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Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight in
patients with liver cirrhosis, and its estimation using girth:
a cross-sectional observational study
E. Lamarti1,2 & M. Hickson2
Therapy Department, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Truro, UK
Institute of Health and Community, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK

Keywords Abstract
alcoholic liver disease, ascites, body mass index,
cirrhosis, girth, liver, weight. Background: There is a high prevalence of malnutrition among people with
decompensated liver disease. Standard nutritional screening tools use weight
Correspondence and body mass index (BMI) to identify risk, although these are difficult to
E. Lamarti, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, measure for those with ascites, often secondary to liver cirrhosis. Dietetic
Therapy Department, 2nd Floor, Princess
guidance suggests adjusting for ascitic weight by 2.2–14 kg, although there
Alexandra Medical Wing, Truro, Cornwall TR1
is a lack of evidence to substantiate these values. The present study aimed
3LJ, UK.
Tel.: + 44 (0)1872 252409 to measure the contribution of ascitic fluid weight and compare this with
E-mail: the current guidance, as well as to examine whether girth circumference can
be used to estimate ascitic weight.
How to cite this article Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study was conducted over
Lamarti E. & Hickson M. (2019) The contribution 13 weeks. Participants attending for paracentesis were weighed, their girths
of ascitic fluid to body weight in patients with
measured, and BMI was calculated pre- and post-paracentesis. Fluid
liver cirrhosis, and its estimation using girth: a
removed via paracentesis was recorded. Ethical approval was received (IRAS
cross-sectional observational study. J Hum Nutr
Diet. project ID: 218747).
Results: Eighteen participants underwent paracentesis. The range of ascitic
fluid drained was 3.8–19 L [mean (SD) = 8.7 (3.7) L]. Weight difference
between pre- and post-paracentesis was in the range 4.5–20 kg [mean
(SD) = 8.7 (3.9) kg]. Ascitic fluid weight is shown to be higher in each cat-
egory (minimal, moderate, severe ascites) than the current guidance values.
Weight difference was greater than 14 kg in 11% (n = 2) of participants. A
strong, statistically significant relationship (rho = 0.68, P ≤ 0.01) between
ascitic weight and pre-paracentesis girth was found. An equation was for-
mulated to enable the estimation of ascitic fluid from pre-paracentesis girth.
Conclusions: Current dietetic guidance should be re-evaluated to reflect the
greater weight differences identified. Measuring girth pre-paracentesis may
help to inform dry weight estimation. Further research is required to verify
the accuracy of estimating ascitic weight from pre-paracentesis girth.

metabolic changes secondary to cirrhosis, such as poor

nutritional intake consequential to nausea, early satiety,
It is widely recognised that people with liver disease are dysgeusia (taste changes) and dietary restrictions, in addi-
at high risk of protein-energy malnutrition (1–3). The tion to malabsorption as a result of bile-acid deficiency
available evidence shows a particularly high prevalence of or small-bowel bacterial overgrowth (6). Malnutrition in
protein-energy malnutrition amongst those with decom- liver disease is associated with a poor quality of life (7),
pensated cirrhosis, reportedly between 50% and 90% (4,5). an increased duration of hospital stay, higher rates of
The reasons for this are multifactorial and include mortality and morbidity, sarcopenia, increased infection

ª 2019 The British Dietetic Association Ltd. 1

The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight E. Lamarti and M. Hickson

