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if (cch.

find("action|buy\nitem|bigitems") == 0) {
GamePacket p =
packetEnd(appendString(appendString(createPacket(), "OnStoreRequest"),
"set_description_text|`2Awesome Items!`` Select the item you'd like more info on,
or BACK to go back.|\nadd_button|magplant5000|`oMAGPLANT 5000``|
interface/large/store_buttons_iotm.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 MAGPLANT
5000.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` Tired of picking things up with your puny human hands
only to put them down later? With the awesome power of MAGNETS, these woes will be
a thing of the past! GrowTech inv. proudly presents the MagPlant 5000, an all-in-
one item-collecting and planting masterpiece. Simply target the machine to the seed
or block of your choosing, and it will collect and store any that drop in your
world! Only collects items from breaking blocks, harvesting and dropping! `5it's a
perma-item, is never lost when destroyed.|0|0|150000|0||\nadd_button|
unstabletesseract|`oUnstable Tesseract``|
interface/large/store_buttons_magplants.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Unstable
Tesseract.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` A spatial vortex is a dangerous thing, but this
one... can be controlled! Place this techno hazard to start summoning blocks!
Simply target this tear to the block of your choosing, and it will collect and
store any that drop in your world! Only collects blocks from breaking blocks and
harvesting! `5it's a perma-item, is never lost when destroyed.|0|1|50000|
0||\nadd_button|manipulator|`oTesseract Manipulator``|
interface/large/store_buttons_magplants.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Tesseract
Manipulator.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` Tired at smashing blocks on your own? Perhaps
it's time we meddled in the darker side of science and made our lives easier! Fuel
this advanced machinery with enough Gems, tell it to target any block of your
choosing, and it will break them AUTOMATICALLY! `5it's a perma-item, is never lost
when destroyed.|0|0|60000|0||\nadd_button|gaiabeacon|`oGaia's Beacon``|
interface/large/store_buttons_magplants.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Gaia's
Beacon.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` The pulse of nature calls to its own! Place this
beacon to start summoning seeds! Simply tune this bioform to the seed of your
choosing, and it will collect and store any that drop in your world! Only collects
seeds from breaking blocks and harvesting! `5it's a perma-item, is never lost when
destroyed.|0|2|100000|0||\nadd_button|organic|`oTechno-Organic Engine``|
interface/large/store_buttons_magplants.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Techno-Organic
Engine.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` What has science DONE?! By fusing the verdant
powers of nature and the chaotic energies of the void, you've managed to create a
device capable of placing blocks and using your other Magplants storages for
placing blocks, also has itself 5000 capacity!|0|4|90000|0||\nadd_button|grow_scan|
`oGrowScan 9000``|interface/large/store_buttons_magplants.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1
GrowScan 9000.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` Bewildered by blocks? Mystified by machines?
Well, struggle no more! The GrowScan 9000 is here to help! Wrench this incredible
invention and you'll instantly learn about every last block in your world - Check
stats, find items and more with a flip of the wrench! Wow!`5It's a perma-item, is
never lost when destroyed.``|0|6|3500|0||\nadd_button|raymanfist|`oRayman's Fist``|
interface/large/store_buttons_iotm.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Rayman's
Fist.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` The perfect punch! Ever wanted to send a disembodie
fist flying across the land like Rayman? Well, now you can! Land a blow like none
other with this furious fist. It even comes with a friend: Globox!|0|1|200000|
0||\nadd_button|razorwings|`oRazor Wings``|
interface/large/store_buttons_iotm.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Razor
Wings.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` Slice through the air with the greatest of ease! And
double jump.|0|4|15000|0||\nadd_button|largeblast|`oLarge Blast``|
interface/large/store_buttons_iotm.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Large
Blast.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` This supervillainous device will blast you to a new
world that is almost twice larger than regular one! Remember: When using this, you
are creating a NEW world by typing in a new name. It would be irresponsible to let
you blow up an entire existing world.|0|5|1000|0||\nadd_button|tinyblast|`oTiny
Blast``|interface/large/store_buttons_iotm.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Tiny
Blast.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` This supervillainous device will blast you to a new
world that is almost twice tinier than regular one! Remember: When using this, you
are creating a NEW world by typing in a new name. It would be irresponsible to let
you blow up an entire existing world.|0|6|1000|0||\nadd_button|thermo_blast|
`oThermonuclear Blast``|interface/large/store_buttons8.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1
Thermonuclear Blast.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` This supervillainous device will blast
you to a new world that has been scoured completely empty - it contains nothing but
Bedrock and a White Door. Remember: When using this, you are creating a NEW world
by typing in a new name. It would be irresponsible to let you blow up an entire
existing world.|0|5|3000|0||\nadd_button|geiger|`oGeiger Counter``|
interface/large/store_buttons12.rttex|`2You Get:`` 1 Geiger
Counter.<CR><CR>`5Description:`` With this fantabulous device, you can detect
radiation around you. It bleeps red, then yellow, then green as you get closer to
the source. Who knows what you might find? `4Not available any other way!``|0|1|
ENetPacket* packet = enet_packet_create(,
enet_peer_send(peer, 0, packet);

if (getItemDef(atoi(infoDat[1].c_str())).blockType ==
BlockTypes::FOREGROUND || isSeed(atoi(infoDat[1].c_str())) ||
getItemDef(atoi(infoDat[1].c_str())).blockType == BlockTypes::PLATFORM ||
getItemDef(atoi(infoDat[1].c_str())).blockType == BlockTypes::BACKGROUND ||
getItemDef(atoi(infoDat[1].c_str())).blockType == BlockTypes::SFX_FOREGROUND) {
world->items[x +
(y * world->width)].mid = atoi(infoDat[1].c_str());
for (ENetPeer*
currentPeer = server->peers; currentPeer < &server->peers[server->peerCount]; +
+currentPeer) {
(currentPeer->state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) continue;
(isHere(peer, currentPeer)) {

SendItemSucker(currentPeer, 6952, x, y, world->items[x + (y * world-

>width)].mid, 0, false, false, world->items[x + (y * world->width)].background);
} else {

Player::OnTalkBubble(peer, static_cast<PlayerInfo*>(peer->data)->netID, "You

cannot use this item in Tesseract Manipulator!", 0, true);

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