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CFC Kids for Christ

Junior Kids Day Manual


First Release: March 1996

Updated: March 1997
CFC Kids for Christ
Junior Kids Day Manual

Table of Contents

I. Overview of the Junior Kids Day........................................3

A. What is Junior Kids Day? .............................................3
B. What are the objectives of the Junior Kids Day?...........3
II. Planning for the Junior Kids Day .......................................3
A. Who are involved in the Junior Kids Day?....................3
B. What other matters should be considered
for the Junior Kids Day?................................................4
III. The Junior Kids Day Schedule ...........................................4
IV. Expanded Outlines .............................................................5
A. Topic 1: I Will Love God..............................................5
B. Topic 2: Loving Others ................................................6
C. Topic 3: Jesus is My Friend .........................................7


I. Overview of the Junior Kids Day

A. What is Junior Kids Day?

Junior Kids Day is a 4 hour activity day for junior Kids for Christ
(KFC) members ages 4 to 8 years old. It is during this activity that the children
of this age group are formally accepted and committed to the Kids for Christ
program of Couples for Christ (CFC).

B. What are the objectives of the Junior Kids Day?

1. To provide KFC members a faith experience through fun-filled

activities in the company of their friends.
2. To provide a one-on-one activity between parent and child.
3. To give the children a clear identity as Kids for Christ and a genuine
sense that they belong to a good program.

II. Planning for the Junior Kids Day

A. Who are involved in the Junior Kids Day?

1. KFC members, ages 4 to 8. Age grouping for the activities are: 4 to

6 years old, and 7 to 8 years old.
2. Facilitators for the activities are KFC age group cooordinators, or
CFC volunteers, or older KFC members (aged 11 to 12 years old). The ideal
ratio of number of children per facilitator is 5:1.
3. The service team may consist of CFC members and older KFC
members (aged 10 to 12 years old). They are in charge of registration, serving
snacks, and physical arrangements.
4. The parents of the children participating in the Junior Kids Day are
also required to be present for the one-on-one and pray-over session. They
are also requested to write a letter to their child, which they will give and read
together during the session.

B. What other matters should be considered for the Junior Kids

1. Venue: The place should be large enough to be able to comfortably
accomodate the children. A blackboard or whiteboard will be helpful for the
2. Number of Children: Maximum number of participants is 35.
3. Time: It is suggested that the Junior Kids Day is held in the morning
so that the children are more alert and active. 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon is
normally a good time for the activities.
4. Fee: Fees may be collected for venue, snacks and materials.

III. The Junior Kids Day Schedule

7:30 a.m. Arrival and Registration; Gathering Songs

8:00 Teaching of Song
8:10 Welcome; Opening Prayers
8:15 Game
8:30 Topic 1: I Will Love God
8:45 Activity 1
9:30 Snack Break
9:50 Topic 2: Loving Others
10:05 Activity 2
10:40 Teaching of Song
10:50 Topic 3: Jesus is My Friend
11:15 One-on-one with Parents, Pray-over
11:45 Distribution of Kids Day Certificates
11:55 Closing Prayers and Closing Song: KFC Theme Song
12:00 Departure

Important Notes:
The schedules written in this manual are guides for the Junior Kids Day Service
Team. If circumstances call for a different schedule, follow where the Holy Spirit leads.
The culminating activity will be the distribution of the Kids Day Certificates
(available at the CFC Center). Note that the KFC ID/Commitment Card which is
available for participants of the Senior Kids Camp (ages 9 to 12 years old) will not be
given out to participants of the Junior Kids Day. (Separate manual is available for Senior
Kids Camp.)


IV. Expanded Outlines

A. Topic 1: I Will Love God
B. Topic 2: Loving Others
C. Topic 3: Jesus is My Friend

A. Topic 1: I Will Love God

Concepts: I will pray to God everyday.

I will tell my friends about Jesus

Presentation: Story-telling type with Picture Cards

The picture cards are presented to the kids by the speaker in a
story-telling like manner. He makes it entertaining and
interesting for the kids to see.

Picture Card 1: God made the world for us.

Picture Card 2: He gave us everything we need.
Picture Card 3: He loves us and cares for us.
Picture Card 4. To show our love for Him, we must pray everyday.
Picture Card 5: We will tell everyone about Jesus.

Activity: Draw and color the gifts that God has given you.

Materials: paper, pencil, crayons

Dynamics: Ask the children to draw the things God gave them after which
they will color the drawings.

B. Topic 2: Loving Others

Concept: Because God loves me, I should also love others.

Presentation: Pep-talk (you may enhance this with any props)

Who are the people you love most?

How do we show our love for Daddy and Mommy?

By obeying them
By not making them angry

How do we show our love for our bro./sis., friends, playmates, classmates?
By sharing our toys with them
By not being selfish
By not calling them names
By not quarelling with them

Activity: Paint me a portrait

Dynamics: Divide them into groups of 5 or more. They will arrange

themselves according to the command you’ll give them. The “portrait” they
are going to arrange themselves into are:
a. A family that loves one another.
b. A family that does not love one another.
c. A classroom with kids not loving one another.
d. A classroom where kids love another.

C. Topic 3: Jesus is My Friend

Concept: Jesus is sent by God to be my friend.

Jesus will help me to be good.

Presentation: Interactive with pep-talk.(You can enhance this with any

We all have friends. Who are your friends? (Ask them to write down their
names on a piece of paper or even try to draw their friend’s faces)

Friends love and care for one another.

Jesus is sent by God to be our friend.
Jesus loves you and wants to be your friend. Do you want to be friends
with Jesus? (If you do, say “Yes!” three times.)

Jesus will help us love God. He wants us to pray everyday to God.

Jesus will help us love our neighbor.
He is obedient to His parents.
He loved others by being kind to them especially the poor.

Let us pray to Jesus:

Jesus, thank you for being my friend. I want to be like you. Help me to be
good always. Help me to obey my parents, love my brothers and sisters, and
love my friends. Help me to love God also. Be with me always when I pray. I
love you. Amen.

Activity: Try to draw you and Jesus as friends

Materials: pencil, paper, crayons

Dynamics: Now that they have asked Jesus to be their friend, try to draw a
picture of you and Jesus together and write a short prayer at the
back of the drawing, saying your love for Jesus.


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