risk and an increased risk of encephalopathy (5,8). Given measurement and therefore offers no practical method of
the gravity of these associated complications, it is impera- estimating ascitic weight from pre-paracentesis girth.
tive that malnutrition is identified to enable the provision Accordingly, the present study provides novel findings
of appropriate specialised nutrition support that can help that can be applied in practice.
improve or reduce complications (9). Patients who had undergone paracentesis were con-
Assessing the nutritional status of patients is commonly sulted about the importance of investigating these issues
undertaken using a nutritional screening tool. Standard and all patients considered the study to be both impor-
screening tools in the UK include the ‘Malnutrition tant and acceptable.
Universal Screening Tool’ (MUST) (10) and the ‘Subjective Ultimately, overestimation of BMI can lead to malnu-
Global Assessment’ (SGA) (11,12). These screening tools use trition risk being overlooked. Similarly, overestimating
weight and body mass index (BMI) as primary compo- weight can result in a compromised nutritional assess-
nents; however, because these components are affected by ment, as well as having implications for prescribing medi-
fluid weight, including ascites (a common symptom of cations. A more accurate method of estimating dry
decompensated liver disease), their use for patients with weight of patients with ascites would reduce the risk of
excess fluid is limited. Currently, there is no agreed gold-s- compromised nutritional screening and improve the
tandard method of malnutrition screening for patients with accuracy of dietetic assessment.
liver disease (12) and, consequently, their malnutrition risk In the present study, we test the hypotheses that ascitic
is often under-recognised (5). The American Society for fluid volumes can contribute greater weight gains than
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition guidelines for the care of current guidance suggests and that abdominal girth cir-
this patient group (11) recognise this and, as such, provide cumference can be used to estimate ascitic weight. When
a greater emphasis on the benefits of a full nutritional considered together, the accuracy of dry weight estima-
assessment. It is recommended that this is carried out by a tion for patients with ascites, secondary to liver disease,
dietitian (13) and it comprises a more in-depth and spe- will be improved, as will the accuracy of nutrition assess-
cialised process than nutritional screening. ment and screening.
Obtaining a dry weight (i.e. actual body weight without
ascitic fluid or oedema) or estimating the weight of asci-
Materials and methods
tic fluid is required to assess patients, although this can
be difficult to obtain or estimate. An actual weight after The present study received approval from the Health
paracentesis is not always measured, particularly on hos- Research Authority (IRAS project ID: 218747, REC 17/
pital wards. Therefore, when carrying out a full nutri- EE/023). Participants were eligible for inclusion if they
tional assessment, and to guide the estimation of dry were patients attending the Medical Day Unit (MDU) at
body weight, UK-based dietitians may refer to the Pocket the general district hospital for the region, for therapeutic
Guide for Clinical Nutrition, Parenteral and Enteral paracentesis drainage with tense ascites secondary to liver
Nutrition Group (PENG) (14). This provides reference disease. Prospective participants were identified from a
guidance to adjust for weight of ascites by 2.2 kg for clinic list of patients who were booked in for therapeutic
minimal ascites and by 14 kg for severe ascites. It is paracentesis. It was expected that they would primarily
acknowledged this often underestimates ascitic weight have ascites secondary to liver disease, although this was
. The evidence underpinning these values stems confirmed prior to inclusion. Letters of invitation, includ-
from the American Veteran Administration Studies car- ing study information and a consent form, were sent with
ried out in the 1980s (16), which looked at weight gain their standard paracentesis appointment letters, so that
among veterans with alcoholic liver disease in receipt of patients could take part at their next clinical appoint-
nutritional therapy. ment. It was anticipated that patients may attend the
By employing the practical method of measuring MDU multiple times over the study duration; they were
weight before and after paracentesis (i.e. the draining of eligible to participate at each attendance, although repeat
ascitic fluid via a tube inserted into the abdomen), the participation was noted. Patients were excluded if they
present study provides evidence to help inform the esti- were unwilling or unable to remove thick clothing, unable
mation of ascitic weight. Additionally, to our knowledge, to stand unaided, or were unable or unwilling to give
girth (abdominal circumference) measurement as a way written informed consent.
of estimating ascitic weight has only been explored in a
single case study (17) for which the findings suggest that
Data collection
one inch equates to 1 kilogram of ascitic fluid. However,
as well as the clear limitations of a case study, the value All data were collected by one researcher (EL), eliminat-
of this formula requires pre-existing knowledge of girth ing inter-observer variability (18), and standard assessment

