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What is the synopsis of your book? That Ellen G. White, the prophet/founder of
Seventh-day Adventism (a 20 million member world-wide church), and one of the most
influential religious icons of all time, was not only the most successful plagiarist in
history, but was an amazing fraud who achieved greater accomplishments than any
other con artist, without being effectively exposed. This book is by far the most
comprehensive and highly source documented work to expose this fraud and to analyze
psychologically, the reasons behind it.

What inspired your book? I have been a student of Ellen White and Seventh-day
Adventism all my life and had written a master’s thesis in history, and two doctoral
dissertations on Ellen White and Adventism as well as 3 other books on this subject
before I decided to write this book. It was the secret release of documents from the
White Estate, that had been hidden from historians before, in 2014, that inspired me to
write a final book on the subject.

Why was it important for you to create your book? Because thousands of people
have been hurt and deceived by Ellen White’s tragic fraud and gross distortion of who
God is, and I want to help those people, past, present and future.

What do you hope readers will gain? A much greater understanding of who Ellen
G. White was, where Seventh-day Adventism came from and why it is what it is today.

Who is your intended audience? Adventists, former and disillusioned Adventists,

and non-Adventists who have an interest in religion, history, religious abuse and
particularly in Ellen White and Seventh-day Adventism.

What is your favorite part of your book? The story about the most extravagant
con Ellen White ever accomplished, when she faked a vision at the age of 19 to gain
the support of Joseph Bates who then became a co-founder of Adventism with Ellen
and her husband James, after falling for the faked vision, hook, line and sinker.

Where is your book sold? Amazon, Barnes and Noble, other selected book stores,
and on the website

What is the price of your book? Paperback $19.95 (website) -$21.95; hardcover

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