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Nowadays, Corona 19 virus is our the worst enemy.

It has been quite

long time since it first occurred in China.And finally,vaccine has
made.However, there are debation about should all the citizens take vaccine
or citizens who want the vaccine can take vaccine.To me,I think we shouldn’t
say everyone must have vaccine.Instead, we would better say someone who
want can take the vaccine.
I think its because the vaccine can make disease worse. Also, a person
who are not infected can be infected when he or she take the vaccine .Of
course,everyone should go to the hospital and get vaccine.However,if it get
worse we should think differently.Moreover,if young children and old people
get this vaccine.They can even die if there is something wrong with vaccine.
According to some research,some people died because of vaccine’s side
Everyone doesn’t have to take the vaccine because it can be harmful

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