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My Journal Entry

September 19, 2019

Today was the first day of class; it was great not what I thought it would be
but still very great. I was kind of sad that there was a little bit of acting today
but I learned a lot of things I didn't know like there were so many career
choices you could get by learning Theater Arts and how Theater Arts
provide an important means of communicating social values.

September 27, 2019

Today we learned about the elements of drama and how drama is created
and shaped by them. I learned a lot of thing but still there was a little bit of
acting today. Miss started talking about the critique part of the SBA that
means maybe we're going to watch a play soon; I am really looking forward
to it.

October 4, 2019
On October 4th, 2019 my classmates and I went to a play that was kept at
the St.Hildas high school called the Ananda alert that was written and
directed by Fabian Barracks. A play that sought to embody the
amalgamation of neglect, trauma, ignorance, and tragedy that largely
characterizes the epidemic of child abductions in Jamaica. The play had a
lot of laughter, excitement and emotional scenes.
October 29, 2019
Today we got to learn about the cultural form Land ship, it was a really
interesting story to listen to and I look forward to maybe act it one day.

November 14, 2019

Today we learned about improvisation and how it is very important for your
acting skills. Improvisation is good because through improv you can get to
act out something you wish to say or an issue you urgently want to

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