clock
everyday. I never forget to tidy up my bed and clean it up. After that, I take a bath and subuh
praying. Then, I help my mother to prepare the breakfast. And then, I have usually have warm
tea and fried rice. After that, I prepare to online class till 12a.m . After that, I must dzuhur
praying and have a lunch. Then I watch Korean dramas and playing with my little brother. After
that, at 3.30p.m I take a bath and ashar praying. Then, I help my mother again to cleans the
house. Aftet that, I playing the phone while waiting the maghrib and isya praying. Next, I have a
dinner with my family. And lastly, I prepare the books for online classes tomorrow and then go
to the bed at 10p.m. That's all my activity starting from wake up till going to sleep. Thank you,

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