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E. Lamarti and M. Hickson The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight

protocols were followed to limit intra-observer variability. ascitic weight, an initial descriptive analysis was under-
Demographic data were obtained from the participant taken. This was followed by the exploration of relation-
(gender, ethnic origin, age, the aetiology of the liver dis- ships between girth, fluid drained, and the difference
ease and duration since diagnosis). The presence of between pre- and post-paracentesis weight using scatter-
peripheral oedema was based on patient reporting, clini- plots. Correlation coefficients were then explored using
cal judgement, observation and the guidance provided by all participant visits to increase the strength of statistical
PENG (14), where minimal, moderate and severe oedema tests. The strength of the correlation coefficients was
are given estimated values of 1, 5 and 10 kg, respectively. regarded as strong where r = 0.50 to 1.00, moderate
Weight, height and girth were then measured according where r = 0.30 to 0.49 and weak where r = 0.10 to
to WHO protocols (19), described briefly as: 0.29 (21).
Weight: Participants were asked to stand on calibrated To calculate the coefficient of determination, which
scales placed on a flat, firm surface, after first removing offers an idea of how much variance the variables share,
all heavy or outer clothing, including footwear and head- the r values were squared and converted into a percentage
wear. Weight was noted to one decimal place (kg). of variance. Linear regression was performed to assess the
Height: Participants removed heavy or outer clothing, relationship between pre-paracentesis girth and body
including footwear and headwear, with their hair flat- weight difference to discover a regression equation (r2 is
tened down to the scalp. A participant stood with feet a statistical measure of how close to the regression line
together, legs straight and heels against the backboard of the data fit) (22). To measure the level of agreement
the stadiometer. With the participant’s head in the Frank- between the estimated ascitic weight from girth circum-
fort plane (20), the measure lever was positioned, com- ference and the actual measured ascitic weight, a Bland–
pressing hair as required. Height was read to nearest Altman plot was used (23). To estimate statistical power, a
0.1 cm. post-hoc analysis was undertaken using MINITAB (Minitab,
Abdominal girth: Using a disposable non-stretch paper Inc., State College, PA, USA).
tape measure, measurement was taken as close to skin as
possible or over light clothing; only heavy clothing was
removed. A participant stood upright, with feet together
and arms resting at the sides. The participant located the Figure 1 shows study participation details, including rea-
midpoint between the top of the hipbone and last palpa- sons for exclusion. Over the 13-week data collection per-
ble rib, and then wrapped the measuring tape around iod, 47 study assessments were made, including 24
their girth at this point. The researcher ensured the tape unique individuals, of whom 18 underwent full paracen-
was parallel to the floor, horizontal across the back and tesis at least once. In total, there were 38 paracenteses
front of the body, and around the widest part of the drains for which all of the required data were collected.
girth. The measurement was taken to the nearest 0.1 cm, Three patients declined to have post-paracentesis data
at the end of expiration, with the tape as close to skin as measured and six were not drained as a result of inade-
possible without compression. quate fluid.
Data were collected between March and June 2017. Table 1 summarises the demographic characteristics of
the 24 unique participants who consented to taking part
in the study and the 18 participants who had paracente-
Statistical analysis
sis. All consenting participants had baseline data collected
A formal sample size calculation was not used. The aim (including demographic information, pre-paracentesis
was to recruit as many people as possible in the 4 months weight, girth and height) and all of these potential partic-
available for data collection. On average, seven patients ipants are included in Figure 1 and Table 1 for complete-
attend the unit each week; thus, we estimated that there ness. All were of white British ethnic origin, they had a
would be approximately 112 patient visits potentially eli- mean age of 65 years, the majority were male, diagnosed
gible for inclusion during the study period. with alcoholic liver disease of over 2 years duration, had
Analysis was carried out using SPSS, version 23 (SPSS two or more previous paracentesis, used diuretics, and
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Spearman correlation coefficients had minimal or no peripheral oedema.
(rho) were conducted for continuous and ordinal, non- Our first hypothesis was that ascitic fluid volumes can
parametric variables, along with Pearson’s rank correla- contribute greater weight gains than current guidance
tion coefficients (r) for parametric variables. P < 0.05 was suggests. Using only data from each unique participant’s
considered statistically significant for all analysis. first paracentesis (first time of study participation)
To test the second hypothesis that pre-paracentesis (n = 18), Table 2 shows the range of volume of fluid
abdominal girth circumference can be used to estimate drained and pre- and post-paracentesis weight difference,

