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1. What do you do, in order to know your audience?

2. What is “structure” in the second point on Youtube video?
3. Do you agree to do repetition on the presentation (point number 4)
4. What does it mean to be authentic, whilst doing presentation?
5. When will you start practicing presentation?


1. I should to know who I’m talking to and then I have to adapt the model to presentation
(use formal or informal). For example, when I present to young people, I should be
informal presentations and if I present to lectures or someone is superior then me, I have
to be serious.
2. Structure is like a summary of the ideas from the presentation and allows the audience to
clearly understand what the presentation idea means
3. I agree to do repetition because it makes the presentation can run systematically and the
audience can catch what the point from the presentation
4. Being authentic is that we have to be ourselves and when we convey the ideas from
presentation, we will feel comfortable with the delivery style
5. I will start practicing the day before the presentation and repeat the exercises before
starting the presentation so that I will be more confident

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