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assalamu'alaikum, hello my name is Miftahur Ro'ifah, my home address is Tiudan

village, Gondang sub-district, Tulungagung district, I studied at STIT Sunan Giri
Trenggalek, I am a mother of 2 daughters, I am 33 years old, I have a hobby of traveling,
singing to get rid of boredom, and cooking. I like spicy food, because spicy food makes
me excited. My dream was to become a midwife, because I took a midwifery course in
Klaten, namely STIKES Muhammadiyah Klaten, but apparently my destiny has
changed,In my husband's place, I have to manage a boarding school and its foundation
because of limited human resources. And finally I decided to take back college at STIT
Sunan Giri Trenggalek majored in Islamic religious education
2. The best colleague that I currently have is my husband, he is very patient with me, who
cannot hold back emotions, I am very compassionate and never angry at all during our 8
years of marriage. he doesn't smoke, he doesn't pick on food, he is a man who is
humorous and always smiles at whomever he meets. to me, he was perfect. a priest
who can guide us family members towards that happy family. And I hope it will continue
like this sakinah mawadah warohmah until death does, amiiin
3. There are so many ugly characters that I have, I am a mother who is quite fierce in
educating my children, fierce in the sense that I cannot be compromised by the problem
of character education. But actually we have agreed (my husband and I) that from an
early age children must understand the meaning of independence, the meaning of
patience, the meaning of honesty, and especially a promise. An example is When I
asked them to shop, before leaving, I promised to buy only one kind of snack, and when
the children in the shop asked for more, I would definitely decline, even though they
going to tantrums. Because this is a promise between us. Another drawback is I am a
vengeful person.

1. assalamu'alaikum, hello my name is Miftahur Ro'ifah, my home address is Tiudan

village, Gondang sub-district, Tulungagung district, I studied at STIT Sunan Giri
Trenggalek, I am a mother of 2 daughters, I am 33 years old, my hobby is traveling,
singing to get rid of bored, and cooking. I like spicy food, because spicy food makes me
excited. My dream was become a midwife, because I take a midwifery course in Klaten,
namely STIKES Muhammadiyah Klaten, but apparently my destiny has changed, In my
husband place, I have to manage a boarding school and its foundation because of
limited human resources. And finally I decided to take back college at STIT Sunan Giri
Trenggalek majored in Islamic religious education.
2. The best pathner that I currently have is my husband, he is very patient with me, who
cannot hold back emotion, I am very compassionate and never angry all during our 8
years of marriage. he doesn't smoke, he doesn't pick on food, he is a man is humorous
and always smile at whomever he meet. For me, he was perfect. a priest who can guide
us family members towards that happy family. And I hope it will continue like this sakinah
mawadah warohmah until death does, amiiin
3. There are so many ugly characters that I have, I am a mother who is quite fierce in
educating my children, fierce in the sense that I cannot compromised the problem of
character education. But actually we have agree (my husband and I) that from an early
age children must understand the meaning of independence, the meaning of patience,
the meaning of honesty, and especially a promise. For example is When I asked them to
shop, before leaving, I promised to buy only one kind of snack, and when the children in
the shop asked for more, I would definitely decline, even though they going tantrums.
Because this is a promise between us. Another drawback is I am vengeful person.
4. Someone I want to tell you is the story of a friend named Aris Helmi Mubarok, he is my
best friend from high school, when he first entered the pesantren he was a ndalem abdi
in my kyai's house, he was a very patient person, and he would always be there when I
need. Many friends thought that we were in a relationship, but we agreed that we would
not contaminate our friendship and brotherhood with love, so until now we have been
married and have our respective families we continue to maintain good relationships as
friends and brothers. And when I think about it I miss him. My best friend, And I hope
that someday we can meet again, because the distance that separates us is quite far, he
is in Central Java and I in East Java, but we still often contact each other and send
news. And I'm really very lucky to have a friend like him
5. He is Roy Kiyoshi, I am a person who does not really believe in prophecies, let alone
zodiac predictions, because for me it is what leads to shirking, why? Because we will be
imprinted on that prophecy and not change our destiny, only Allah knows about the
future, it is a secret, and a mistake when we are presumptuous to know the secret

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