ª 2019 The British Dietetic Association Ltd. 3

The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight E. Lamarti and M. Hickson

Figure 1 Study participation flow diagram. *n = 100, consisting of 38 individual patients who were booked on to the Medical Day Unit (MDU)
on more than one occasion (i.e. 14 patients were booked in once, six booked in twice, nine booked in three times, two booked in four times,
three booked in five times and four booked in six times). **n = 47, consisting of the number of times patients were consented to participate.
This represents 24 different people (who attended the MDU for paracentesis) because each participant visit required a separate consent process.
Eleven people were consented more than once.

compared to the current guideline weights (24). The values accordance with the guideline (24). The current guideline
from our sample were divided into tertiles to allow esti- appears to under-estimate weight contribution of ascitic
mates for minimal, moderate and severe ascites in fluid for many patients. Figure 2 shows the weight

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E. Lamarti and M. Hickson The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight

Table 1 Unique participant demographics

Participants with at least one

All participants recruited (n = 24) completed paracentesis (n = 18)

Frequency (n) Percentage (%) Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

Male 17 70.8 14 77.8
Female 7 29.2 4 22.2
White British 24 100 18 100
Other 0 0 0 0
Aetiology of liver disease
Alcoholic liver disease 16 66.7 11 61.1
NAFL 2 8.3 2 11.1
Hepatitis C 2 8.3 2 11.1
Cryptogenic 4 16.7 3 16.7
Previous number of paracentesis
None 3 12.5 0 0
One 6 25.0 5 27.8
Two or more 15 62.5 13 72.2
Diuretic use
No 5 20.8 4 22.2
Yes 19 79.2 14 77.8
Estimated amount of peripheral oedema* (kg)
None (0) 14 58.3 8 44.4
Minimal to moderate (0.5–<5) 8 33.4 8 44.4
Moderate to severe (5–10) 2 8.4 2 11.1
Duration since liver disease diagnosis
Less than 6 months 7 29.2 3 16.7
6 months to 1 year 2 8.3 1 5.6
1–2 years 4 16.7 4 22.2
Over 2 years 11 45.8 10 55.6
Participant age (years) Range = 45–83 Range = 45–83
Mean (SD) = 65 (10.5) Mean (SD) = 65 (10.6)

NAFL, non-alcoholic fatty liver.

*Oedema estimated based on a combination of clinical judgement, participant reported volume and guidance according to Todorovic and Mick-
lewright (2011) (14).

difference and fluid volume drained for each of the indi- these analyses, we used data from the 38 paracentesis
vidual participants, indicating that two (11%) patients drains for which we had complete data.
had ascites greater than 14 kg. One participant’s weight Testing showed that the difference in girth pre- and
difference was 6 kg over the maximum in the guidelines. post-paracentesis was positively skewed with a non-nor-
The changes in BMI pre- and post-paracentesis are mal distribution; consequently, nonparametric tests were
shown in Figure 3, which also depicts where there was a employed. Median (9.6 cm) and inter-quartile range
change in the classification category of BMI. Table 3 (8.0–12.0 cm) were calculated along with the minimum
shows BMI split into its quartile categories, with the (2.5 cm) and maximum (18.7 cm). Strong and statisti-
number and percentages of participants falling within cally significant correlations were found between fluid
each category both before and after paracentesis. It can be drained and weight difference (rho = 0.88, P < 0.01),
seen that all participants’ BMI reduced post-paracentesis, fluid drained and girth difference (rho = 0.67, P < 0.01),
with 56% (n = 10) of participants’ BMI values falling into and weight difference and girth difference (rho = 0.60,
a lower category post-paracentesis and 61% (n = 11) fall- P < 0.01). Unless dry girth (i.e. post paracentesis) is
ing into a lower category when weight was additionally known, these relationships are not clinically useful; never-
adjusted for oedema. theless, it suggests that a relationship exists. In our sam-
Our second hypothesis was that abdominal girth cir- ple, we asked participants to estimate their dry girth,
cumference can be used to estimate ascitic weight. For although only 38% attempted to do so (18 out of 47)

