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SESSION: 2020-2021
Lesson Plan for Sunday to Thursday (28.02.2021 to 04.03.2021)
Sunday English: C.W: Freehand writing the Letter ‘S’ in copy (page#
28.02.2021 66,67).
Conversation and G.K : Learn some transport’s name
(Bus, car, bicycle, airplane, train) from book (page# 09) oral.
Monday Bangla: C.W: বিন্দু য োজন করে ‘এ’ খোতোয় বিখরি ; (পৃষ্ঠো #৩২) ।
01.03.2021 English: C.W: Draw over the dots letter ‘T’ in the copy
(page# 69-73).

Tuesday Maths: C.W: Write the numbers in freehand (21-24) in the copy;
02.03.2021 (page# 106,108).
Rhymes: Rhyming with action ‘Two little Dickey Birds’ from
book (page#18) oral.
Wednesday English: C.W: Freehand writing the letter ‘T’ in copy (page#
03.03.2021 74,75).
H.W: Write the letters in freehand ‘S,T’ in H.W. copy
(pg# 66,67,74,75).
Art & Craft: Freehand drawing the shape ‘Oval’ in copy and
color it.
Thursday Maths: C.W: Write the numbers in freehand (25-28) in the copy
04.03.2021 (page# 110,112).
H.W: Write the numbers in freehand (21-28) in H.W. copy
;(page# 106,108, 110, 112).
Bangla: C.W: বিন্দু য োজন করে ‘এ’ খোতোয় বিখরি (পৃষ্ঠো #৩৩) ।
H.W: বিন্দু য োজন ছোড়ো ‘উ’ খোতোয় বিখরি (পৃষ্ঠো #২৩)।

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