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Is too much money a bad thing?

"There are people who have money and people who are rich " - Gabrielle‘ Coco

Money is an indispensable part of a decent life, it ensures our stability and

security in life.Money takes you on a path full of obstacles, difficult, which shapes
your personality and helps your formation as an individual, but can also turn you
into a selfish person, interested only in achieving their own goal, being
uninterested in the feelings of others.

First of all, going through different stages of life can help us to evolve, to work,
to have a successful posterity and not to give up the aspirations acquired during our
existence. During the journey to a rich road, we must not get lost and trust that
reality is shaped by the pattern of our dreams.

A convincing example is the well-known and innovative Steve Jobs who formed
his dream in his parents' garage. His business career has helped shape the myth of
the intelligent and individualistic entrepreneur in Silicon Valley who refers to the
crucial importance of the finite appearance of the finished material. The man of
probative value I mentioned earlier, Steve Jobs, mentioned in a press release that
"80% of billionaires do not have a college degree" which awakens in the soul of
every person who hears the feeling of interdependence and motivation, inducing
the idea that anything is possible as long as you rely on personal qualities and the
belief that everything is earned through the right work.

Secondly, there are also disadvantages regarding money. Succeeding in

overcoming challenges and having the desired success, we must be careful that
money does not turn us into what we are not, let ourselves be bought, and live with
the impression that they are the ones who bring us happiness, forgetting about the
things that are really important: love, understanding and the people around us. It is
said that having everything we want we forget where we came from and the true
values that life offers us.
In conclusion, at the end of each day, we are only ourselves, either rich or poor. If
we are not happy with ourselves, money will not help us either, even if without
them we cannot survive.

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