ª 2019 The British Dietetic Association Ltd. 5

The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight E. Lamarti and M. Hickson

Table 2 The range of pre- and post-paracentesis weight difference and volume of fluid drained in the study sample compared to current dietetic

Current dietetic Findings from the present study

Ascitic weight Ascitic volume
Guide for assessing difference (kg), drained (L), n = 18 Ascitic weight difference (kg): Ascitic fluid drained (L): Range
weight of ascites (kg) n = 18 (SD) Range in tertiles (mean of tertile) in tertiles (mean of tertile)

Minimal 2.2 Minimum 4.5 Minimum 3.75 4.5–6.5 (5.6) 3.75–7.3 (5.6)
Moderate 6 Mean 9.2 (SD 3.5) Mean 9.1 (SD 3.5) 6.5–8 (7.3) 7.4–8.35 (7.7)
Severe 14 Maximum 20 Maximum 19 20 (13.1) 9.8–19 (12.8)

*Wicks and Madden (1994) (24)


Weight difference (kg)
paracentesis and fluid volume drained
Weight difference pre-and post

Volume of fluid drained (L)












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Figure 2 Weight difference pre- and post-paracentesis and the volume drained for each of the 18 unique participants.

and of these none were within 10% of their measured in means of 3.16 kg and 3.16 L in pre- and post-paracente-
post-paracentesis girth. Because pre-paracentesis girth can sis weight and fluid volume, SD = 3.9, alpha = 0.05 and
be measured, its relationship with pre- and post-paracen- sample size of 18 unique participants, the power was 0.9%
tesis weight difference would be clinically useful because, or 90%, suggesting a low probability of a type 2 error (ac-
potentially, it could be used to predict weight difference. cepting the null hypothesis when it is actually false).
The Spearman’s correlation coefficient demonstrated a
strong and significant relationship (rho = 0.68, P < 0.01)
with a regression equation: Discussion
To correctly identify people at risk of undernutrition and
Weight differenceðkgÞ ¼ 20:05 þ 0:25  x
thus initiate treatment plans, it is crucial to measure dry
where x is the pre-paracentesis girth in cm. weight in patients retaining fluid. However, this is often
A Bland–Altman plot is presented in Figure 4. This not practicable and so the accurate estimation of the con-
illustrates the level of agreement between predicted and tribution ascitic weight makes to total body weight is
measured ascitic fluid weights, with 92% (n = 35/38) of important. The present study shows that ascitic fluid vol-
the results lying within the 95% limits of agreement. The umes can contribute greater weight gains than current
line of best-fit slopes upward (r2 = 0.277) indicating that guidance suggests, supporting the first hypothesis. Ascitic
the equation tends to overestimate at small weight differ- fluid weight is shown to be higher in each category (min-
ences and underestimate at larger weight differences. An imal, moderate, severe ascites) than the values in current
ideal line of best fit would be horizontal. guidance (24), with 11% of participants being over the
A post-hoc estimation of statistical power was carried maximum value of 14 kg. However, it is important to
out using the statistical package MINITAB (Minitab, Inc.) to note that the present study provides results generalisable
check the probability of a type 2 error. Using the difference only to those with tense ascites of sufficient extent to

6 ª 2019 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.

E. Lamarti and M. Hickson The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight


Figure 3 Body mass index (BMI) pre- and post-paracentesis and additionally adjusted for peripheral oedema for each of the 18 unique
participants, and comparison with BMI categories. *Participant 1, post-paracentesis BMI = 18.5 kg m–2, **Participant 10, post-paracentesis
BMI = 25.2 kg m–2. Note that oedema is estimated based on a combination of clinical judgement, participant reported volume and guidance
according to Todorovic and Micklewright (14).

