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Maclane Zener Chua November 4, 2020


Read the following newspaper article. Try to imagine yourself as the head of MARINA, the
government agency in charge of all maritime affairs which include the Filipino Seafarers.
Please answer the following questions:

1. If the Filipino Seafarer is considered as a product, how will you promote him / her in
the International Markets?

I would point out that Filipino seafarers are among the best in the world especially due to their
passion and love for what they are doing, their resiliency against the depression brought by sea
life, and their ability to follow orders to the letter. I would point out that they differ from other
seafarers because they have the built in resiliency and never give up attitude that comes with
being a Filipino.

2. How important are the Filipino seafarers as a product of our country to the world?

The Filipino seafarers aside from being a source of income for the Philippine government, also
serve as human advertisements. Not only are they advertisements of their abilities but also
advertisements for the abilities of other Filipino seafarers. Furthermore, when ships dock and
they have the chance to walk on land, they can advertise for the Philippines when they share
stories about how wonderful and beautiful the Philippines is as a tourist spot.

3. How would you classify Filipino seafarers as a product?

I would classify them as products that could provide hard workers, flexible, and also proficient in
English. This would allow them to think that Filipino seafarers are people who are capable of the
tasks the customers need. Being able to show the customers that these seafarers are top of the
line, we must be able to provide data that shows that they have what it takes to be the best
seafarers to the customers.

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