Table 3 Body mass index (BMI) pre- and post-paracentesis, adjusted for peripheral oedema for the study sample, and comparison with BMI

Percentage in category
Classification Percentage in category Percentage in category adjusted for peripheral
Category BMI (kg m–2) pre-paracentesis (n) post-paracentesis (n) oedema (dry BMI) (n)

Underweight <18.5 0% (n = 0) 6% (n = 1) 11% (n = 2)

Normal weight ≥18.5–24.9 28% (n = 5) 55% (n = 9) 44% (n = 8)
Overweight ≥25.0–29.9 39% (n = 7) 33% (n = 6) 33% (n = 6)
Obese ≥30.0 33% (n = 6) 11% (n = 2) 6% (n = 2)

Oedema estimated based on a combination of clinical judgement, participant reported volume and guidance according to Todorovic and Mick-
lewright (14).

warrant paracentesis. The data supporting the current The importance of dry weight estimation is demon-
guidelines originate from studies carried out by Menden- strated by the change in BMI pre- and post-paracentesis.
hall in the 1980s, for the Veterans Health Administration BMI calculated using pre-paracentesis weight over-esti-
Cooperative Studies Program (16). The study sample used mated BMI, resulting in patients being classed into higher
by Mendenhall were military and based ascitic fluid BMI categories. When post-paracentesis weight was used,
weight on approximations developed from calculations 56% of participants dropped into a lower BMI category,
using dry body weight and weight gain among American moving two people from normal weight to underweight.
military veterans with alcoholic liver disease who were Nevertheless, despite patients with liver disease being at
receiving nutritional therapy. This study sample is not risk of undernutrition, the majority of participants did
representative of a British civilian population and thus not have a dry BMI that fell into the underweight cate-
has considerable limitations. gory. This not only could be partly explained by fluid

ª 2019 The British Dietetic Association Ltd. 7

The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight E. Lamarti and M. Hickson

R 2 Linear = 0.277

Difference between measured and predicted weight (kg)







5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50

Mean of measured and predicted weight difference (kg)

Figure 4 Bland–Altman plot of difference between measured ascitic weight and predicted weight from pre-paracentesis girth, using the above

retention despite paracentesis but also could suggest that tools do not require it at all (27). Many screening tools
our study sample had a lower proportion of underweight include an assessment of unintentional weight loss,
individuals than expected. Ten of the 18 participants had although estimating unintentional weight loss in patients
additional fluid retention in the form of peripheral with ascites requires a succession of dry weight measure-
oedema, which is not affected by paracentesis. Although ments. This would be easier in routine practice if more
we accounted for this oedema using practice guidelines accurate estimations of ascitic weight were available, as
, clinical judgement and patient reporting, it was not we report in the present study. Clearly, the most accurate
an objective measurement; therefore, the accuracy of dry method would be to weigh patients’ post-paracentesis,
weight estimation is still uncertain. The evidence for the adjusting for any other oedema, although this is not
oedema data in the current practice guidelines is always possible.
unknown (20). In addition, despite therapeutic paracente- A relationship between pre-paracentesis girth and asci-
sis draining off as much ascitic fluid as possible, there tic weight was found and this has the potential to aid
may still have been some remaining thereby confounding ascitic weight estimation and, consequently, dry weight
the final dry weight. There was no way of alleviating this calculation, particularly for those unable to undergo para-
risk; however, given the duration of paracentesis and the centesis or when nutritional assessment is required when
fact that the drains had slowed to dry prior to removal, a dry weight is not available. However, the equation that
the volumes of fluid remaining post-paracentesis were we developed did not provide a sufficiently precise esti-
likely to have been minimal. mate; only 34% of participants’ weight difference could
Paradoxically, the evidence suggests that being over- be predicted to within 1 kg. Some 84% of participants’
weight or obese may have a protective effect for those weight could be predicted to within 3 kg, although this is
with cirrhosis, with lower mortality rates in hospitalised not accurate enough for reliable nutritional screening.
cirrhotic patients with obesity (25). This is considered to Further research is recommended to confirm the accuracy
be as a result of the greater nutritional reserves associated of variance and clinical sensitivity of these important and
with obesity, which play a part in increasing survival rates novel findings.
during acute illness (25). Thus, it may be that BMI cate- One weakness of the present study is the lack of ethnic
gories for the general population are not appropriate for diversity in the study population; the sample was only of
those with cirrhosis and adjusted categories should be White British origin. This is reflective of the local popula-
developed. tion (28) but limits the applicability of the data to patients
It is well accepted that BMI alone is not suitable for from other ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, the data
assessing malnutrition risk (9,10,26), and some screening were not analysed according to gender (as a result of the

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E. Lamarti and M. Hickson The contribution of ascitic fluid to body weight

small sample size); therefore, it was not possible to iden- important aspects of the study have been omitted and
tify any specific gender differences. Another limitation is that any discrepancies from the study as planned (IRAS
that the influence of food and fluid intake, intravenous Project ID: 218747) have been explained.
albumin solution or bowel movements on weight were
not accounted for; diurnal variation in weight may be as
much as 2 kg (20). These factors may account for the dif-
ferences found between weight and fluid volume drained. 1. Chao A, Waitzberg D, de Jesus RP et al. (2016)
Finally, the present study is small with only 18 unique Malnutrition and nutritional support in alcoholic liver
participants; a larger sample to confirm our formula disease: a review. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 18, 65.
would be beneficial. 2. Henkel AS & Buchman AL (2006) Nutritional support in
In summary, the present study shows that the current patients with chronic liver disease. Nat Clin Pract
guidelines for the weight of ascitic fluid may underesti- Gastroenterol Hepatol 3, 202–209.
mate the true value in this sample of patients with cirrho- 3. Purnak T & Yilmaz Y (2013) Liver disease and malnutrition.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 27, 619–629.
sis of the liver. However, because patients with minimal
4. Cheung K, Lee SS & Raman M (2012) Prevalence and
ascites may not have adequate ascitic volume to drain,
mechanisms of malnutrition in patients with advanced
ascitic weight may be overestimated in this group. We
liver disease, and nutrition management strategies. Clin
recommend that the guidelines are updated using these
Gastroenterol Hepatol 10, 117–125.
contemporary and robustly derived values. However, they
5. Saunders J, Brian A, Wright M et al. (2010) Malnutrition
should be used with caution in ethnic groups other than and nutrition support in patients with liver disease.
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7. Rojas-Loureiro G, Servin-Caamano A, Perez-Reyes E et al.
Acknowledgments (2017) Malnutrition negatively impacts the quality of life
of patients with cirrhosis: An observational study. World J
We thank the staff on the Medical Day Unit, the Consul- Hepatol 9, 263–269.
tant Hepatologists, the Dietetic and the Research, Devel- 8. Maharshi S, Sharma BC & Srivastava S (2015)
opment and Innovation Departments at the Royal Malnutrition in cirrhosis increases morbidity and
Cornwall Hospital for supporting this research study. mortality. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 30, 1507–1513.
9. Stratton RJ, Hackston A, Longmore D et al. (2004)
Malnutrition in hospital outpatients and inpatients:
Conflict of interests, source of funding and prevalence, concurrent validity and ease of use of the
authorship ’malnutrition universal screening tool’ (’MUST’) for
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
adults. Br J Nutr 92, 799–808.
This is a summary of independent research funded by the Health 10. Young AM, Kidston S, Banks MD et al. (2013)
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(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Depart- 11. Johnson TM, Overgard EB, Cohen AE et al. (2013)
ment of Health and Social Care. Nutrition assessment and management in advanced liver
EL conceived and designed the study, collected the data, carried disease. Nutr Clin Pract 28, 15–29.
out the analysis and wrote the manuscript. MH co-designed and 12. Tandon P & Gramlich L (2018) Nutritional assessment in
acted as Chief Investigator for the study. Both authors interpreted
chronic liver disease. UpToDate. Available at: https://www.
the findings, commented critically on draft versions and approved
the final version of the paper submitted for publication.
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